78. Predicted

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Jihyo's PoV

As soon as I calmed myself, and able to get enough rest. I looked around only to realize we are flying.

I wiped my tears because of the fear I felt just a while ago. I thought I'll die when Y/N and I fell off the cliff but something caught us.

And now... we are sitting on a... bird's wing!?

"What is this!?" I exclaimed.

Y/N who's still panting laid down. I can saw her hard breathing but I chose to give attention on her reply.

"When you used your potential, I happen to do it too. Saw it further that this bird is not just the ordinary one." Y/N said between her breathing.

I frowned as I heard her explanation. I didn't see this one. Maybe she able to focus on it thoroughly compared to me.

I was so busy to think of a plan that didn't even knock on my head. Plus the fear I am getting through.

I suddenly remembered what Jieun's mom said when we are in training. I can't do my readings so well because I myself can't look into it steadily.

How come a power imitator can do it better than the original ones?

I scoffs and shook my head as I started to realize things now. So basically she saw this coming. I thought it was all her plan.

When I looked at her, she's still with the same situation. That made me worry now because she's wincing and can't even open her eyes.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" I asked as I go near her.

But then I saw a big stab on her abdomen.

"T-there's something inside." She winced.

When I looked on it, I saw a piece of broken wood being stab on her. Enough for it to make her bleed.

"Oh gosh!"

Y/N grabbed my hand and when she touches it, I almost flinch because of the coldness of her hand. She's even sweating so hard.

She put my hand over her wound and squeeze it.

"Pull it, I-I'll try to treat my-"

"Are you crazy!? You lost too much blood! If I pulled this out the bleeding might get worst. I doubt if you can still heal yourself." I said making her to let go of my hand.

"It hurts."

"Of course it does! Fuck, tell this bird to put us down." I hissed

She just tapped on her hand on the wing where we are sitting and the bird landed over.

I went off the bird and got a full chance to give it a sight. It is quite big. Like really, like a plane...

I helped Y/N to get off and when we are now out of the bird's wing, it came back to it's original figure.

I put her down an let her lay on the ground first.

"This is the place... hopefully." I mumbled.

This is far from the place where the destruction happened. But we are still in the fifth kingdom. I'm just not sure since I can't have Nayeon's potential but the help should be here...

"Jihyo, we only got half hour." Y/N spoke up that made me look back at her.

"Stop talking, you're draining yourself. I saw that someone will come... It has to be here."

"What time tho?" She chuckled.

"Shut up." I hissed and looks around waiting for the help.

"Jihyo, it's getting painful." I walk towards her as I don't have a choice anymore.

I kneeled next to her and get a piece of cloth by ripping off sleeve.

"This is much painful, okay? Try to endure." I said as I wrap the piece of cloth on my hand so I could easily pull the stab on her.

I took a deep breath as Y/N is squeezing her eyes shut so hard.

"Okay, one, two three!"

Even my hand is shaking, I tried to get rid of the stab on her. The blood flows as I able to took off the stab. I immediately covered it with the other cloth and put up a pressure.

I felt Y/N's hand wrapping tight on my wrist. It is cold and shaking. When I look up expect that the help that I am expecting would come, I saw a group of people. They aren't the same ones that was chasing us.

"Help! Please!" I shouted still giving a press on Y/N's wound.

I saw them running towards me. They are five and carrying something with them.

"Please help us!"

"What happened to her?" One of the girls asked.

"She got a stab. I need to remove it because she can't bare it anymore." I told them.

She asked me to move as she say beside Y/N.

"Don't worry, we can heal her."

My eyes widened in hope as she said that. Maybe they are part of Jeongyeon's tribe!

"Only if you'll tell me you are not part of the creator's clan nor royalties."

"Is she okay?" I asked as I'm staring at Y/N who's in deep sleep after the healing process. She literally lost her consciousness after that.

We are now somewhere like an old village. If I'm gonna say, it's at the lower border. Near to sixth kingdom.

"She'll be." Eunbi said, the leader of the group that saw us.

I am right, they are going to help us...


"Only if you'll tell me you are not part of the creator's clan nor royalties."

"We're not." I said without thinking.

It's not like I am used on lying already. I mean, maybe I was. I able to hide from the other royalties that I am not a true blooded royal. Besides, Y/N badly need a help.

"Okay. Yeji, stop the bleeding. We should leave this place. No one is safe in here." Eunbi said.

End of Flashback

I snapped as I felt something landed on my shoulder. It is the bird that saved us. As soon as it chirped, I get alarm. But that was only took some second when Eunbi spook up.

"She's awake."

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