-14. The Creator

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Third Person

All of the students are back in their classes. Class A went to their room to take their history class while the result is not yet out.

While waiting for their teacher, Jihyo sighed as she bowed her head on the table.

"Jihyo-ssi, are you ok?" Sana asked.

"I lost, I fucking lost!" Jihyo said.

All looked at her as silence filled the room.

"Aishh, I shouldn't have spoken out, this is so embarrassing!" Jihyo hissed.

"Instead Of whining about your lost, why don't you just look at the bright side?"

All of them looked at Y/N as she spoke up.

"You can see the future, there's no excuse to feel regret on something."

"Excuse me?" Jihyo uttered as she looked at Y/N and got offended.

"You did what you did because you feel like you need to say it so. So what's the problem about it?"

"You don't understand, Y/N. Even me, if I spoke up confidently but failed-"

"I'm not asking you, Tzuyu. The problem here is Jihyo saw it ahead. But she still pursues her words. She has no reason to feel regret about it. It's her decision." Y/N said.

"G-guys, let's just chill..." Dahyun said and laugh nervously as she senses a heavy atmosphere between Jihyo and Y/N.

"Maybe the students didn't vote you as a president, but that doesn't mean they didn't like what you wanted to happen," Y/N said and put out her note once again.

"Lack of stance" she noted.

"Hello class, I'm glad that you are all here for our history class." Ms. Choi said.

"Anyway, Jihyo, congratulations on your speech a while ago. The results are not yet out but let's expect a win in our section."

"No need, I will lose," Jihyo mumbled.

"Ok, let's start." Ms. Choi said as she didn't hear Jihyo.

The lights went off and only the light from the projector is lighting the room.

"A while ago we talked something about your power, and I mentioned the creator. Here in our class, we are going to tackle the history of the kingdoms and also the creator. Of course, before heading to the kingdom topics, we will be going to learn some background about the creator."

All of them are listening intently. Eyes are fixed in the projector, ears are up for the lesson and the only tap of pens and the voice of the teacher can be heard.

"According to the ancestors, The creator was the one who gave us abilities and intellect. Making us ahead advance to the normal people. But that doesn't mean that there is a significant level between the two. But plays a role. The special ones which are the people who have abilities and advance intellect play the role of the protectors and innovators. In exchange, the normal ones are the workers and givers. Without them, we can't stay longer here in our world."

"But things are not getting into its track at the latter years. People got vices and one of them is jealousy. People came greedy and out of the hand. Both normal and special ones. That day... the creator was gone."

The discussion was cut as Nayeon raised her hand for a question.

"This creator... just left after a huge mess?"

"Yes, but since there are advanced people, they came up to a set which they divided the world into nine kingdoms. Each leads by the responsible leaders."

"Do you mean the creator just gone? Like literally? Then that creator just gave out advanced people the problem and not a blessing." Tzuyu said.

"Anyway, is this creator is even a person?" Tzuyu added.

"The creator is said to be a powerful sorcerer. It started with a small group until the advanced people went big and bigger until it almost half the population of the world."

"I'd rather choose to be a normal one than to be an advanced person," Momo said.

"But girls, things are getting better of this way-"

"Then why they gathered us?" Jihyo asked interrupting the discussion.

"I heard that there are many people who started to be on the list of a missing person. Most of them are the elders. I heard that it's the creator's deed. Makes sense since we are all here to train our powers. To what, face the creator? Just like what you said, Ms. Choi, the Creator has just gone... who knows maybe that person is still alive?" Jihyo said.

"That is thousand years ago-"

"It's a sorcerer, if that creator managed to create advance people, then that creator can make itself living eternally," Jihyo said cutting Dahyun.

"What if... what if the reason why elders are missing is because of the chaos years ago. Since the creator builds up the advanced people, he takes it back now." Jihyo said.

The others were surprised by Jihyo's statements as they think it is possible. It makes sense, who gave it will take it.

'Does she really know what she's talking about?' Jieun asked on Y/N.

'She knew, but just like a while ago... she's playing safe. Just wait for her stance...' Y/N replied

"But of course, that is in the past, who knows what happened?" Jihyo said.

Y/N smirked on her mind as she heard Jihyo.

'See, she can't even support her statement... makes her words unrealistic. Too bad for someone good at speaking out.' Y/N said on Jieun.

"Good assumptions Ms. Park. You must be using your ability, didn't you?"

Jihyo just smiles. She actually saw it ahead, that the teacher is discussing it.

"Well technically yes, we are readying you for the upcoming face-off. There are predictions that the creator will be back. After taking the elders, the youngers will be the next one."


"That's it for today, I will go You assignment. And you can find the answers in the library."

After that class, all went out of the room.

"Y/N," Jieun called out as Y/N is about to walk away.


"Are you ok?" Jieun asked worryingly.

"Of course... Thanks."

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