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Third Person

"40 Minutes and 5 seconds."

They all looked at Momo who went out of the maze with blood on her body. She's not bothered but a smile is drawn on her lips with full of satisfaction.


"S-She's insane." Sana stuttered.

Despite some scratches, Momo still manages to take down the monster. The others can't deny the fact that that is an interesting fight. They thought of Momo as someone who just jumps on a fight but she literally got her weapon, herself.

What she did was climb up on the monster and able to see the clearer view of the exit. As the monster about to attack her, she jumped out and used her flexibility to avoid all the attacks or else, she will be smashed by the monsters.

"You're crazy for that fight. But that was so amazing!" Nayeon said.

After Momo, the teacher draws for the next student.

"Tzuyu." The teacher called.

Since the past performance is so much interesting, they all watch as Tzuyu walked inside. What happened next is they didn't expect. As Tzuyu is walking, she's leaving frozen foot marks behind to keep herself on track and if she needs to go back, she won't get lost.

"That is crazy, she will take all her time for real," Nayeon predicted.

As time passes by, Tzuyu luckily didn't meet any monsters on the way. Although, she used her time walking back as she always met a dead end.

"39 minutes."

"At least I made out." Tzuyu sighed and sat on the bleacher tiredly.

The process went the same. Jeongyeon is the next after Tzuyu. Since Jeongyeon's potential is not really acquired by the activity, she had the hardest time going out of the maze. It took almost an hour before she went out.

Same way as Jieun. They both had to face a monster in the middle of back and forth, luckily Jeongyeon can heal herself but Jieun went out on the maze with bruises as she tries to escape the monsters.

"50 minutes and 30 seconds."

"Next, Sana."

As Sana walks in, she used the same method Tzuyu used. She left burned marks on the wall to keep herself up and not lost. While getting to her way, she encountered a monster making her use her ability. Unfortunately, she almost burns the whole place.

"40 minutes and 20 seconds."

The next one is Dahyun, she used her clones to cover up all the maze. But not so long, her clones went down as they faced the monsters. It took 30 minutes before she found the exit. She let her clones fight with the monsters as she took the exit.

"29 minutes and 30 seconds."

"As of now, Nayeon has the shortest time." The teacher reminded.

"Jihyo, you go next." The teacher said.

Jihyo's PoV

While everyone is watching intently, I was looking on Y/N. I can see how much concentration she's spending on watching our classmates. The time it started from Nayeon until Dahyun. She's watching it intently and I know why, she's probably trying to get familiarize with it. If Irene is right, then her ability is to copy one's power.

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