-46. Intentions

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Jihyo's PoV

"Where are we heading?" I asked Tzuyu as it's already an hour since Nayeon's group and I split up.

"It's been an hour yet I can't see anything just this dark and narrow place," Chaeyoung said.

"We are heading down the tunnel," Tzuyu said.

"You mean to the underground arena?" Dahyun asked.

Where the bloodless battle is happening...

"Why Nayeon didn't think of getting on this way tho?" Jieun asked.

"Maybe because the tunnel is close already. The tunnel all the way to the battleground is connected to the other kingdoms. It's still a long walk but at least it's safer." Tzuyu said.

"If the tunnel is close already, then why are we heading there?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"Trust us, Mrs. Lee, I used to sneak the keys before, whenever I leave my Kingdom," Tzuyu said.

"What a brat."- Chaeyoung

After an hour and a half walk, we were able to get into the entrance of the tunnel.

"Wait, it's dark in there. What if there is someone who will attack us?" Dahyun asked.

"It's ok, just be alert," Tzuyu said.

We all walked in the tunnel and every walk is too careful that you won't even hear our footsteps.

'Ugh! What's with that smell?!' Jieun whined but she didn't even speak.

I activated my blue and green eyes to see easier in the dark, just like how I did on the maze before.

I gasped and halted back as I saw few decomposing bodies all over the way. Chaeyoung almost trip but I stopped her as she's about to step on one's body.

"Stick in one line. Just follow me." I whispered but enough for her to hear it.

As much as I wanted to throw up because of the disgusting smell that filling the whole tunnel, we hold back and continued our walk till a huge gate ended our thread.

"Tzuyu, the keys," I said.

"O-oh, here." She said and gave me a bunch of keys. I looked back at her confusedly like I am asking which one to use.

"Ah, of course.... use the longest one." She snaps.

As I did what she said. A click sound was heard. I dropped the locks and pushed the gate that is full of rust right now.

We walked in and saw the biggest battleground. I saw how Jieun was amazed at the sight.

"Never thought that there are also dead bodies in here," Chaeyoung said.

Since there is light coming from the top, we could see somehow.

"Which path should we take?" I asked Tzuyu.

"We are heading to 7th Kingdom, first right?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Do we still have time? I mean... we need to save Y/N first." Dahyun said.

I looked at Mrs. Lee and Jieun who are now in silence again.

"Could you at least talk normally so we could catch up too?" I said making them look at me.

"We supposed to go to the 7the Kingdom first but now that you said we are running out of time?" Jieun said.

"I'll connect with your father so they can back us up." Mrs. Lee said to Jieun.

"But we need to stay here for a while. This is a safe place." She added.

"Right here?! In front of dead people?" Dahyun asked.

"For what?" I asked.

"We need to work on your power. We need to see when it will happen-"

"It's impossible. I never tried to do it." I said cutting Mrs. Lee.

"We need more details, like where it is and what exactly will happen. There is what you call progress and improvements, Jihyo. You should take yours this time." Mrs. Lee said.

"We'll guard, do what you need to do," Jieun said as she signaled Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, and Dahyun.

"W-wait, this is freaking me out... what if I will see it wrong?" I said.

"I mean, I got two abilities while one can even manage well. H-how can I use it." I said worryingly.

She sat on the floor ignoring the bloodstains that are already painted on the floor. This is not the bloodless battleground that I know...

"Jieun used to get into that situation too. She is binary as she got mine and her father's potential. In your case, you could activate your eyes at the same time, tho nothing is gonna happen. Try to block your own power to allow the energy to flow on the other potential. That way you could focus more on one potential." She said.

I sighed and sat on the floor. I close my eyes to focus and just let myself drift into the silence of this place.

"Imagine yourself blocking the energy running on your blue eye. Let all flow to your green eye instead." I heard Mrs. Lee said.

"Now that you got your daughter, also known as the creator that will end you... what will you do?"

"We don't need to rush. I need to be a father for a while on her. I need to get her trust."

"Then? You said that she is a creator. Stronger than you, you have nothing to do with her."

"She's still young, her emotions will drive her down. If that happens, I can take all her power and rule the world."

I gasped as if I haven't taken my breath for long.

Wait... no

"What did you see?" Mrs. Lee asked as she waits on me to speak.

"T-they are planning to take off Y/N's power. And as the creator took it off, he will use it to rule the world. He also said that Y/N is stronger than h-him. What does he mean?"

"Y/N is a natural creator. Her father is an accidental creator, that explains simply." Mrs. Lee said.

"I-if that's the case... they are trying to manipulate Y/N," I said.

"Guys! We need to go, I heard someone is coming." Chaeyoung said.

"Let's go, we need to get in the ninth kingdom," I said as I stood up and followed Tzuyu who is leading us now.

They will use Y/N. He will use Y/N!

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