-54. Intellectuals on the Lead

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Third Person

A blistering night has come, the girls are still stuck in the ninth kingdom, wondering where could be the people are. Everything is dead silent, destroyed, and cold.

"This just happened in one day?" Chaeyoung uttered.

As they walk around, they saw bodies buried under the debris of the houses. Burning woods and trees, as in nothing left but the broken barrier where the house of the creator still standing.

"This is so impossible."-Sana.

Y/N can't even process everything. It seems like everything is new to her. The help from an unexpected person, the betrayal from her own blood, and now the problem that they need to solve.

"Jieun," Jihyo called up, but the latter is out of her body and thinking of something else.

"Mina, try to contact Mrs. Le-"

"Didn't you hear?" Jieun spoke up to cut Jihyo.

Jihyo looked at Jieun confusedly as tears are pooling in her eyes.

"They are gone," Jieun said as she clenches her fist out of anger.

"How come they are gone? They are literally a-"

"Why don't you asked the daughter of the creator?!" Jieun yelled at Dahyun making her flinch.

Y/N snapped as she heard her name. She looked at Jieun and saw the eyes of Jieun. She's not wrong, her friend is blaming her.

"I-I'm sorry..." was the only thing she could say.

The others remained silent as they stare at the two back and forth.

"We should head now, Nayeon where is the next location?" Jihyo asked.

"Where? Jihyo we are going back to school, that is the safest place. You can see what happened here, right? All went down." Nayeon said.

They all looked at each other as if they are asking if that is really the right decision. But, it was cut when the sound of footsteps made them feel alarmed. Tzuyu and Sana readied their hands with their powers. Dahyun made up a clone as they all guard up themselves.

"Gosh, thanks you still have the weapon." A voice said as they come out.

"Jennie?" Nayeon uttered.

"Sup, so I guess we are right... they took down this Kingdom." Jennie said.

"Why are you here? Are you getting us to go back to school?" Dahyun asked.

"We cannot go back." Another voice appeared as a familiar leader showed up.

"Irene! H-how did you find us?" Jeongyeon asked.

"The techs we gave to Nayeon have trackers," Jennie informed as her gaze landed on Y/N.

"Why are you here? A-and... what's with the bags?" Jihyo asked as she saw loaded bags with Irene and Jennie.

"The school is down also," Irene said.

The girls are shocked as they heard the news.

"How!? I mean.:. The barrier?" Jeongyeon asked.

"It's the principal, she's part of the creator's clan. She took down the barrier and... took everybody." Irene added.

"That's impossible!? Now what? We ate doomed!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"There are some students who able to save themselves but... they decided to go back to their kingdom to be with their families... No one knows what might happen next."-Jennie.

"And I guess they took down this Kingdom too..." Irene said as she looks around and saw the massive destruction of the place.

"This is all your fault," Jieun spoke up which made everyone look at her.

"If you didn't go back to your father, maybe everything is fine!" Jieun shouted to Y/N.

"I don't want to interrupt your argument but we need to hide... and plan," Irene said.

"Plan? Are you stupid? The creator's clan just took down two kingdoms in a day? What plan could save us, huh?" Nayeon baffled.

Irene frowns as she looked at Nayeon.

"You are not acting on yourself, Nayeon. If you just focus, you could literally suggest some plans instead of yelling some none sense around." Irene said.

"What should we do?" Jihyo asked.

"Irene and I have a secret place. We can make plans there... we know someone who can help." Jennie said.

The others didn't bother to talk. Irene asked Y/N to open up a portal so they could get in the place where they should go easier.

"We are here," Irene said as they came out in the black hole.

"Wow, so that is what traveling in a black hole feels like, huh," Jennie said.

"Where are we?" Momo asked.

"The Fifth Kingdom, lower border," Nayeon said as she scanned the place.

"Wait... I never saw this place before." Jihyo said as she heard that they are in their Kingdom.

"It is hidden like the others. Many tribes can make up some hidden place. Just in case for some scenarios like this." Irene said.

As they wandered around, they saw a huge grassland and in the middle is a big traditional house.

"Uhm... does anyone ever live here?" Sana asked.

"This place is just new. So only three of us stay here." Jennie said.

"Three?" The other girls said.

Jennie and Irene walk inside the house as the girls followed them. They keep on searching the whole place until they stopped when an old lady showed up.

"You brought a friend... friends." The old lady said.

They are looking at her shockingly as her eyes are closed... like literally closed. It's like it's purposely closed as they saw marks of stitch on her eyes.

"D-did she-"

"I cannot see you, but I can feel you... royalties and a trusted friend... with the creator's child." The old lady said.

Dahyun gasped and walked closer to the old lady. She waved her hands to check if the lady can't truly see but the old lady laughs at her.

"The one who duplicates..."

Dahyun covered her mouth, preventing her to scream in shock.

"You have a lot to learn. Jennie, Irene... bring them to the hall."

"Yes, grandma." Jennie and Irene said in unison.

The old lady remained on the place as the girls walked to the hall. They went downstairs where the hall is. It is a dark place but when Jennie pushed something, lights filled the room and multiple weapons and techs showed up.

"This is sick," Chaeyoung uttered.

"That old lady... is your grandma?" Mina asked.

"No, but she took care of us," Irene said.

"Good to see you again, ladies." The old lady showed up.

"What the- did she?"-Chaeyoung.

"Probably there is an elevator or something," Dahyun whispers to Chaeyoung.

"You can open a black hole," Y/N said which made them all looked at Y/N.

The old lady smiled and nodded.

"You need to plan, but to plan, you need to know what you can do and what you should improve to be able to do your plan. Just call me granny, I'll help you to finish your tasks." The old lady said with a smile.

"And oh.... for now, Intellectuals are on the lead. Irene, you'll be the captain of the team."

"Yes, grandma."

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