-33. Cold Fights

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Third Person

The place started to fill with chaos. They thought they will be just fighting with normal people but those are not just ordinary ones. The guards were possessing black magic which made the girls fight with them hardly.

"My clones are getting down, how long are we going to fight with them!?" Dahyun yelled.

"Just continue that, Y/N is making up a portal," Jieun said.

"Oh really, seems she's just watching," Jeongyeon said as she healed the other students.

"Their potentials were blocked, but it's not completely gone," Jeongyeon added.

Chaeyoung and Momo continued to fight. They were fighting with unbeatable guards. Even if they were filled with blood on their bodies, the guards are still up.

"Y/N, what are you waiting for!?" Nayeon yelled as she's tired of dueling with the guys barehanded.

"Want us to die!?"

Y/N hissed and opened a portal back to the school.

"Mom is waiting on the next line, hop in!" Jieun instructed the students and to Jeongyeon who's carrying Tzuyu.

While Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Momo, and Mina are stoping the guards, the other girls run into the black hole.

"Get in now, I'll handle them," Y/N said.

At first, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Momo, and Mina are hesitating but then, Y/N walk in the middle and copied Dahyun's potential.

"Holy shit!?"

"Get in! We don't have time!" Jieun yelled.

"You got a bunch of stuff to explain after this, Ms. Shin," Mina said.

As the girls are already on the other side, they didn't know that Mrs. Lee is waiting on them. She is the one who is predicted to come into the detention room an hour ago before they went to the Creator clan's village.

"Manage them, I'll get there in a minute," Y/N said who doesn't even bother to look on Jieun.

Jieun just nod and went inside the black hole and exited the detention room. As she arrives there, she saw her mom already doing half of the job.

"Mom, what can I do?"

"Just erase the information about Y/N. I'll handle the rest."

Jieun nodded and did what her mother asked her to do.

"Don't tell me your mom is Ms. Lee?" Jihyo asked.

"Yes, now forget it," Jieun said and snapped out Jihyo.

Meanwhile, on the other place, Y/N started to fight with the guards along with her clones.

"Boss is right, you're as powerful as him."

"Thanks but I don't accept compliments from bad guys," Y/N said.

Despite being able to copy the other's ability, she can't use other abilities at the same time, she can do it by switching to it from time to time. Using Momo's flexibility, then Switch to Dahyun's cloning.

All she thought she can handle it but the guards are still up.

At the corner, she saw an explosive and made her way on that.

"Tell dad I'm not glad to see him here," Y/N said and lit up the bombs using Sana's fire attribute At the time she opened a black hole back to the school, the explosion rumbled making her clones including the guards to meet their deaths.

"Y/N!" Jieun exclaimed as she went out of the hole and the hole disappears.

"What happened?" The others uttered at the same time. All of them are confused especially Dahyun, Momo, and Chaeyoung who are covered with blood.

"Where is Tzuyu!?" Jihyo asked.

"She's here!"

The commotions ended as the principal went in and was surprised to see them in mess.

"What happened here!?"

"Miss Principal, they went out on a black hole with the other missing students." Mrs. Lee said as if she's clueless too.

"Call the nurses, get them to the clinic." The principal said.

"All I can remember is... we are in a room, fighting with a bunch of guys... then after that, we came here," Jihyo stated.

"We cannot even remember how we got there and we came back here." Nayeon hissed.

"Ouch! Be careful!"

"How about the missing students?" The principal asked.

"Their powers were blocked, but they can still use it after few days of recovery." A nurse said.

The principal looked at Mrs. Lee and walk towards her.

"How did you get in the detention room?"

"I was there as I heard noises when passing by. I took a look and saw them went out on a black hole." Mrs. Lee said calmly.

The principal believes as she didn't see any trace of lies in Mrs. Lee's words. Make her good at lying...

"Blackhole? Isn't a special potential of the creator?"

"I don't know Miss Principal but that is what I only saw."

The principal left to gather up her accords for a meeting.

Meanwhile outside the clinic, Jieun approached Y/N, but the latter shoves her away before she could talk.

"If you fooled me once, I won't let you do it again. Don't ever touch me, if you can remove their memories then you can't do it to me." Y/N said.

"Y/N listen up, we didn't intend to hide it. I don't know about it either, I swear. But mom hid it for a reason."

"Reason? What? Your selfishness? Do you want to use me towards my own father? You made me hope that I can still be with him, you didn't tell me the truth!"

"Because we know you will back out if you find out." Jieun's mother said.

"Back out your ass. What do you expect me to do? Help you to end my father? He's the only family that I had."

"If this is part of your help, then no thanks. I'll be living with myself rather than with you." Y/N said and left the place.

Jieun sighed exaggeratedly and looked at her mother.

"Seriously mom, why you didn't tell me?"

"You didn't just lie to Y/N but also me. You said we are doing this to help Y/N's father to get back in our tribe."

"Our leader is dead as he became the creator."

"H-how? I mean... I can't understand."

"Not here Jieun. You better watch on Y/N. You don't want her to go back to his father, do you?"

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