-29. Trust Them

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Your PoV

After two hours staying with Momo at the dome, I finished the day and as we walk out, it's already dark.

"Hey Y/N, did you eat already? Want to get some with me?" She asked.

Since I know that I am hungry too, I decided to agree. We walk into the dorm's restaurant and saw that there are only a few students in here. Since it's already 8 so it's not surprising.

After we ordered our food, we walk to a vacant table and eat together.

"Anyway, I heard that you know Jieun before she became our classmate," Momo asked.

"Uh, yeah? Is it even important?"

"Well, I'm just wondering how long you already know her?"

I stopped and looked at her who's clearly enjoying her food.

Can I trust her? But that doesn't mean that she helped me means I could trust her...Maybe I should watch them more.

"What? Do I have a stain on my face?" She asked.

I just shook my head and continued to eat.

"So how long you've been known her?" She brought it back.

"She's my sister's best friend. Since I was a child, they were together."

"Oh really? That's cool! Where's your sister? Is she here too? What program?"

"She's dead," I said making her shut her mouth.

"I mean, she died... long years ago. That's not an issue for me right now." I said.

"O-oh.. sorry." She mumbled.

"Why did you ask about Jieun anyway?" I asked.

"Uhm, well... I just wonder since she arrived with our four classmates. I wonder if she was close to them." Momo said.

I frowned and look at her confusedly.

"Hmm, Why?"

"Those four, Nayeon and I, well... even the others think that they are weird. Along with Jieun and you, to be honest." She said.


"Yeah! Seriously, you two are freaking us out. I mean for real."

I chuckled and shook my head.

Seriously, I should have expected that I'll be hearing this kind of honesty from Momo.

"But not as weird as those four. We understand that people hate us because we are royalties. But those four don't really talk to us, even approach you or Jieun."

"That makes them weird? Then what more with us." I mumbled

"To think that most of the students are mad at us, you guys still stick to us. That makes you weird." She said.

I can't understand them...

"Sticking out from you makes those four weird. But, sticking with you makes me and Jieun weird also."

"It's not just that, well those four are only talking with Intellectual. They don't have friends here in a special program."

"That's mean," I mumbled.

"Well... I saw them one time talking to an elder. It's not even part of the faculty."

"You're sticking your nose onto someone's business. Curiosity can kill you... like literally kill you." I said meaningfully.

Like, they wouldn't find out that we are up from a battle if they didn't go outside. But that is a good curiosity, if that didn't happen, maybe Jieun and I are dead.

"Excuse me, young ladies, I don't want to interrupt you but we are closing since there is a maintenance of this place later."

We nodded and finished our food. After that, we walk back to our floor, and Momo bids goodbye before entering her room.

"Aha!" Dahyun exclaimed as I walked in.

"Aha, what?"

"That's why you are nowhere to find, you are up on a date."

My brows flicked as I heard what she said.

"Excuse me? I went on a practice, after that, I ate. Is there a problem with that?" I asked.

"With Momo? I see." She said and sat on her bed.

I just shook my head and walk to my bed to have a short rest when someone knocked in.

Dahyun opened the door and after a while, I saw Jieun is already inside.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uhm... need to talk to you, real quick."

"Dahyun, don't lock the door," I said and followed Jieun outside.

"What is it?"

"Mom has something to say," Jieun whispered.

We walk out of the dorm and look around. There are still students roaming around but I think they are going back to their rooms.

'Stay there, your distance is fair.' I heard on my mind.

Jieun also stopped so I assumed she heard it too.

'You have to be careful... The creator went here.'

I frowned and looked at Jieun. I saw her expression changed into worry as I looked at her.

'Y/N, you must get their trust already. After that, we can go and leave this Kingdom. They know that you are here.'

"Oh gosh, I haven't even built any trust with them." I hissed.

"I guess you should be," Jieun said.

We walk back to our dorm while talking.

"How can I trust them? Didn't you see how they fought last time? They didn't even think twice." I said.

"They were filled with blood in their bodies. But you can't see the fear on them." I added.

"Are you even surprised about it? They were royalties, they know how dirty their families are working onto the underground battles." Jieun said.

I clenched my fist and just hissed.

"Besides, it's an advantage that they are used with it... Facing the creator means we need to kill his people... All of us are doing dirty here, Y/N."

"And that is a sad fact. Even if you wanted to end the unmerciful acts of the creator, you have to do dirty as you face him."

"Remember, He's doing this because of the royalties' bloodless battle. If that bloodless battle didn't exist, maybe there will be no feud between the people and the creator. It's the Royalties vs. The Creator vs. the other people."

"I know you have a thing with the royalties... But you can also trust them. You know, it's like using them for your benefit... That won't make you bad either, this is for them too."

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