-44. Sneak Out

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Third Person

"What do you mean she went on a black hole?" Jieun asked as she stood up confusedly.

"I mean she gets inside! What else do you think?! S-she... I don't know! What should we do?!" Jeongyeon panicked.

"Wait, if she comes with their side... then that means she's an enemy too," Dahyun said.

"No! We should get her back! I saw that the creator will remove her power!" Jihyo butted in.

"Girls calm down, I'm sure there will be a way to this." Mrs. Lee said.

"But mom how? What if... what if they are no longer there. Besides, Y/N is the only one who can open a portal to get on wherever it is faster." Jieun said.

"Jihyo, give me the details about what you saw. Jeongyeon, tell me where she disappeared I'll try to track it down." Nayeon said as she gets something in her bag. It is a device that an Intellectual student gave to her.

"No, we are not going there." Mrs. Lee said.

"What? But how about Y/N?"-Dahyun.

"Yeah, and Y/N basically has the strongest power I know! What if the creator will use it towards us?" Tzuyu said.

"There's a chance. But we cannot go there especially you guys are not even used to your powers."

"Ugh! I hate to say this but this school is really not helping. They are babying us!" Nayeon said.

"Glad you noticed."-Mina.

"We literally spent time here for almost a month yet I can't even use my power freely for practice," Momo said.

"We need to get out of this school," Sana said.

"But how? I mean, there are barriers and no one can go out. Only Y/N as she can open a portal." Mina asked.

"I know! Irene, Irene can help." Nayeon snaps.


"Yes, the student of the intellectual program. She was the one who told me about the situation outside. There is a passage out of this school and only them knows it." Nayeon said.

"That means we need to cross the border right?" Mrs. Lee asked.


"Then it's no used."

"Why!?" All of them asked confusedly.

"There is lockdown and I guess they are doing it now."

"Lockdown? What was that for?" Tzuyu asked.

"Maximizing the protection of everyone." Mrs. Lee.

Jeongyeon slams the table in frustration making the others look at her.

"Then how would we be able to save Y/N?!"

"Wait, I found a way," Nayeon said who's eyes were on the device she's up to.

"I calculated all the time and space of this school. Our border is larger than the Intellectuals. The possibility of having a full charge barrier is impossible since they already had the overall barrier. Since you mentioned that it's for the 'safety that means they won't remove the overall barrier."


"There is no perfect charge along the barrier they will make for the lockdown. Base on my calculations, there will be a freeway at the south..."

"What the- tell more," Tzuyu said.

"If I'm going to predict, the barrier is loaded now. The charge must be high still, so we need to wait till 2 in the morning. It can slow down the power. That way we can get in."

"Gosh, you're a genius," Sana mumbled.

"What can you say Jihyo?" Nayeon asked.

Jihyo nods as she activates her power. She covered the blue eye, allowing her green eye to work on.

"That's a perfect computation, Nayeon," Jihyo said

"Cool, now we need to stay up and wait for an hour," Jieun said.

Jieun looked at her mom as if she's asking if she's up also.

"We need to be careful, ladies. After we sneak, we will stay at the base..." Mrs. Lee

Jihyo's PoV

We are all now in Nayeon's room excluding Mrs. Lee who is in her office. She said that will meet 10 minutes before 2 so we could get to the place together.

I already told to Nayeon the details while Jeongyeon is up now talking to Nayeon. The others are being busy to stay themselves up.

"How was it?" I asked Nayeon as Jeongyeon is already done and left for a while.

"Tsk, All I can tell is probably she's in the ninth kingdom. It is all that it says here." Nayeon said.

I looked at her device and saw multiple numbers that just want me to throw up.

"I can read them if that is what you are going to ask. Just a bond between me and the numbers." She said.

Well, I could tell it. Even her room is full of numbers and math signs.

"You feel worried about her too, right?" I asked which made her stop to look at me.

"Never." She scoffs.

Here's an in denial while the other one is so obvious. I thought as my gaze landed on Jeongyeon who came in again.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"1:30," Mina replied.

I sighed and just sat on the free chair. To be honest this is so out of what I expected. The school year is not even half on its way but there are many happenings. No, we should deal with the creator without the principal knowing it.

I wonder why they are acting up like they can't see anything strange when it's so obvious and just right in front of them.

I looked somewhere far as I remembered the scene that I saw in my vision.

How can I be so calm like this, knowing that someone, who is my classmate is in great danger of losing her power and being the way to a bad deed?


I snapped as Jieun sat beside me.

"Nothing... just, this... I think I am so calm when in fact someone is in great danger." I scoff bitterly.

"Uh, so?"

I looked at her and looked at Jeongyeon.

"She's not close with her, but look how she's so concerned with her. Jeongyeon is a type of person who is so concerned with everyone."

"And you think that made her a leader type, don't you?"

Well... I guess?

"Too much concern can mess with your thinking and planning decisions. Your calmness is enough. If they can see you are not worried, then you can influence them."

"I guess so."

"Thank you for wanting to get Y/N back... I mean, you had your decisions since first but the time you spoke to me to get close to her, I appreciated the effort. I just hope Y/N could see and understand this. I hope it's not late and we could stop her to be on the bad side."

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