58. Test It

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Nayeon's PoV

"I'm not satisfied, I want a rematch." I said as I went off on Y/N's top after I took her down.

"You won, what you are trying to prove?" Irene said.

"She's not focusing! Seriously, did you even sleep? Did you eat?" I asked irritatingly to Y/N who went up and dusting herself.

"You're just making it big, Nayeon. It's just a practice." Jihyo said.

"Yeah, I know. But at least give me an interesting fight." I hissed.

"Nayeon, you're bleeding."

I snapped and looked at Jeongyeon. She's looking at my arm and I saw it's burned and bleeding.

"Jeongyeon take over. Go to that side." I heard Irene said.

"Dahyun and Mina, you'll go next." Irene instructed.

Jeongyeon and I walked at the side so she could heal my wounds but I didn't expect that Y/N will be following us.

"Can I do it instead?"

"What?" I uttered

"Sure, I need to prepare too. I'll teach you how to do it." Jeongyeon said which made me look at her.

"Can't you just do it? Why her?"

"I need to prepare.besides, Y/N can learn it fast." Jeongyeon said.

Y/N nodded as Jeongyeon walked over me and examined my arm.

"Gosh, Don't you feel hurt?"

"Now that you said..." I mumbled as pain suddenly sinking to me.

"Y/N, just do it like this. Make sure that all skin are fully recovered so we could avoid infections. And don't cut the process, there's an effect if you will. " Jeongyeon said.

"I'll leave you both here, goodluck." Jeongyeon said as she taps Y/N's shoulder and leave.

"Sorry, I think I pushed you close to the fire a whi-"

"Can you just... do it? I can't handle the pain." I hissed.

She nods and walked over. I was surprised when she did the same thing Jeongyeon is doing a while ago.

Did she already get it just that seconds?

"What are you thinking?" I asked but she was so focused that I can see her brows furrowing.

I suppressed my laugh because of her face.

"W-why?" She asked as she stops.

I suddenly felt sting on my arm as she stops which made me glared at her.

"What the fuck, Y/N! What are you doing?!"

"Oh geez! Sorry!"

She laid her hand again and continued doing what she's doing a while ago.

"You're so stupid. What are you thinking?" I asked again.



"If you are thinking about what Jieun told you... forget it. She just said that because she was driven be her emotion. I know she still value you and would never blame you for her lost." I said.

She stopped but this time, I can't feel pain anymore. The burnt is gone also.

"Thank you." I said and left her.

While walking, I suddenly feel that there's something wrong with Y/N. I mean, she seems so down to something. Thinking about something that has been bothering her.

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