84. Feels Like Home

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Jieun's PoV

"Y/N, Y/N wake up." I said as I tried to wake Y/N. We are actually sharing the same room after I asked Dahyun to exchange rooms with me.

I heard Y/N groaned. Maybe because no sunlight even hit her just the usual morning. Well it's just past 2 in the morning. And we had a hard training a while ago. I know she was drained because she practiced her potential.

She rubs her eyes and move on her side to check the clock on her side table.

"Jieun, it's too early!" She whined.

"Sorry, I need something." I said.

I know that I am older that Y/N. But sometimes I act up younger than her. She's not complaining anyway, we only got each other after... after her sister died.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I can't sleep."


"I miss going outside. I need air, Y/N. Not like this. It suffocat-"

"I get it. Ugh, I hope they won't see us." She murmured as she kicked off the blanket on her.

I smiled thankfully on her. I bet she see it since she smiled back. I'm an independent person. Align with that, I love just being outside of anything else. I know that this is much safer place but I can't stay for longer here. Knowing that we are lock here. But of course that is for safety measures.

"How can we go out?"

"I'll try to use the black hole." Y/N said as she gets her jacket and sling bag. She also throw the other jacket on me.

"Let's go back after an hour." She said.

I nodded and felt excited. Then, she opened up a black hole. I just hope no one felt that. Y/N has been working with it. So she can open the black hole without anyone noticing it. But itsI kinda hard, since granny is around. So hoping that she won't see us is impossible.

But since Y/N agreed, maybe I should just on it. And I want to go out for real!

As Y/N able to open up a black hole. She hopped in, so I did the same. Another black hole went open and the next thing outside that hole is another place.

Y/N and I went out and a cold breeze welcomed us. I hugged myself as I feel shiver along my neck.

I miss this!

I looked back at Y/N and realized that she's sitting on the grass while playing with the bird that she's been taking care of.

On how she take care of it, I can say that she fully trust that bird. How funny that it's just a bird, but she treats it like a human too.



"Jihyo said everything will be fine... she's right, right?" She asked and looked at me.

Her eyes say it all. She's being anxious. But why?

"Of course, we should trust on Jihyo." I said and smiled hoping that would lessen her worries.

Which it did. I don't know how but I felt happy as she smiled back. Did she trust me now?

"You know... meeting them is not bad." She said which surprises me.

"Yeah, after all these adventures? You even ended up liking the girl you hated." I mumbled.


"Nothing. How's Jiby?"

"I don't think she's fine. She's just in silent." She said as she gives attention on that bird.

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