-50. Save Her

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Jieun's PoV

"Dad, are you sure we are ready to attack? We can just sneak in and get them out." I said worryingly.

"Are we ready to face the creator now?" I added.

"Jieun, we are always ready. Now it's not just Y/N who we need to save but the other royalties." Dad said. I looked outside the window as our car is still going. The others also following us, and I could tell that they really prepared for this.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Dad said.

I looked at the other royalties who are getting ready too. They are wearing some protection and also holding some weapons if needed.

"Dad... what if Y/N won't go with us?" I asked.

For the past years that Y/N is with us, I see her as part of our family. She never becomes showy when it comes to how grateful she is. But I know she's glad to have us too.

But now that her father is back, having intentions of ruling the world and using her. What if she won't believe us?

"You are like her sister, Jieun. You know if Y/N will go on the bad side or not." Dad said.

"If she's about to, stop her. Just like how her sister did to you before."


"Tch! Do they expect that I am going back there? I don't need them!" I huffed as I kick the leaves running on the ground in frustration.

It's Monday and I was expected to go to school but I didn't because I lost my will to come to school. Everything is a mess and going to school will just make my day worse than now.

"Hey, have you heard about the battleground? There is a place where they allow minors to get in. Let's go and make some money!"

My ears flicked as I heard the two people, probably at the same age as mine talking about the 'battleground' thing.

I've been hearing it before whenever mom and dad are having a meeting with some people. As far as I know, it is a dangerous place and only adults can come there. Although it was said as a battleground where the bloodless fight is happening, there are still people who are dying in that place... for what? To protect themselves.

Well, maybe that is the definition for the people who are in that battle. But for some, royalties and other rich people, they see it as leisure. They watch the matches and some earned money because of bets. But those are illegal things that royalties are out. Royalties are only there to gain people and also watch a worth fight.

How did I know? it's probably weird that an 18 years teen knows something about this. But since my ability is about manipulating someone's mind, I could see some snap on their memories. Not fully but at least, right?

"So what? Are you coming?" The girl asks her friend.

Even if I want not to hear their conversation, I can't stop myself to listen to the information since I am seeking some action too.

Mom just came madly at me this morning. Saying that I shouldn't have to ask stuff that someone of the same age as me should not know. Like hello? I am old enough to do what I want to do!

Even dad agrees with my mom. What do they want to happen to me? Be someone so ignorant and naive? It feels like pressure on me since mom and dad are known as leaders and fighters and here I am being out of their line!

I huffed in frustration and without hesitation, I followed the girls who are talking about the battleground. It's not far as I expected. All the way we went through is so dark. As we got there, I saw many teenagers are also in here. Smoking, drinking alcohol, kissing and some stuff that I KNOW I am not ready to know!

What the fuck did I go to?!

My thoughts were cut as a speaker showed up on the big screen.

"Place all your bets, if there are some of you who want to get into the battle, can move at the big door." The speaker said.

"What?" I uttered confusedly.

"You can join the bloodless battle. Only if you are brave enough." A voice beside me said. When I look at the owner of the voice. I saw a guy who is smoking, having low red eyes.

He blew the smoke of his cigarette on me making me cough.

"Are you stupid?!" I yelled as I have gotten back.

I saw how his expression change. Some people started looking at us. Then some guys walking to him.

"Boss, what is up in here?" The guy asked.

"This little shit called me stupid. Is that even a joke?" The guy who first talked to me said.

The commotion went noisier and some people throwing glares at me. Mostly girls.

"Let's see who's stupid." He said.

Before I could know, the other boys dragging me to the big door as the first guy followed too.

They throw me effortlessly and in that room, I can hear much more screams. The ground is filled with stained blood. And there are dead bodies all over.

"Bring down the cages!" The voice from the speaker said. The noises went louder that I can't even hear my own voice if I will speak.

My thoughts were cut as a big cage dropped from the ceiling. It almost hit me, luckily I was able to move back.

I thought all my misfortune will stop but then I realize that I am stuck inside with the guy that I encountered a while ago.

"You'll see who you are calling stupid." He said.

The next thing that happened is unforgettable. Everything changed, I changed. My first fight is also my first win... and it continues as I enjoyed the cheer of every people watching me.

I skip school for the battleground and no one knows it even my parents. If I walk home wounded, I will lie and tell them that I got them on some sort of school activity. One day, I came to the battleground. Everyone is cheering even if the match is not yet starting. I thought win is always, not until I got my match.

She didn't end me, which made people to came furiously. To my surprise, she drags me out of the battleground. Everyone is mad at us as we gave them a poorly fight. I never come back to that place, ever.

When I asked her why she did that, only four words came out on her. But it changed me for the better.

"Because you're my friend." She said and gave me a warm smile.

I thought she's just a normal girl who saves me from a life of misery. I didn't expect that she is the daughter of our tribe leader... Y/N's sister.

I was led on the wrong path, I even enjoy killing and watching myself covered with the blood of unknown people that I fought. But Y/N's sister pulled me out on that path, she created her way to get me out of that situation.

And that is what I am going to do with Y/N.

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