70. Crazy, Love

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Third Person

While the others are busy checking Jeongyeon up. Jieun, Mina, and Jennie are with Y/N and trying to cool her down.

Mina and Jihyo already told to Jennie and Jieun that they all know the situation. They decided to team up so they could stop the effect before it gotten worst, but maybe, they are late.

"Y/N, Y/N! Calm down!" Jieun repeatedly saying as she's holding the latter's cheeks to bring her back to her consciousness.

They don't know if the effect can get more worse but one thing they know, they don't want that to happen. After seeing what Y/N did to Jeongyeon? It just so lucky that it was Jeongyeon, she can treats herself and won't feel any pain.

They don't know what happened but one thing for sure, something triggered her. Maybe jealousy, as they saw Jeongyeon is with Nayeon too. Jealousy drives her crazy.

"Get away from me!" Y/N growled.

"Maybe this thing can calm her." Jennie said as she pulled a shot of her work.

"Make sure that won't mess, you freak." Jieun warned as she threw a glare on Jennie.

"Chill, this is guaranteed gonna help her."

She took the shot on Y/N. Without few minutes, Y/N calmed herself but eventually fell her asleep.

"So what now? The anti-dote is not yet done. I thought you'd be staying in the forest for a week just like how we did. Congratulations anyway." Jennie said.

"If we stay there for a week, Y/N would go worse than this." Jieun said.

"Why? You are there, you should stop Y/N on interacting or stay close on Nayeon." Jennie said.

"Sadly it didn't went that way. It went as mess as a disaster." Mina said.

"You think you could help us?" Jieun asked to Mina.

"I'll try."

Since Mina was expert and came from the family who uses hypnotism and spell, she gave it a try hoping it will work.

After thirty minutes, Mina stopped.

"How the hell you worked on that spell. I can't took it down." Mina said to Jennie.

"Really? Then it's a good one, right?" Jennie asked excitingly, feeling proud on her work. She clearly forgot that they are dealing a serious matter.

Not until Jieun throw another glare at her.

"S-sorry, what should we do now."

"What should we do? You should work on that anti-dote, before Irene will find about this mess. Or else, it's all done with your works and your 'babies'. Same goes with my dear friend." Jieun said.

"Guess we should work on it too. Let's keep Y/N away from Nayeon." Mina said.

Nayeon's PoV

We are in our own worlds right now. Some decided to go back to sleep. Even if I want to, since I know what happened yesterday still running down to my humanity, but what just happened a while ago keeps me awake.

"Jeongyeon, go back to sleep. Even if you can treat yourself, you still need to charge." Jihyo said.

Jeongyeon nods and walk in their room like nothing just happened.

Jihyo looked at me after that, it's only me and her who's in the place.

"Only me, Mina, Jieun and Jennie know about this. It will be a big mess for Jennie if Irene found out about this. Since she's been helping us, let's return the favor." Jihyo said.

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