Locked (Kenma x reader)

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Requested By: technically by cheesecakekun but months later because i couldnt think of a plot and i am sorry

Izumi: if you havent read it, this is kinda linked to my other oneshot "Date (Kenma x reader)". you can read it if you want to. if not, that's fine too.



"Hey look! It's (L/n)-chan!" Yamamoto exclaimed when he saw the (h/c)-ette enter the gym. "Hello to you too, Yamamoto-san." she greeted the ace.

Ever since her date from two weeks ago, she decided that it was time for her to visit Kenma during his volleyball practice. She managed to get to know the team better and even had a proper introduction.

Thankfully, the team was kind towards her and welcomes her as a part of the family. But that's not all. There were times where the members would tease the couple by pushing or nudging them towards each other. It became a normal occurrence and the two couldn't care less, until today that is.

"Kenma, put your devices away. It's time to practice." Kuroo said as he took the game console away from Kenma. "(L/n), can I borrow your phone for a second?" Yaku asked (L/n) out of nowhere, but she handed him her phone anyways.

Suddenly, the two were pushed into the storage room by Yamamoto and Fukunaga. "Wha-?!" "Hey!" The storage door suddenly slammed shut and locked from the outside. Thankfully, the team had already set up the nets and brought out the equipment needed. "7 minutes in heaven!" someone (Yaku) shouted from the other side of the door.



"Did they really just..."

"They did."

(Y/n) and Kenma just stared at the locked door. "Well, guess we'll just stay in here and do nothing." Kenma sounded slightly relieved that he didn't have to go through training. He went to sit on the floor and against a wall. He reached into his pocket to take out his devices, but he was met with an empty pocket. He had forgotten that Kuroo took his stuff away.

(Y/n) soon joined him on the floor and stared at nothing. Both of them didn't have their phones with them, but at least they only had each other, right?


"7 minutes already passed, right? Why haven't they opened the door yet?" (Y/n) asked as she looked at her wrist watch. {pretend you have one} "Did they forget about us?"

"They definitely did." Kenma said when he heard the team playing while shouting things like "Nice receive!" "Nice kill!"

"How can they forget about us when you're in here though. Aren't you crucial to the team?" (Y/n) asked as she leaned her head against his shoulder and hugged his. "Apparently not." Kenma said as he leaned his head against hers.

They then said nothing as they got comfortable in each other's arms and presence.

(Y/n) yawned. Kenma took off his jacket and wrapped his arm, that was hugged, around her shoulder and pulled her closer. He then covered the both of them with his jacket and got comfortable. Since there wasn't anything for (Y/n) to hug now, she wrapped her arms around the setter's torso instead before resting her eyes.


"Time to pack up!" Kuroo instructed the team when practice had finally ended a couple of hours later. 

The team then began to keep the volleyballs and took down the nets while some put the towels and bibs away. Yaku pushed the ball cart until the front of the storage room before unlocking and opening it. He was greeted with a cute sight.

(Y/n)'s head rested against Kenma's shoulder while his head rested against hers. The jacket was still covering them as they both were sleeping peacefully.

"Oh, right. We locked them here."





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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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