86. Awaken

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Third Person

The silence is loud at this moment. Everyone is on the ground, panting hard as the battle ended. Dead bodies and living ones mixed up, not even bother with the blood sticking in their skin.

Nayeon sat up, she looks around to see dead bodies of the people the killed just for their living. They survived that night. But they didn't able to stop the creator.

Nayeon gaze landed on the side. Not so far from their place. She saw Y/N not even moving. Almost hugging, Jieun's body that is not moving too.

"He's dead." Nayeon looked up and saw Jeongyeon and Momo. Momo is carrying Jieun's father on her back.

All of them walked towards Y/N. Momo put down the body of Jieun's father beside Jieun's mother. As Nayeon walked closer, she saw Y/N, eyes were open but not even blinking. Just staring somewhere far away, while her head is on Jieun's tummy. Nayeon could see the stain of her tears despite of the blood over her face.

"Y/N. We need to leave." Nayeon said.

"No." Y/N said sadly as she held on Jieun's hand tightly.

"We need to wait till she'll wake up."

"Y/N-" Nayeon called up but cut as Jeongyeon stops her. Jeongyeon walk over Y/N and leaned down.

She checks on Jieun. Y/N saw it, her hope went up just a snap as Jeongyeon is taking a look on it. But it drops immediately as Jeongyeon bowed her head and shakes it.

"No, you can still bring her back. Please, Jeongyeon!" Y/N desperately exclaimed as she looks at Jeongyeon.

"Y/N, I'm sorry-"

"No! Bring her back! Heal her! Treat her! Please, I-Im begging you."

"Y/N, Stop." Nayeon huffed.

"Jeongyeon can't do it. Even you, the creator can't bring her back. So don't act stupid!"


"What? I'm just telling the truth. Jieun is gone, she's dead."

"Shut it!" Y/N yelled as she glared back which makes Nayeon halted back.

Finally, she let go of Jieun. She stood up and faced Nayeon with fuming eyes.

"This your fault! This is you and your fault!" Y/N exclaimed as she points on Jihyo and Nayeon.

"What?!" Nayeon shockingly said.

"If you just told us that this will happen! You, you said everything will be fine! Is this what you call fine? Losing people?" Y/N asked to Jihyo as her eyes are threatening to cry again. But her words just stabs Jihyo, no regrets or guilt on it.

"Y/N, I-"

"She's gone. If you just told me that this will happen." Y/N breakdown as clenches her fist.

All of them didn't dare to talk. Just Y/N's painful sniffles can be heard.

"You can blame us all you want, Y/N. But this won't happen if your father didn't do this." Nayeon said.

"It's obvious that he is slowly killing all the person that is close to you. For you to realize that you only got him. But we are here too. If you'll going to blame us, then go! If that can help you to ease the pain. But never push us away. We planned this. We decided this, we're going to end this with your help." Nayeon said.

"Nayeon is right. Y/N, don't push us away. You need us the way we need you." Jihyo added.

Nayeon walked closer to Y/N. Her hand went on the latter's clenching fist as she unclench it.

"We understand your lost. But at this moment, we don't have time to mourn on Jieun's death with her family. We need to save the others. We need to stop your father." Nayeon convinced.

"Girls, we need to go. Other people still need our help." Irene spoke up.

Nayeon looked back at Y/N as she taps her shoulder.

"Let's trust Jihyo, everything will be fine." She whispered.

Jihyo's PoV

"This is your fault! This is you, and your fault!"

"Jihyo, Jihyo are you listening?"

I snapped as I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. When I look on my side, I saw Mina looking at me worryingly.


"Jennie and Irene is calling you. Nayeon is there already." Mina said as she points on Irene and others who are with Y/N.

I left Mina and the other girls while they are giving the dead bodies a proper burial. After all, they are just blown by the creator. It's not that hard since Momo could handle carrying some bodies while Dahyun can multiply herself.

I walk where Irene is. She's just staring at Y/N who's in the ground and sitting on her legs. The Lee family was aligned. I bet Momo did it a while ago.

"Y/N, it's time." Nayeon said.

"Give me some minute. Please." I heard Y/N said. She's not facing us but I can see the pain that she's having right now.

If she can be like to someone who's not even related to her, what more when her mom and sister died? She witnessed it all...

just like me

I shook my head as I starting to remember that dark past again.


"Thirty more seconds. Please."

Nayeon and I looked at each other. Of course we can't just pull her out of this place. Even if Nayeon already set the time for an accurate scene that we should get into.

Momo and Dahyun walked towards us. Giving us a look if they should get Lee's family body already. But seems Y/N is not yet ready... well that was we thought.

She stood up as she scooped Jieun's body. Her head is down, not even meeting our worrying eyes. But then she speaks.

"Please help me with them." A voice came from Y/N as she looks at Dahyun.

Dahyun get it as she signaled Momo too. Momo took Jieun's father while Dahyun with Jieun's mom.

"Give me time so I could place them at the right place... I found my reason to end my father's deed." Y/N said as she opens a black hole and walked in there. Dahyun and Momo looked at each other, they also looked at us.

"Follow her, make sure she'll go back." Irene permitted.

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