Comforting Reader (Fukurodani)

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Izumi: recently i cried at work and ranted to my friend through text but they only properly responded to the last part which wasnt even part of my frustration. So thats my motivation for this chapter

Selective listening ear is what i call it.

Thanks for wasting my 10 minutes btw friend :*


SCENARIO: (Y/n) is upset at night, and [character] decides to comfort them

(Y/n) is gender-neutral (so inform me if i accidentally use a he/him or she/her pronoun ty)

in most scenarios you are living together. and not all relationships are romantic, it can be platonic too.


- he woke up to his phone vibrating and saw that it was from you. He accepted the call and you explained that you couldnt sleep due to the overwhelming thoughts in your head

- He'd place his phone on his pillow beside him with you on voice call

- it's like he's right beside you in bed and vice versa!

- He'd just listen to your rants and vents and hums occasionally to tell you that he's still there listening

- you would end up sleeping to his calming deep voice

Not like he minded actually, he was glad he was able to make you finally go to sleep


- we STILL dont know much about him

- he was still watching the TV late at night on the sofa when you suddenly emerged from your bedroom

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out of bed?"

- y/n didn't say anything as they crawled onto the sofa and cuddled up near him

- sarukui didn't say anything as he wrapped his arm around them and let them rest against his side without any questions asked


- he knows how it feels to be down, trust me. probably not to your extent but he can somewhat understand it

- your situation might be different, but he would still be there for you

- tell him anything, anything! He would lend that listening ear to you

- at one point he might have annoyed you for asking too many times but he'd catch on soon enough

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Tell- Oh, I'm sorry."

- so he'd just stay silent and scoot closer (in bed or on the couch or anywhere you guys are at)

- if he was scared of annoying you even more, he would extend his hand far enough to touch yours

even if it was just the fingertip


- he was woken up by you twisting and turning in bed and asked what was wrong

- holds you or your hand or some other part of your body lovingly while caressing it

- when you tell your story, he will stop the caressing and holds you close

- maybe some occasional kisses will happen in between


- Why does he give me perfect boyfriend vibes

- he would take you to the park

- the park in the middle of the night? Yep

- the streets would be empty except for the couple of drunkards and late night workers

- it was surprisingly calming despite it being silent except the sounds of bugs in the background and almost no one was in sight

- maybe get some drinks from the 24 hour convenience store nearby

- maybe play around at the swing too


- Komi

- Baby komi

- He would try to make you happy by telling you stories about his volleyball club or anything that had happened in his life

- he would try to make you comfortable enough to tell your own stories by telling his own too

- it might not be at the same level, but it's a fair trade i guess?


- "Hm? (Y/n)? What is it?" she woke up groggily from your shaking

- she sat up half asleep and listened to you talking and did her best to listen to you

- fortunately for her, she managed to stay awake the entire time until you struggled to talk about the next part of your story

"Hai, hai. Let's take a break now, shall we?"

- she then suggested taking a walk outside to clear the mind

- take a walk to where? Who knows


- The therapist friend

- immediately would be by your side (figuratively) when she received your message late at night

- she woke up confused and noticed it was because of her phone vibrating from the received messages

- when she saw the "don't mind me, just letting my feelings out somewhere.", she immediately sat up in bed and went online before messaging "im here what is it"

- will read every message you sent to her and will definitely not skip any of them

- will not go back to sleep until she knows you are feeling better


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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