-47. Heaven in Hell

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Your PoV

I woke up as I heard noises outside of the room where I stayed to sleep.
Before getting off, I wandered my eyes while feeling the bed where I am sitting. It feels like my old bed...

"Get off! I want to see her!"

"No, I want to see her first!"

I kicked off my blanket and walk to open my door.

"I want to s-"

My eyes went down as I saw two kids grasping at each other's faces. They stopped as they saw me.



I fell on my butt as they jumped on me and literally, like! They have heavyweight.


"Oops, sorry." One said.

"Noona, play with us!"

"Noona?" I asked confusedly.

"Yes... Noona?"

"Noona?" I repeated as I'm still confused.

"Why is she repeating that word? Is that what she only knew?" The other one said making me look at him.

As I got a chance to look at both of them, I realize that they shared the same features.

"A-are you twins?" I asked.

"Oh! She can speak! Yes, we are!"

"I'm Gino!"

"I'm Gian. We are strong! Appa said you are too, we heard it." Gian said.


"Good morning, daughter."

My head hung up as I heard dad voice. The twins get off of me as they run to dad and hug his legs.

"Appa!" The twins said.


"I told you not to wake up your sister. Go downstairs, the food is waiting." Dad said.

The twins obliged as I stood up and dust up myself.

"I hope I heard it wrong when they called you dad," I said causing him to change his expression.

"They are my children."


"Gian and Gino are my children. Like you, they are unordinary too. Both got super strength. Smart and bubbly." He said proudly.

"You left me to have your own family?" I scoff as I shook my head.

"No, Y/N... It's just that-"

"Forget it, as If I can still do something to change it back." I hissed and walk out.

I followed the noises from the twins and it leads me to the dining room.

"Noona! Sit here!" Gino said.

As I sat on the chair, I noticed that there are two more vacant seats excluding the chair I'm sitting on and the twins.

"Appa! This is our first time eating with noona! Should we have it documented?" Gian asked as dad walks in.

"If your sister wants to," Dad said and looked at me. I looked down to avoid his gaze and started to eat the food that has been served.

"Hello everyone!"

I looked up as I heard another voice. And to my surprise, it is the girl named Ash.

"Oh, hello there little kitten." She said as she smiled at me.


I choked in water as I heard the twins called Ash mom. I thought I heard it wrong but I saw her literally kissed dad.

"What the-"

"Let's eat first. The food is getting cold." Dad said.

I scoff and just let them on what they want. After all, I'm just a visitor here.

The table was filled with noises from the twins. I looked at dad and he's just casually eating like everything is normal.

"I'm done!"

"No, I'm done first!"

I shut my eyes in frustration and leaves the table before I could speak out of hand.

I don't know where my feet brought me but I stopped as breathtaking scenery.

"Wow," I uttered out of hand.

I roamed my eyes and smiled unconsciously. For some odd reason, I wanted to cry. It's like the place where my mom used to bring us. The sound of waving trees, butterflies, birds, all comes naturally.

"You like it?"

I looked back as my smile faded to see dad.

"Dad please, if you are here to ruin this moment of mine... just go with your family," I said and sat on the bench.

"You surprised me in just one day. I'm still recovering on the fact that my father is a creator and now... he got his own family while I was on a family that not even my uncle or something." I said.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Gosh, you should be... I left them for I know you are my family. But then... this makes me feel like I am no longer part of anyone." I said as I tried not to cry in front of him.

Before I could speak again, dad pulled me on his arm and starting to stroke my hair which is the last straw and made me cry on his chest.

"You even look for someone new... and for fucking sake, she seems just in the same age as mine!"

"You should have told me that you moved on over mom, and made another family. I never expected that I am the only one who is left in the past."

"I'm sorry my daughter. You're right, I should have told you. I was so complacent that you can handle yourself because you are literally the strongest."

"Dad, I'm still a human! I need someone to lean with and I expected you to be there after mom and unnie died!"

"I know... I am not a good father. I am focused on somebody else when in fact there is you. That's why I want to be a father to you." He said and made me look up at him.

"Ash, Gino, and Gian... they can be your family too. They are waiting for you." He said as he caresses my cheeks.

"Don't cry, my princess. You're still my favorite, remember that, Ok?"

"And, you can have this place. It's all yours." He said.

I broke into the hug and looked around.


"Yeah, I want to give you all the things I haven't given to you before."

"Please leave me alone first," I said.

He kissed my head and walk away after. I was left alone but I never felt so lonely in here.

I walk around and saw a pond not so far.

"Outside seems like hell, luckily I found a heaven," I mumbled as I sway my hand on the pond.

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