-10. Future President Future

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Jihyo's PoV

I woke up with another vision sees my right eye. And since my blue eye showed up whenever the green one works, I covered it.

"We need a representative for our class. Anyone suggestions?"

"I nominate Park Jihyo as class president also the representative of our class for school officer."

I closed my eyes as I saw flashes.

This is unbelievable.

"Jihyo, Don't you have a plan for getting ready?" Tzuyu asked who just came out of the bathroom.

I kicked off my blanket and walk inside the bathroom. While letting the water run three my body, I am thinking about what I saw.

"Leader... I was born to be a leader." I said as I stare at the reflection of my eyes as they are in their active colors. Blue on the left, and Green on the right...

After taking shower, I opened the medicine cabinet and get the eyepatch that I put there when we are fixing our things.

I put one on the left eye to cover the blue one. You must be still asking why?

I can't close the blue one. It automatically becoming active whenever I use my green one. And it also went close automatically... although it will take an hour, there is a time it went back to its normal color after a day.

Why I am covering it? Because I don't want to see someone's past. There is a reason why we forget our past so I just don't want to know it. Who cares about someone's past anyway?

If I let my green and blue eyes be exposed, I will have normal vision. Since the future and past are active, it is stuck into the present time.

Now, You must say that I can just let the green one open so that I won't see the past and I don't need to cover the blue one.

Well, have you ever think walking with your eyes having different colors? That's why I cover it and just wait till it comes inactive.

After taking a shower, I went out and get into my uniform. My right is coming back to its normal color but I still can feel the cold blue on the left one.

I sighed and just walk out of the room seeing Tzuyu leaning on the door and looking at someone's room.

"You waiting for someone?" I asked.

"No." She said and walk out.

"Tch," I uttered.

Suddenly the door went open where Tzuyu is staring a while ago.

"Hi, Jihyo!" Dahyun greeted as Dahyun and Y/N came out.


"Oh, your left eye again. I thought it was ok yesterday?" Dahyun asked.

"Ah yeah... just need to cover it for a while," I said.

"Going to school? Let's walk together." I asked

"Nice!" Dahyun said.

I looked at Y/N and she's just walking without even talking or expressing a smile nor feelings.

As she looked at me, I immediately avert my gaze and continued to walk.

"Do you have any idea what could be our day today?" Dahyun asked.

"Electing Of classroom and school Officers," I said

"Ohh, that's nice!"
"Good morning class, have you spent time together? How's your room?" Ms. Choi asked.

"Fine, it was fine with me," Nayeon said.

"How about the others?"

"We are all good," Chaeyoung replied with a smile.

"Ms. Shin?"

We all looked at Y/N as she is just looking at Ms. Choi. They have a minute of staring contest until Y/N broke it and get back on her notebook.

"Ok let's start our agenda."


I looked at the others and they are also confused. I mean, she called Y/N for what?

I looked at Nayeon and seems like she's curious too. I mean compared to others, we are keeping our eyes on her.

"So today's agenda is classroom President. Just like normal schools, we need someone to lead this classroom. Any volunteers? Nayeon?"

"Me?! Why me?! No!" Nayeon exclaimed as she was called.

"Oh, why not? You are the daughter of 1st Kingdom's King... the leader among all." Tzuyu said.

"Shut up Elsa, I don't have time to argue with you. I don't want to be a president!"

"Ok Ms. Im, you could just refuse. Ok, so any nominations or volunteers?" Ms. Choi asked.

"I want Jeongyeon!" Nayeon said.

"Ms. Im, you have to say it properly-"

"Ok fine, fine. I nominate Yoo Jeongyeon as the class president." Nayeon said.

"Ok, who else?"

"Miss! I nominate Dahyun as class president!" Jieun said.

"Yah!"- Dahyun uttered as she scowls.

"Ok, who else?" Ms. Choi asked. All of us went silent looking around if there are still nominations.

"Miss." We all looked at the person who spoke and saw it's Y/N raising her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Shin?"

"I nominate Park Jihyo as a class president."

My eyes widened in shock as I heard my name said by her.

Me?! Wait... I should have expected this but I didn't expect that she is the one who nominates me!

"Ok, let's see... the nominations are enough, I will close it, and let's start voting.

Dahyun- 4 (Jieun, Miyeon, Eunha, Seulgi)
Jeongyeon-4(Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Momo, Sana,)
Jihyo- 7 (Y/N, Dahyun, Mina, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Elkie, Jihyo.)

"Congratulations Ms. Park, you'll be the class president of this class. But you also need to attend the meeting later. It will be the presidents of each class for choosing the officers in a special program."

"Ne, Thank you," I said and bowed.

"Wait, I'll just submit this paper and we will head on our topic." Ms. Choi said.

As she leaves, Y/N stood up and about to walk but Dahyun stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

"Restroom." She just said and continued walking.

I stood up as I decided to follow her. She's just walking casually and enters the restroom without minding the other students there.

As the other students saw me, they walked out of the place.

"Y/N?" I called up as she's in the cubicle.

"You really decided to follow me here instead of thanking me while I am in the room?" She said.

I was a bit surprised as she knew what I am going to do.

Is this her power?

"Uhm... Thank you for nominating me... but, why?"

A heard a flush of water as the door went open. She walks to the counter and washes her hands.

"Why? Because you said you will say to Ms. Choi your plan on having a special room for us." She said.

Oh... about that.

"It's better that you'll get the request approved because you are a president not because you are royalty. You better be the president of this program. Good luck Future President future." She said as she walks out leaving me surprised.

President future, tch! What's wrong with her? What's wrong with my classmates?

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