Protective (Ushijima x reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.




Lost, that's what you are. You've been walking around aimlessly for the past 10 minutes, trying to find your emotionless boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi, or his team.

Shiratorizawa had a match and being the manager of Shiratorizawa's boys' volleyball club, you had to come along to observe their match. You had came to the stadium along with the team, but had lost sight of them somehow...

You didn't recognize anyone's faces and was too shy to ask for directions since it was your first time being here. You then tried to use the signs that were provided.

Several minutes later, you finally found the specific gym. You were about to enter the gym, until a hand grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the door.

You pulled your arm away from the grasp and saw that you were being cornered by four male volleyball players from another school. "Hey there cutie, what are you doing here for?" One of them asked.


I kept quiet, looking around, trying to find a way to escape from the four larger guys. "Hey, answer us!" another one demanded as he grabbed my chin and made me face him.

My eyes were showing that I was feeling terrified, but I continued to stay silent. "Oi, do you not know how to talk or somethin'?!" One of them raged as he lifted his hand up to slap me.

I closed my eyes, prepared to get hit, but instead felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see Ushijima holding the said stranger's hand, preventing it from hitting me. "Wakatoshi-kun.." I whimpered as I looked at him with teary eyes.

Ushijima got angrier as he noticed I was getting bullied by four strangers. However, he held his anger in. He immediately pushed the four guys away, grabbed my hand and led me away.


When we were far from there, Ushijima stopped in his tracks, causing me to do the same. He turned to me with worry in his eyes and asked "Did they do anything bad to you?"

I looked up towards him with tears in my eyes. "N-No, but thank you for saving me. I was so af-fraid." I stuttered at the end as your tears started to fall.

Ushijima saw this and immediately brought me to his chest and hugged me tightly. I smelled his nice scent and I tried to wrap my arms around his large body.

My sobs were muffled into his shirt as he continued to try to comfort me by patting my head and rubbing my back.

A few minutes later, I started to calm down and my sobs and tears lessened. "Feeling better?" Ushijima asked with concern. I nodded and said "Yeah, thanks for lending me a shoulder to cry on."

Ushijima then became confused. "Shoulder? But you're too short to reach it..." He insulted me unintentionally as he was oblivious to what I meant.

"N-Nevermind.." I said as I walked towards the room for meant for Shiratorizawa.


We were eating at a nearby restaurant after the match and we were all enjoying the meal until a I heard a stranger from another table say out loud "Damn, that girl from Shiratorizawa is hot." "And sexy too!" "I wish she was my girlfriend.." I looked around to see if there were other people from Shiratorizawa. Unfortunately, we were the only ones.

I turned back to my food, trying to ignore their inappropriate comments, but the captain didn't do so well on holding back his emotions. He stood up from his seat and walked towards the stranger's table and shadowed over them.

"Who were you referring to be your girlfriend?" He asked with his monotonic voice. The stranger just smiled brightly as he pointed at me and shouted out "Her!". I could feel a dark aura emitting out of Ushijima and saw him clenching his fists and glaring at the man.

The man noticed the glare and started to be scared. Before anything bad could happen, I quickly went to Ushijima's side and tried to pull him away. "Wakatoshi-kun, please don't start a fight." You tried to convince him to ignore them, and he followed what you said and walked away with anger.

"Thank you, Wakatoshi-kun." You kissed his cheek as you guys settled back in your seats.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! :

- boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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