106. In My Hands

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Jeongyeon's PoV

As I entered the black hole, I knew that I won't be able to go back. But it doesn't matter, Y/N can't face her father alone knowing it can manipulate her anytime.

I saw the other exit and immediately went there. My expectations were like someone would attack me that's why I came alert. But as I met the other side, the only thing I saw is emptiness. No people around. No structures but trees. It's like I am in an empty paradise.

I heard a sound not so far and I know something is going on that place. I run up where those coming and saw a figure facing back. I was just about to get close when I got surprise with the sound of an explosion. It's not the usually explosion that we've been hearing a while ago. This time, just light but I got panicked as I saw Y/N. She's getting blown away!

Then I recognize that body, it's the creator. He runs up on Y/N but he was not yet close when Y/N was blown away. As if there's an invisible force that causes by her father.

Right, that's the same thing happened a while ago when we are with Jiby.


I looked around and tried to find her. I know Y/N went in the black hole with her. Supposedly she's just somewhere here!


I saw Jiby and she's stuck on a stack of big trees. She can't even move her wings off!

I tried to remove the trees but they are bigger than me. I guess I have to do it on the way that would hurt her.

I walk in front of her and see on her eyes that she's really struggling.

"Jiby, listen. You have to trust me. I have to push these trees but it would break your wings."

I heard she roared more like a cry.

"I am your friend right? Y/N is my friend. I'll heal you after, just trust me." I said.

It's important especially I don't have the full control on her. Only Mina aside from Y/N can do it. I wouldn't know if she'll act wild if I'll hurt her.

"Okay? We have to save your person. But I have to save you first? May?"

Another roar came from her as if it's an confirmation.

I immediately run on her side and pushed the big tree. I could see it's dragging her wings off and even Jiby, she's groaning in pain.

"Hold on, Jiby! I'll heal you after!"

I did the same on the other side of her wing but it's a bit difficult than a while ago because there's no inclined.

"Just- hold on!" I grunt as I pushed the heavy tree.

As I successfully removed it, I walk back on Jiby and saw she's starting to get weak. I pulled the pill the same as the one I gave on Y/N. It would gain her energy. And after than, I can heal her while it's getting down on her system.

"Jiby, hold on okay? You love you person right? You love Y/N. Just take this." I said and helped her to open up her weak beak.

As I saw she swallowed it, I run up on her left wing and started to heal it. It would take much of my energy but I have to make this promise.

"You can do it, Jiby. Just hold it."

I saw her wound starting to close on the left wing. As the bleeding stops, I did fix the broken bones.

When I think it's already okay, I run to the other side to did the same process. But something happened that made me panic. Jiby not moving.


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