-16. Two Vs. Many

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Third Person

After the match of Y/N and Nayeon, Jeongyeon helped Nayeon who's still struggling to get up.

"Are you ok?"

"Hello?! I was thrown meters away from her, what do you think!?" Nayeon hissed.

Nayeon holds her shoulder where Y/N holds it before she made her flip. Even her back where Y/N kicked it do hurts.

"Let me heal it," Jeongyeon said and concentrates on Nayeon's shoulder and back.

"Gosh, I didn't see that coming." Nayeon hissed.

"I knew it, she got the same body mass and strength with Momo," Jeongyeon said.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I told you I can tell it. Her strength seems to be so advance. Do you think that is her ability? Super strength?" Jeongyeon said.

"After what she did to me? Of course." Nayeon hissed.

As Nayeon feels better, they walk back to the safe zone while other students are taking their match. The practice became so tough and exciting for them. Until they got into the last members.

"So Tzuyu, Sana, and Dahyun... how can we settle this?" Ms. Choi said.

"You two partner up, I can manage myself," Dahyun said.

"Tch, don't cry if you'll be a block of ice later," Tzuyu said as she walks into the center.

"Dahyun, are you sure?" Ms. Choi asked.

"Yes! Let's finish this!" Dahyun said.

Tzuyu and Sana are on the right side while Dahyun is on the left.

"Can she really survive?" Jieun asked on Y/N.

"It would be embarrassing if she won't... she initiated the match," Y/N said which Nayeon heard.

"Excuse me? What are you trying to say?"

Y/N looked at Nayeon and shrugged.

"Depends on your interpretation," Y/N said.

Nayeon huffed as she holds back. All of them looked at the center where Sana, Tzuyu, and Dahyun are.

"Just sit there, I can finish this one," Tzuyu said to Sana.

"One? Are you sure?" Dahyun said.

Dahyun laughs as runs towards the two. They thought that Dahyun will attack but she just runs around them. Since Tzuyu and Sana are not intimidated, they just remained and waited for Dahyun to attack first.

They snapped as Dahyun became two... no, three, four, can't be count!


"Fair enough!" Dahyun said and laughs.

Tzuyu and Sana didn't expect it coming, now they are leaning on each other as they are surrounded by Dahyuns.

"What the fuck!?"

"No how can we defeat that, huh? Sana asked Tzuyu.

"I don't know, tch! We are not partners here, just to remind." Tzuyu said.

She blew up a block of ice and used it as a bridge to get out of Dahyun's clone.

While Sana spread a fire causes the deduction of Dahyun's clone.

As Tzuyu was able to get out of the circle, she threw iced-formed sticks on Dahyun but all of those are just clones.

"Tzuyu! Let's help each other first! I want to match on you at last!" Sana yelled as she fights the clone with her fire attribute.

The stadium was filled with vapor as the two attributes are ongoing. Ice and Fire seem so powerful but Dahyun's power is endless.

"What the hell?! Why there are still many of them?" Tzuyu hissed.

Dahyun is not doing something just keeps multiplying herself.

"Go on, use your energy," Dahyun said playfully.

Sana hissed and come closer to Tzuyu.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Saving energy? Obviously, Dahyun wants us to use all our energy. We can defeat these clones if we are together."

Dahyun's clone started to surround them again as Tzuyu and Sana stand back on each other.

"I'll kill you after this." Tzuyu hissed.

"Kill? Hey, we are just on a practice!"


Sana just focuses as she looks on her side. She feels secured on her back as  Tzuyu is standing behind her.

Sana blew another fire expecting to reduce the number of clones but she only expelled half of it.

Meanwhile, Tzuyu got back after watching Sana do her work.

'I cannot believe I need to work with this girl.' She thought as she hissed.

She focused on her side. As she sweeps her arms wide, different ice particles were formed and hits the clones.

"Ugh! How long are we going to do this!?"

"Attacking time!" Dahyun yelled

Meanwhile, while the others are watching intently for the last intense practice, someone called Y/N from behind making her look back.


Y/N looked at the girl confusedly and sneaked out of the stadium as the person who called her went out.

"What the hell Dahyun, I thought you are there."

"I'm hungry, my clones can handle it," Dahyun said and drag Y/N out of the place and they went to the school cafeteria.

"Imagine we've been practicing for hours, I'm hungry and I can't take it longer."

"Good thing I can duplicate my energy too. But I need to eat, really!" Dahyun said.

Y/N sighed in defeat and just accompany Dahyun.

"Anyway, you did great a while ago. So super strength is your power. Makes sense when you said that it's like Momo's power." Dahyun said.

Y/N just shrugged as they continued to walk. After they ordered food, they decided to go back before anyone could notice that they are not around.

"Y/N hold this," Dahyun said and gave the foods on Y/N. Dahyun sneaked on the battlefield to see her clones are almost gone.

As she looks at Tzuyu and Sana, they seem to have a great partnership.

Dahyun scoffs and is focused.

"That is just the beginning," Dahyun said and started to multiply herself.

She didn't waste time and attacked the two with her clones. The two did their best to protect themselves but Dahyun is too many to handle.

In the end, the two ended exhausted, drained, and downed by Dahyun.

"For this round, no one wins." The teacher said making Dahyun frowned.

"What!? Didn't you see what I did?"

"As if I didn't know you sneaked out with Y/N and leaves your clones here. The time you walk out of this dome means you left the match."


"Cheater, that is what you got." Tzuyu hissed as she shoves away the clones by pressing them with ices.

"Students, gather up!" The teacher instructed. All of them went to the center and wait for another instruction.

"I am glad to see your powers, but I hope this won't be the instance of you, using it in some other things." The teacher said and looked at Dahyun who's just about to sip on her drink after she gets it back on Y/N.

"Very good, All the winners of this practice match will receive additional for the next activity. Class dismissed."

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