72. It's Done

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Third Person

While the others are using the free day to do their own stuff, Y/N, clearly can't do what she wants because Jieun always drags her somewhere.

"Jieun, I told you. I need to go to the bathroom." Y/N said.

Jieun knows that she's being too far. She doesn't want it too. She's just stopped Y/N to go further. She knows Y/N is lying, she's not going to the bathroom but to Nayeon. Y/N's eyes say it all, she needs to talk to Nayeon.

"You already went to the bathroom a while ago, let's go and have a practice." Jieun said.

Y/N whined like a kid as she really does feel like taking a practice. They are on their way to the practice room when they saw Jeongyeon.

"Hey, Jieun. Having plans on using the room?" Jeongyeon said.

"Oh hi, yeah."

Jeongyeon looked at Y/N. She can clearly can't remember what she did to the latter. It was nothing for Jeongyeon, seriously. She even treated Y/N's hand after Jennie, Mina and Jieun calmed her. Even if Y/N who's the one who attacked her, she hurt herself.

"Are you okay now?" Jeongyeon asked on Y/N.

Y/N don't really know, she just woke up with a bandage wrapped on her fist. It hurts, she admits.

"I mean your hand." Jeongyeon said.

Y/N snapped and looked at the bandage.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You think I can have at least a minute to change it?" Jeongyeon asked.

Jieun doesn't see any harm with it. As long as Nayeon won't come up.


They look at the voice who called them and it's Jennie. Jieun leaves the two first, feeling secured that Y/N won't go.

"What is it?"

"I need you to come, I tested the anti-dote and you should see the effect so you won't throw a blame on me if it mess."

"Why not, you are the one who worked on it." Jieun said.

"Just go with me, shall you?"

"How about Y/N?"

"Nayeon is inside the practice room, are you planning to use it always?" Jennie asked.

Jieun made up an idea. She walks back and as Jeongyeon and Y/N still checking on how she is.

"Jeongyeon, can you change Y/N's bandage? Also check it, she said she felt like a bone just broke inside."

"What? I didn't say anything like that." Y/N said.

"It's better to be sure, I'll go back after. Do it in your room!" Jieun said as she runs back to Jennie.

"So, my room or yours?" Jeongyeon asked.

Y/N sighed in defeat. It's the first time in that day Jieun let her to go without her. But, it's more complicated. She doesn't want to reject the offer as she sees Jeongyeon as a good person. Well, she needs it too.

She badly wants to see Nayeon, something inside her wants her to see Nayeon.

"Let's go to your room, I don't have kits on my room." Y/N said.

"Cool, let's go."

Jeongyeon and Y/N walked in Jeongyeon and Momo's room. Momo is not inside since she is having a practice match with Nayeon.

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