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Jeongyeon's PoV

"Where are we?" Jieun asked as we able to run away with the bear that has been chasing us.

We are so tired as we keep on running for our lives. That bear doesn't seem so normal or like other bear... it scares me for real!

"T-thank you for helping me."

I looked back and saw the girl that was about to attack by the bear.

I didn't notice her.

I looked at her arm as I saw bleeding. I also tracked injury on her left foot which built up worries in me.

"M-miss... are you okay?" I asked as I slowly approached her.

I saw she flinched as she holds into her arm that is now bleeding severely.

"Let me help you." I utter as I walk to her and giving her wound a treatment.

"Jeongyeon! Hurry up, we still need to find them!" Jieun whispered yell.

"Wait up, we need to help her." I said and went back on my thing.

I heard the frustration on Jieun as she wants to get back on finding Y/N and the others... but of course, as a royal, you can't leave someone who needs your help. That is just so inhumane.

"Hurry up!"

"You can just leave me. I think you both have something more important to do." The girl said.

"N-no it's fine... my friends can handle themselves. They have powers and can protect themselves."

"Is that so? Can you walk me in my house, then?"

I stopped and looked at her surprisingly. I felt like i was caught off guard as I just nodded without thinking of it.


"We need to help her. There most be some wild animals around. Let's just walk her home first." I said to Jieun.


"Jieun, she needs help."

Jieun sighed and just agreed. After I treated the girl's wound. We walked as she points us the way on her house.

"Thank you for walking with me. This forest is really dangerous for some girls roaming around."

"Yeah, uhm... you live here?" I asked.

We are just walking as Jieun is following us. Obviously she's not interested.

"Yes. I'm getting something to eat for my family when that bear attacked me. I thought it's my end... thanks for coming."

"You're welcome... we are actually looking for our friends. We decided to split up but I think it's a wrong decision."

"Do you need help? This place is dang-"

"It's okay. Your family must be waiting for you. We can manage... right?"


"Uh... Jieun!?"

I looked around as I realized that Jieun is missing. I didn't even notice that she was gone.

"H-hey miss. Did you notice my fri-"

I was cut as I turned around and saw that I am the only one standing in this forest. The girl, Jieun... they are missing.


Oh no...

I started to panic and walk around while yelling their names. But seems like no one is hearing me, like all silence!

"Jieun! Where are you!?" I yelled as I made a few walks.

Suddenly, I fell on a deep hole making me trap inside of it. I cursed mentally as I found myself helpless.

"Aishh! This is so bad, really bad!"

Jieun's PoV

I was walking behind Jeongyeon and the girl that she saved along the way.

"Jeongyeon, we've been walking for long. What now!?" I whispered yell.

I looked at the girl from head to foot as she continues to lead the way. It just so strange that someone lives in this forest. She said it herself, this place is dangerous... so why bother to live-

Oh no

"Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon. Are you sure we still need to walk her in her house?" I asked but still got no response from Jeongyeon.

I hissed and just continued following them.

'Mina, what's the update? We had a problem. Jihyo and Tzuyu got separated from us.'

I waited for Mina's response and after a minute...

'We found Dahyun... I guess.'

'Just Dahyun?!'

'Yes... but I think this one is a clone. They don't want them to be found.'


'She keeps on leading us all around. We've been walking and no Nayeon and Y/N is showing. I swear, I'll end this clone if ever!' Mina said as she's getting impatient.

'What's up with them!? Where are you?' I asked.

'Mina? Mina why aren't you responding?'

I frowned as I felt that my connection with Mina just cut. I looked at Jeongyeon and realized we are still walking.

"Uh Miss, if you just don't mind, we need to go. I hope we helped you enough." I said since Jeongyeon can't say no.

I held Jeongyeon so we could go but she stopped me and just a sudden, she tightened the grips on my hand.

"Jeongyeon-" I was cut as I saw Jeongyeon's face. Her eyeballs are black and she seems not into herself.


"I'm not Jeongyeon." In just a snap, she started to attack me. I was dodging her punches when my eyes caught the girl we helped. She's standing and smiling as if she wants what she's seeing.

Wait- she's controlling Jeongyeon!?

"Jeongyeon wake up! I'm not an enemy!" I yelled as I jumped over the tree but she just followed me effortlessly.

What the fuck?! Since when she can do that!? Is she even the Jeongyeon I know!?

"What are you doing!? Who are you!?" I yelled to the girl but she continued on controlling Jeongyeon.

"Jeongyeon wake up!" I exclaimed as I grabbed her and tried to snap her back. She kicked me on my stomach making me to let go of her and slapped on the ground.

"She already told you. She's not Jeongyeon. The Jeongyeon you're seeing is not the Jeongyeon that will help you... such an angel, now she's in heaven." The girl said and laughed crazily.

I looked at Jeongyeon and she's walking to me. But this time, she doesn't seem who will let her hand on... she is ready to kill me.

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