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Nayeon's PoV

It's been few minutes after Y/N went to that black hole with Momo and Dahyun carrying the Lee's. For some odd reason, I know she'll get back here.

"She'll go back...right?" Jihyo asked.

"Why are you even asking? You were the one who said that everything will be fine at the end." I said and looked at her.

"I know... but look what hap-"

"Then this is not the end. If it's not yet fine, it's not the end that you saw." I said and look at Jihyo who's in silence now.

"Is this because of what Y/N said? For blaming us?" I asked which she didn't reply but her eyes agreed so.

"I should have look on it."

"Jihyo, Nayeon." We both looked back and saw Jeongyeon running towards us.

"Where's Y/N?"

"She needs to go somewhere, why?" Nayeon asked.

"Oh, nothing." 

"Let's gather up, they'll be here in few." Nayeon said.

The others heard what Nayeon said. We just wait.

Come on, don't make me wrong this time.







"Jiby!" Jeongyeon yelled which made us all look at her. The tamed bird became as big as plane and flew away.

"Where it is going?" Jihyo asked.

Wait, I think I know where this is going...

"Don't tell me it will go back to the real creator?!" I hear Sana exclaimed.

I saw on my side that Irene and Jennie get alarmed, readying their gears which alarmed the others to.

"Wait." I said as I signal them to stop.

My eyes were stuck at the dimmed sky hoping to see the bird again.


A loud scream of bird was heard above the sky. Louder than a soaring eagle. As we look up, we saw Dahyun, Momo and Y/N riding on the bird's wings.


The bird landed smoothly as it flaps it wings enough to startle us with the wind it made.

"I'm alive! I'm still alive!" Momo almost crying as she run to me.

Dahyun went off the bird. Her sanity just gone. She's smiling widely but cant even put her feet up on the ground.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked as she assists Dahyun.

I looked at Y/N as she also went of the bird. The bird went back to it's normal size and stand on Y/N's shoulder.

"I guess Sana is right. The bird went back to the real creator." I said as I smiled knowing my intuition is right.

I was about to step my foot to approach her when.

"Y/N." "Y/N."

I looked at Jihyo and Jeongyeon as they speak up in unison.

"U-uh okay. Jeongyeon you go." Jihyo said.

Jeongyeon nod silently as she approached Y/N who's clearly still affected with her loss.

I look back at Jihyo and shesaid walking back to Irene and Jennie who's busy on their techs. Not even minding Y/N's presence.

"Jihyo, wait." I called up.


"What do you mean what?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you feel guilty for the Lee's death?" I asked.

She didn't reply right away but  I know already.

"I'm just worried about Y/N. She's not the kind of person who is open with anyone except Jieun. Now that she's gone, who she can talk with?" Jihyo said.

I look away where Y/N and Jeongyeon is. Seems they are having a talk and I don't know what is it.

"Why don't you ask?"


She didn't able to finish her sentence when I dragged her close to Y/N that interrupts the conversation of Jeongyeon and Y/N.

"Are you okay?" I asked which made Y/N look at me.

"N-nayeon, what are you doing? Of course she's no-"

"We are concern. We know you are not okay. At least know that we are here." I said.

I can feel Jeongyeon is looking at me shockingly since I don't do stuff like this. Y/N is just looking at me blankly, probably judging what on earth gotten to me.

What could be?

"Okay, don't count me in if you think it sounds so weird." I hissed.


"See, it's easy to say that you are concern on a person, Jihyo." I said cutting Y/N off.

As I could feel that I won't be able to save myself for the sudden embarrassment, I walked out and acted like nothing happened.

"What the fuck?" I hiss.

"Well at least she know that we are here for her... right?" I asked to myself.

"Nayeon." I looked back and saw Mina approaching me.


"You think we could trust Y/N?"

"What?" I asked and look at her.

"More than anyone here, you are the one who knows what should be done. I can get to her mind and contro-"

"No." I cut off.


"Let's trust the creator this time. Let's trust Y/N."

Third Person

The girls didn't waste time and decided to leave the city. They continue to walk with the task of looking for the other people who could help them.

"Facing the creator will be a challenge. They have the elders which is our parents and older relatives. Only younger were left to save this world." Jennie said on the silent squad.

"Isn't too much? Having this kind of responsibility? Instead of living with the peaceful life we should be having as a younger class in this society, we need to do this." Momo asked.

"It's for our own good, Momo. No one will give us a peaceful living rather than us. We will get the kind of living we are seeking for. Where no one, even elders can tell us what we should do or not. We are fighting for our own freedom, Momo." Irene said.

They all look at each other, still walking at the silent dead night. At least now, they know what their purpose. To save the world for their future, and for the other generation to be born.

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