68. "We need to get out, Together"

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Nayeon's PoV

Where are they? They should be somewhere here

"Nayeon, where are we going?!" Tzuyu asked.

"Shut up, will you? This is not easy for me. I need to focus, or else my computations will be off."

"Fuck math." I heard Y/N hissed.

I looked around, this is exactly the place I think they were.

"Jeongyeon?! Jieun!?" I yelled.

As Jihyo and the others saw what I am doing, they started to yell too so they could help.

"Guys!" We look at Dahyun as she's sitting on the ground.

We run to her and saw a hole.

"What the fuck?!" Tzuyu cussed.

"They are down there." Dahyun said.

We lead and saw them.


They can really sleep at this situation?!

I saw they stirred up and as they saw us, they literally stood up on their place.

"Guys! Omg, help us!"-Jeongyeon.

"How can we help them?" Y/N asked.

"I'll try to make a stair with ice. I just hope they can bare the coldness of it." Tzuyu said.

I nodded and inform Jieun what Tzuyu's plan is. They made up a way so Tzuyu could put up a stair that will help them to get up.

"Finally!" Jeongyeon exclaimed as they got up.

"We don't need to waste time, we need to find the other." I said.

They all nod and followed me as I lead the way.

"Nayeon, you're doing great." Jihyo said who's running beside me.

I just smiled and nodded.


"Y/N! I told you to stay beside me!" I look back and saw Jieun scolding Y/N again.

I don't know if her stubbornness was caused by the potion or what. She's been acting not on herself after that.

And to be honest, that makes her weak. I mean, knowing she doesn't have power right now... she's so useless.

"Found them!" Jeongyeon yelled.

"Guys!" Chaeyoung exclaimed as they saw us. They run to us and of course, we are happy to find each other.

"Save the celebration, let's go back where we entered." I said.

"Wait, is that even open? Can you still find it?" Mina asked.

"Hopefully it's still open, and yes, I have the coordinates."

"Let's not ask more, let's go." Jihyo said and signal me to lead the way.

Third Person

The girls run as if they haven't doing it for long, especially Dahyun, Y/N and Nayeon. All they know is they have exact time to chase and everything will be settle just a moment.

Meanwhile, outside the forest.

"Granny, it's already two days since they entered the forest. How long should we wait? What if there's a sudden attack?" Irene asked.

It's because the time inside the forest run differently, that's why the girls inside didn't know that they've been gone for two days.

Meanwhile, Jennie doesn't even concern about it. She got more time to make up an anti-dote for the love potion she made. She is half way done and hoping that it's not late for her to shut the effect down, or else, worse thing can happen.

"Let's just wait." Granny said.

Back inside, Nayeon and the girls found the portal where they entered. They were about to enter but Tzuyu stopped her.

"No, we can't go back." Tzuyu said as she blocked the portal with a huge block of ice.

"What the hell, Tzuyu!? What if the portal will get close!" Nayeon yelled.

"No one will go out unless you find out the truth." Tzuyu said as she threw a glance on Jihyo.

Jihyo on the other side know what Tzuyu want to happen. It made her whole system shutdown only leaving her thoughts that controlling her. What if they will look down on her? What if they won't see her as someone who can lead them anytime sooner?

"Jihyo, mind to tell them?" Tzuyu said.

All eyes went on Jihyo, anticipating on the latter's reply.

"Jihyo?" Nayeon called up.

Jihyo looked down, she can't face them, she feel embarrassed.

Well it's not her chose not to be a royal. It just happened, she's not a royalty, will never be.

"Jihyo just tell us, what is it?" Jeongyeon encourage but that words just shutdown Jihyo, now she's kneeling on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Why? Why are you saying sorry?" Sana asked.

Jihyo tries not to cry because of the pressure she's feeling. She sighed deeply and tried to put up a courage.

"I'm... I'm not a royalty." Jihyo reveal that put them into shock.

"Y-you?"- Nayeon.

"How? I mean, you said that your father-"

"My real parents are in the same clan as the King and Queen of Fifth Kingdom. That's makes us having the same abilities. I was five when my parents died due to the Kingdom war... And the King adopted me."

The whole group went silent. All they thought, the one who is leading them is a royalty.

"I do understand if you don't see me as your leader anymore. But please, never forgot that I became one." Jihyo pleads.

Nayeon walks to Jihyo and pulled her up.

"We need to get out of this, together." Nayeon said.

Nayeon looked at Tzuyu. It just a look but Tzuyu knows it. In just a snap, the ice that has been blocking them to the portal crushes into pieces.

"How sure are we that if we entered that portal, it's not a way to hell?" Dahyun asked.

"There's one thing to find out." Nayeon mumbled as she jumped first.

All of them look at each other having same anxious eyes. Should they take a risk?

"You heard what Nayeon said, we are going out... together." Y/N said and followed Nayeon.

As Y/N disappears on their sight, Jieun hissed.

"That kid, I told her to stay beside me!"

"She's sneaky and she learned it from me!" Dahyun laughs as she followed.

The rest of them took a rest, it's only Tzuyu and Jihyo.

Jihyo looked at Tzuyu, having the same anxious expression.

"It's not a big deal, I just want you to be honest with them... besides, you are our leader, leaders don't hide anything to her members." Tzuyu said avoiding the older's gaze.

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