Attach (Yaku x reader)

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Izumi: oh my god its at 500k reads! thanks(*'▽`*)

its not even his birthday yet. this came out of nowhere lol



"You're bringing me to a cat cafe for my birthday?" Yaku asked when he noticed that he and his girlfriend were standing outside of the said cafe. "Do you not like it? Would you rather-" "No it's fine!" Yaku reassured and one could see the sparkles in his eyes. "This is perfect."

(Y/n) laughed at how excited her lover is. She knew how much he loves cats, so why not take this opportunity to meet a lot of them?

"Welcome!" a staff greeted the couple. At the same time, a couple of curious cats went up to both of them and meowed, wanting attention already. "Aw, you couldn't wait, huh?" Yaku couldn't resist and crouched down to pet the cats. Meanwhile, (Y/n) took the initiative to pay for the entry.

After taking a seat by a short table on the floor, the two ordered drinks and some cakes while petting the cats around them. Somehow, it wasn't that hard to attract the cats' attention since Yaku was apparently a cat magnet. "Haha! That tickles!" he laughed when a cat got onto his shoulders and its fur tickled his neck.

While Yaku was getting attacked by the cats, (Y/n) was enjoying her drink with a sphynx curled up in her lap. Sometimes, she would even take out her phone and snap some pictures of the cats stealing her boyfriend from her. "How dare they." she muttered to herself before giggling.

"Hm? What're you laughing at?" Yaku asked when he noticed (Y/n) laughing by herself. "Nothing, just that you're basically surrounded by cats, that's all." There were 3 cats in his lap and a couple others on his sides. Yaku realized how weird this might have looked and laughed at the situation. "This is the best birthday ever." he said with a big smile on his face.

"Well, it's not over yet, birthday boy." (Y/n) pointed out and Yaku tilted his head in response. "There's still time before the day ends.."

Once again, Yaku's eyes sparkled.


When they were about to leave, the cats that were attached to the libero did not want to leave him as they kept on circling around his legs while rubbing their heads against him. "Hey, stop that. I have to leave." he tried to stop the cats but it clearly did not work. As much as he wanted to stay, he couldn't.

So he crouched down to the cats and gave them one last pat before finally exiting the cafe. (Y/n) was pretty sure she heard him say "I'll miss you." softly.

==T I M E S K I P==


"(Y/n)-nee!" Yaku's younger brothers greeted the (h/c-ette) when they announced their arrival. It was now her turn to be attached. The brothers really love it whenever she visits their home. "Hello! How are you guys!" she crouched down and hugged them tightly.

"Hey, hey, she's not here for you guys." Yaku said proudly while putting his shoes neatly at the side. "She's here for me." he whispered it loudly on purpose to aggravate them.

"(Y/n)-chan!" Yaku's mom came to the door and greeted her. "Yaku-san!" the girl took this opportunity to greet the woman as she was pulled into a warm hug.

"How many times have I told you? Call me "mom"!" the woman corrected and they laughed.

"Come, come. Let's start on dinner." Yaku's mom dragged (Y/n) into the kitchen with her. "Morisuke! Go play with your brothers while waiting for dinner!" "Okay!"


"Wow! It smells good!" the two brothers ran into the room excitedly with their older brother following them. "Of course it is! (Y/n)-chan made them!" their mom would not stop complimenting her potentially future daughter-in-law.

"Only because you helped me!" said girl pointed out.

"Alright. Let's dig in!" Yaku's dad, who had just arrived home, said.



"Did you have a good birthday, Mori?"

Both of them were currently lying down on the boy's bed, just relaxing and talking.

"Yeah, I did." Yaku replied. "Thanks for today. I really enjoyed it."

He suddenly sat up on the bed, "Ah! I haven't paid for the cat cafe yet. How much was it again?" he asked as he was reaching for his wallet.

"It's fine." he stopped and looked at his girlfriend. "Are you sure? I mean, it was expensive." he only got a reassuring smile back.

"Yeah. It's one of my birthday gifts for you." he raised an eyebrow. "There's more?" she nodded before moving onto a sitting position.

"Come closer." he shifted.

"Closer." he shifted again. At this point, their faces were centimetres apart.


A kiss was placed onto his lips and a blush crawled onto his face.

"Happy birthday, Mori."



Oh to be babied by yaku

Idk whats their age but i imagine them to be at most in elementary

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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