88. Not a Drill

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Third Person

"Let's stop here. I'll be building barrier so we can rest safely." Irene said.

All of them slammed down on the ground because of the tiredness they felt for fighting and walking.

"Can someone make a bonfire? The barrier won't help to keep us warm." Nayeon whined.

Jeongyeon look at her side to see Y/N staring at nothing.

"Y/N, take this." Jeongyeon said as she saw the latter rubbing her arms for heat, since she has nothing but her tattered shirt.

"No thanks."

"Take it, I don't feel cold." Jeongyeon said and put her coat around Y/N.

"Nayeon is right. We are here for you. Sorry for your loss." Jeongyeon said.

Y/N didn't respond. She doesn't know what to say. It's clearly not fine with her. Everything just continuously getting uneasy. Losing person that will stand beside you in every uneasy situation could be the messiest thing could happen.

"We are still going to have the peace we want, right?" Jeongyeon asked as she peeks down to see Y/N's face clearly since she's looking down.

"I don't know."

"Let's count on Nayeon and Jihyo then." Jeongyeon said which made Y/N scoffs.

"They didn't even see this coming." Y/N said darkly.

"I know, but I-"

"I'm sorry, I need to be alone." Y/N said and left Jeongyeon unfinished with her sentence.

"That's a tough try, Jeong. Can't touch that stone. I'm telling you." Nayeon said.

"At least I tried."


"Y/N, can I talk to you?" Jihyo asked as she saw Y/N standing alone.

"I know you need some space. I just want to say sorry... For not doing what I should do." Jihyo said.

"It's just... my eyes. I'm scared to use them. I know I can literally make use of them. I can see the past and also the future if I want to. Sorry for your loss."

"You do?" Y/N finally spoke up.

"Y-yeah. It's just that... you've been trusting me. Since day one in the electing of school president. But I can't trust myself knowing I am not like the others."

"We're not like each other, Jihyo."

"I mean... being in the title of the next leader of my kingdom. I'm not a royalty." Jihyo said.

Y/N look back to face Jihyo. Instead of facing her without any expression. Y/N just smiled.

"And what do you think about me? The next creator who is not even a royalty."

"You are a natural creator."

"But I am not a royalty." Y/N defended.

"That doesn't make sense, Y/N. You're not getting my poin-"

"Royalty is just a title. So does the creator. It's up to you on how you fill those title with sense. People trust you, yet you are bringing yourself down." Y/N stated that makes Jihyo speechless.

"Isn't an honor to be the first ever leader who doesn't have a royal blood? Just like being a creator, leading the world with peace despite of being the daughter of the destroyer."


"I've trust you so much in here, Jihyo. Like what you said, since first. The next step is in your eyes, face it."


"Wake up guys! We need to leave this place and continue the search." Jennie said which stirs up everybody.

"That is what I called a worthy camping." Dahyun said as she yawned.

"The barrier is down, let's go and be always ready." Irene said.

Everyone packed up and continue to walk with Nayeon, Jennie and Irene leading them.

"Just stay beside me, Nayeon. We need to be sure that our coordinated are right." Jennie said.

"Is that your way saying you don't trust your stuff too much?" Nayeon asked.

"Excuse me-"

"Guys, settle down. Stop it. Nayeon, stop picking up some fight here." Irene said.

While they are walking, Irene told them what are the teams that are still up. They are hoping that everyone could get in since the battalion of the creator is not a joke.

After an hour of walking, Nayeon got an coordinates.



"I think something will up on this place." Nayeon said as she snatched the device locator on Jennie and shows it to Jihyo.

"What you think?"

Jihyo bit her lip anxiously as her eyes landed on Y/N who's also looking at her and waiting for her response.

Jihyo sighed deeply and nodded.

"I'll see." Jihyo said.

'Don't disappoint me.' A voice crossed on Jihyo's head which is very familiar on her.

"Okay." She responds out loud.

Jihyo breathes deeply as she closed her eye to focus. As she opened it again, her eyes went blue and green. She covered her blue eye, allowing the green one to work on.

All of them were looking at her as Jihyo holds her breath while watching the flashes in her eye.


Jihyo gasped as she wraps up all she saw.

"Y/N, remember Eunbi?"

"Yes, why?" Y/N asked.

"Their tribe will get under attack by your father's clan." Jihyo said and gets the device on Nayeon.

"You know where is it?"-Nayeon.

"It is here. But I don't know when it will happen. Sun... the sun, the sun is up according to what I saw." Jihyo said.

"Let me see." Nayeon said and looks at the device to get the coordinates of the place where Jihyo pointed out.

"If we are going to consider the seconds, our coordinates and their coordinates also the postion of the sun in this place...."

"Are you getting what she's saying?"Momo


"-then there's a chance it will happen two hours from now."


"We can't get there before that 2 hours." Nayeon said.


"But if we are going to use the black h-"

"It will be dangerous." Y/N cuts off.

"I have a better plan." Y/N said.

"Say it."-Irene.

"Let's divide our group. Nayeon and Dahyun can go with me." Y/N said which made Nayeon look at her.


"Yeah, her? Wait, don't tell me the poti-"

"Shut up Dahyun!" Nayeon yelled then look back at Y/N.

"W-why me?" Nayeon snaps.

"Why not? You'll get me into an accurate result. I think it's better if Dahyun, Me and Nayeon will head first. We can use Jiby. You guys should follow to. The aerial travel is faster than down here. As we get there, Dahyun can multiply herself so we could stop the whole thing... hopefully." Y/N said.

"That's a good idea. It's better if you'll get there before the set chaos. To warn Eunbi's clan." Jihyo said.

"Okay, let's set now. This is not a drill. Everyone, get in your places. Y/N, lead your group."-Irene

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