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A long time ago, In a world with balance, and peaceful life... everything changed as people started to discover their own intelligence and abilities.

The world is divided into 9 kingdoms, thinking that was for the better. Each kingdom is being led by the most powerful. But those leaders were not powerful enough to face the greatest... The creator.

"We don't have much time. We need to gather all the people. The creator is getting out of the hand! He's using us!" - kingdom 1

"I know, but how? Elders are nearly dying because of the creator's curse!"- kingdom 2

"There's only one way... the students."- kingdom 1

"Are you stupid!? They are just starting with their powers! You want to lose them too?" -kingdom 3

"We will lose them... unless we will train them." -kingdom 5

"I think he's right." kingdom 4

"I object. It will be so hard for us to manage them." -kingdom 9

"Not all of them... we are going to select the rightful students."-kingdom 7

"Shall we include the future heirs?"- kingdom 6

"There's no way I will let my child join this." kingdom 9

"Then... it will be such a big embarrassment for your kingdom. Think wisely king Chou."- kingdom 8

"Ok, Let's face it... only those kids can help us. We don't know how long we'll be staying alive. The creator is so hard on the elders... we must do it quickly." - kingdom 1

On that day, the kingdoms united to fight for the creator. Im's Royalty made a school for all students who have extraordinary intellectuals and abilities.... including the next heir of their royalty.

 including the next heir of their royalty

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Im Nayeon (Heir of the 1st Kingdom)

-Their Kingdom is the more influential and powerful, not until the creator showed up. Her father is peacefully leading the whole kingdom for the whole world's objective.

Ability: "100% accurate, I calculated it."


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