-13. Speak Out

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Your PoV

While the others are talking about the manipulation thing, I looked at Jieun and she seems so relax.

Knowing her power, I knew she said something in the class but manipulated it after... I mean, what's the sense?

'You are a binary, why you didn't tell them?' I asked, trying to connect with her.

'I did.'

'You manipulated it, didn't you?'

'Hehe, yeah.'

'Must keep it as a secret, you know.' She added

I just shook my head and smiled at her craziness.

"Hey, how about you?" Nayeon called up.

I looked at her confusedly and speak.


"What's your power?"

'Seems they are so up with you?' Jieun said in my mind.

'It's not even important, the heck."

I just sighed and about to answer when the bell in the cafeteria rings for the announcement.


A smiled grew on my lips and I looked at them.

"Seems that is more important," I mumbled.

"Let's go guys," Jeongyeon said.

All of us leave our seats as we walk out of the cafeteria. While heading out of the school to go to the dome, we also saw the other classes from the special program entering the place.

And as expected they are allergic to each other. The other students looking at us, well on the royalties like we are the worst, and here are my classmates avoiding the glances that they are throwing.

Too bad just because of being royalty, they got this uncomfortable attention.

'Should we go out first? This is royalties' mess. They are looking at us as if we did something bad too.' Jieun said.

I looked at her as she's walking with Sana and the others while I am walking beside Dahyun.

'Go, Don't expect me to go with you.' I replied.

'Eh? tch, Fine.'

As we entered the dome, I roamed my eyes and realized that it's bigger than I thought. It's completely like an arena...

How come I didn't notice it yesterday?

"Did they just-"

I looked at Dahyun and seems she's thinking the same. Even the other students here are confused.

"This is bigger than I thought," Nayeon said.

"Guys, our section," Jeongyeon said as she points somewhere.

On the right-wing, we saw a sign where it says our section. We saw the others, Miyeon, Eunha, Seulgi, and Elkie walked there so we followed them.

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