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Third Person

As Nayeon's team are waiting for the set time. The other girls are on their way still to the exact coordinates that Nayeon gave and Jihyo presented.

Nayeon, Dahyun and Y/N were still on the trees and keeping their presents visible when...


Y/N looked at Nayeon as she heard that she was calling her.


"I have a bad feeling with this." Nayeon said which Dahyun heard too.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know."

They ignored it and keep waiting. They've been trying to fight with their own tiredness after all they've been through. Except for Dahyun who fall asleep on the trunk of the tree.

Nayeon can't focus because of what she's feeling as she knows something will happen but it is something she doesn't know too. While Y/N's thought is floating with full of Jieun and her family.


Nayeon was startled as she heard Y/N's voice. Too close and too intimate.

When she looked at Y/N, she was just petting Jiby.

Nayeon pulled out her device and sent a message on Y/N. To keep the silence in the place, of course.

:The hell, did you just call me?!

Y/N's device chimed and she look onto it.

'No' she replied by conversing through Nayeon's mind. Again, Nayeon didn't expect that. She felt a sudden irritation from the latter as she's sure that the latter was lying.

:fuck off, Y/N. Stop playing around!

'I'm not.'

:dumb shit!

'You too.' Y/N responded. Nayeon huffed as she threw a glare on Y/N.

:Stop using your potential to your shits, shin! Be serious with this!

'Too serious that you didn't even notice Dahyun is sleeping. What's in the head?' Y/N said but this time she's looking at Nayeon.

:Brain, Y/N. Brain. Nayeon typed and tapped the send button before eyeing the latter.

:Wake her up. Nayeon typed again.

For the nth time, Y/N's phone chimed and she saw Nayeon's message. Using again her potential, she tried to connect on Dahyun.

'Hey, wake up, she's getting mad.'

Dahyun almost jumped off when she heard Y/N. She looks around to see Nayeon glaring at her.

"The fuck-"

Dahyun wasn't able to finish her sentence when Nayeon signaled her to hushed. Nayeon points on her watch meaning the set time is coming.

'Should we get ready now?' Y/N asked as she looked at Nayeon.

Nayeon just nod and by that, Y/N informed Dahyun too.

They waited, Nayeon looking at a particular side as she's expecting someone will show up, and she's right!

'That's Eunbi, the one on the right side.' Y/N informed to the both.

While they are eyeing on their group. They felt a very familiar atmosphere. It is surely the one they're waiting for.

"Well hello there." A voice came out from the black hole which Y/N already recognized.

Eunbi's group halted back. As soon as they saw the black hole, they already have a clue which clan they came from.

Meanwhile, Eunbi remained calm.

"Can't you see that you are surrounded by my clan? Aren't you even scared?" Eunbi said.

Y/N frowned. She know Ashley won't attack without her troupe. Then suddenly another black hole went opened.

"Sorry dear. They are kinda late. Had a fight with some rats a while ago." Ashley said.

This time, it's not only Eunbi's group but also the tree girls who are hiding were shook.

Nayeon covered her mouth as she's about to freak out. Her eyes must be deceiving her. All royalties were aligned. Coming out from the black hole.

"I never thought royalties and creator's clan team up... for what? To end the young ones?" Y/N heard from Eunbi.

Ashley laughs maniacally while the royalties behind her just stood.

"You're pretty smart huh. Well since your end is near, I'll tell you. Yes, we are about to end the young ones. Nothing should be superior but the creator!" Ashley exclaimed then the royalties started to attack Eunbi's group.

Without a second, the intense face over ended and went to a fearless battle. They started attacking each other without even minding if they will get themselves hurt. All have one goal, to end each other.

Y/N looked at Nayeon but the latter was not there anymore.

"Y/N! Nayeon!" Dahyun yelled as she jumped out of her hiding spot and started cloning herself.

As Y/N look at Nayeon, she's already running to one of the royalties.

"Dad!" Nayeon yelled as she run to her father without realizing she's crying.

She's pushing everyone who's blocking her way till she got in fromt of her father who's dwelling one of Eunbi's clan.

"You should die!" The girl yelled as she was about to attack Nayeon's father. But Nayeon blocked the attack with her weapon. Right after it. She stab her dagger on the girl.

"NAYEON WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Y/N exclaimed as she jumps out of her place. Dahyun and Y/N are completely aware on what is happening. The royalties were under the creator's control. But Nayeon don't see it.

The girl that Nayeon stabbed fell on the ground.

"Dad!" Nayeon exclaimed as she look back at her father.

"Are you okay!? Do you got hurt!? Where's mom!? We need to get ou-" before Nayeon could finish her sentence, her father pulled out a steel and running towards Nayeon.

Nayeon wasn't able to move as if her feet were pinned on the ground. But then just a snap, her father is grunting and body on the ground.

"Dad-Y/N! What the fuck are you doing!?" Nayeon yelled as she saw Y/N on that back of her dad pinning him.

"Saving you, what else?"

"They are not in their minds! Jus like you, so better snap back!" Y/N growled.

"No." Nayeon muttered and pushed Y/N off her dad.

"Nayeon!" Y/N whined as she drags Nayeon away from her dad who's getting up from the ground.

"Can't you see!? Even Dahyun doesn't want this! But she's still fighting! Where the hell is you brain!?" Y/N yelled expecting the latter would understand her but she was just shoved by the latter as Nayeon run back to her father.

Y/N hissed and looked around. She was in relief when she saw the other girls came...just the exact time Nayeon calculated.

"This math geek should stop being daddy's girl." Y/N muttered.

Y/N gave a look on Tzuyu, as expected they were not ready and didn't expect that they will be dueling with their own parents so they focused on Ashley's other clan while Irene, Jennie and Eunbi's group on the old royalties.

When Y/N turned her gaze on Nayeon, she's trying to avoid all her father's attack on her. Clearly not having time to realize that her father is not on himself.

Y/N blew up an ice between them after she processed the potential from Tzuyu. Both of them were shocked. Y/N took that time to get Nayeon away from her father but the latter keeps on insisting.

"You're messing up your own plan, Im! Shut the fuck up and stay here!" Y/N commanded and blocked Nayeon with ice so she won't be able to leave the place.


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