-48. Found Her

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Nayeon's PoV

I woke up as I felt a heavy weight on my head as if it's grinding out of me. I tried to open my eyes to see where I am but then I remembered what happened to me beforehand.

I snapped and looked for the others as I saw their feet away from me. Being chained on the ground, both hands, and feet.

"Mina! Mina wakes up!" I called out as she's the one who is closest to me.

She groaned as she slowly getting back into her consciousness.


"Where are we?" I asked as I looked around but I can't see anything.

"Ugh- what the heck?" I looked at that voice and saw Sana. Jeongyeon and Momo are already up too and we are all just grasping what just happened.

"What's with that smell?" Jeongyeon said.

"Ugh! We shouldn't separate with Jihyo!" Momo said.

I just rolled my eyes and huff.

"I'm sure this is all Y/N's father's fault!" I hissed.

"They keep our hands and feet off but no one can stop me," Sana said as she blew out a blazing fire but the situation just came worse.

"Sana, No!" Jeongyeon should but it was late.


We panicked as the room filled with fire and starting to eat the whole room.

"This room is full of gas! What the heck, Sana!"

"I-I didn't know!"

Suddenly the door went open as a girl came in and took off the fire.

"You want to kill yourselves? Nah, we don't do that here."

"N-nayeon, she's the one who took Y/N," Jeongyeon said.

"Oh speaking of Y/N. She wants to see you." The girl said.

Then, someone walked in and it's the person that we are expecting. But now she's just so dim, her aura can kill your breath.

"Y-Y/N," I uttered.

"What should we do to them, little kitten?" The girl asked.

We all looked at Y/N as she's not speaking but just glaring at us.

"Like what dad wants... kill them."

"Yah! We are friends, you know!?" Momo yelled.

I just want to shut Momo's mouth for that. Can't she get it? Y/N is a daughter of the creator and soon-to-be also.

"Hmm, like how? Why don't you set some example?" The girl said.

She looked at the girl as a smirk grew on her lips. She walked over to Sana and release her. By that, I thought she will going to help us, but then, she throws Sana effortlessly causing her to almost break the wall of this room.


I saw Sana started throwing up some blood and just seeing her situation, I know that anytime she won't make it.

"J-Jeongyeon, Sana!" I yelled.

Jeongyeon is about to get Sana since she's closest to where Sana was thrown but Y/N stopped her by kicking her stomach.

"Y/N stop this!" I yelled but she's not even listening.

"That's how you do it, make them feel worse first. Until their last breath." Y/N said.

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