107. End Of Battle

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Third Person

Y/N and Jeongyeon watches the ashes to  get blown by the wind. Nothing left, it's all ended.

"You did great."

"I did." Y/N said with heads down. She is crying from the thought that the really ended it. Her father is no longer existing.

Jeongyeon looked at Y/N and hugged her for comfort.

"I'm so proud of you. We are so proud of you. Thank you, Y/N."

Meanwhile, the others are still fighting not until their enemies losses their consciousness and slammed down the ground.

"W-what happened?" Dahyun asked.

They look around and noticed that the black holes stops and disappears. The enemies who passed out, gained their consciousness back with completely unaware what happened.

"It's done." Jihyo said.

Irene checks the other and they have the same situation. Unaware of what happened.

"Jihyo, I don't longer feel the spell." Mina said.

"Does this mean?"

"Y/N succeed." Irene mumbled.



Jihyo run up to Irene as she heard that.

"Are you sure?"


"Wait! There's no time to be happy!? Y/N and Jeongyeon went in the black hole!" Nayeon said.

Suddenly a hole appeared in the center. They all went alarm not until Y/N and Jeongyeon walk out.

"Y/N!" Dahyun exclaimed and run to Y/N and jump to her.

"Wahh! You're safe!"

The others run to them and checked them.

"You! How could you run in the black hole! Are insane!" Jihyo scolds on Jeongyeon.

"Well, look who just left me and even eliminated me on the ride?" Nayeon said referring to Y/N.

"Y/N, tell them. Is it done?" Irene asked.

Y/N and Jeongyeon smiled and nodded.

As they did, the whole people cheered for celebration. those people who got under the spell were clueless .

"Y/N, we're Jiby?" Nayeon asked.

"She saved Y/N. She saved her owner." Jeongyeon replied instead.

The royals came and saw Y/N. Y/N was just about to do the courtesy but Jeongyeon stops her and the royal did it instead.

Y/N was surprised and looked at Jeongyeon confusedly.

"We owe a big life to you, the new creator."

"Oh right! Y/N is now the new creator because her father is dead!" Dahyun exclaimed which made Chaeyoung to  nudged her.

"Thank you for being selfless and saving the whole world." King Park

"Thank you for saving us." King Yoo

"Thank you for protecting the heirs."  King Im.

Y/N bowed and look up.

"S-sorry for you lost, King Im." Y/N said and looked at Nayeon.

Nayeon smiled bitterly and hugged her father. Thoughts running in her head. She knew that she would never able to bring back her mother's life.

"I'm sorry for you lost too. All of us maybe lost our love ones."

"You did a great fight too, girls. We didn't expect a great one from you." King Hirai.

"Well now you should. We're not just girls." Momo proudly said which made them laugh.

"I see now, daughter." King Hirai said as he hugs his daughter and his wife.

"Not just us, Our friends did the great work too." Jihyo said.

"IRENE! JENNIE! SOYEON! EUNBI!" Jihyo called up.

The four went where the royals are and gave courtesy.

"Royalties , Irene and Jennie helped us since the day we escaped the school. They are under intellectual program." Jihyo said.

"Ugh, really Jihyo? With this look you want us to face the royalties?" Jennie whispered.

"It's an honor to meet you all, royalties." Irene and Jennie said.

"This is Eunbi, half of our group is from her clan."

"It's an honor to meet you and fight with the heirs." Eunbi said.

"She's Soyeon, part of special program and the president of the special program. She's saved some of the students in the school." Jihyo said.

"Greetings, royalties."

"Now, we need a btter place for everyone." King Im said.

"Dad, I know a place where we could settle. At the Eight Kingdom, it was abandoned but the structures are still up." Nayeon said.

"Our place is always welcome especially in this crisis." King Son.

They just had a short break, healing and resting. It's already midnight as they decided to continue to walk to get in the 8th Kingdom.

"Y/N are you fine now?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Uhm... what I said a while ago, I mean it. Look, everyone is happy because they are alive. And it's all because of you." Jeongyeon said.

"Really? That's great." Y/N said but Jeongyeon knows that something still bothering her.

"Mind sharing?"

"Share? Share what? i have nothing already." Y/N said and chuckled bitterly.

"Your thoughts? The ones that has been bothering you. You do know that you can share it too, it would be a big help." Jeongyeon said.

"Thank you. But I am really tired. I just want to rest."

"Okay, we are close to the 8th Kingdom,you can rest after." Jeongyeon said.

The walk lasted until morning. Everyone got to the 8th Kingdom where they could have a proper shelter.

"To the community who lives in this Kingdom. I ask for your kindness to let the other people who lives on other kingdom to stay in your houses for a while. I also ask for some volunteer to go in the field so that we could get foods that we can distribute." The King Son said.

"King Son, please accept my people to help you for gathering the needs for everyone." King Im.

"We'll be helping too." King Yoo.

"While we are on the way, we planned to start the bringing back the other kingdom beside us. Those are 7th and 9th Kingdom." King Park.

"Our creator did her part, we must do our part too. For new beginning." King Im.

All of them cheered after the King's message. Irene's group started helping too. Even after a long walk, they have to do it for their own start.

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