-21. Encounter (1)

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Jieun's PoV

As we got back to our base, I saw the other people working with us. They just greeted me and my parents as we head to dad's chamber.

"Since when they are roaming around?" I asked.

"Just the other day. We managed to save the number of the people here so you don't need to worry."

"But I am afraid about your classmates. If they are in the same place, room, and class with you then Y-"

"Dad, I can manage it. You don't need to worry too. I'll tell Y/N to help me to watch on those four."

"You have to be careful." Mom said.

"Seulgi got speed," I mumbled.

"The one who fought with me is powerless. I don't know if she's hiding it or she just can't use it at that moment. She fought with me with her bare hands." Dad said.

"How about yours, mom?"

"The one fought me with barehand too."

"What? But how did they able to come in the program of the special beings?"

"The short girl manipulated the result. She's a manipulator too but in terms of computers and writings."

I nodded as I heard what mom said while processing it. Mom is a binary. Aside from manipulating the memories if the opponent likes what I can do. Mom can also take a glance at their memories. It is connected to her main potential which is to erase.

Technically, she can take a glance at someone's memory so she can tell what part of memory she should delete. Unlike me, I can just erase the memory but can't tell exactly the part that I've been wanting to manipulate.

"They are from the creator's clan. As expected they want to have massive amounts of people to take down the royalties. They are using black sorcery." Mom said.

"This is bad, they also found this place. I can't believe it." I hissed.

This place is actually hidden. As we all know, the world is divided into 9 Kingdoms. But they didn't know that there are small vicinities out there that wanting to have a normal life... which is us.

"Go back tomorrow, going back at this time is dangerous," Dad said.

"Jieun, jieun wake up. You better go back now. The enemies are out." Dad said.

I stretched my arms over my head and looked at the window. The sun is not yet showing but it's better to go back there. I don't what Sana to find out that I sneaked out of the room.

"We'll drop you where Y/N will be getting you." Mom said.

I just nod and sat on the chair first.

About the black hole, only a few can open it. Y/N is one of them. A black hole can transfer you to a place from another. You just need to think about where are you going. That is based on Y/N.

After reading, Mom, dad, and I went out of the chamber and bid on the people staying there. While walking in the vicinity, I can sense a comfortable silence. This is what we want, just peace... after the war of kingdoms before, our leader made us all evacuate from a safe place.

Our leader which we also see as the king of our village... Y/N's father.

"Jieun." I snapped out as dad called me. We are now in the forest area, away from the villagers as I realized the atmosphere changed.

"Look who's here."

My body automatically snapped as I saw Seulgi's group...

"Aren't you going back to school? We are in the star section and need to clean up our records. Bet you don't want to be like the rebel royalties." I said.

"I am wondering why are you here, but then these two veterans showed up," Seulgi said referring to my mom and dad.

"You know, I'm still wondering what is your ability. Even your parents are so quiet when they are on a match." Seulgi said.

"You're such an observant." I scoff.

If that's the case, then we succeeded in manipulating their memories on last night's fight.

"Mind to show us?" Seulgi said. As she said that, the four readied themselves.

"Jieun, you better go. We'll handle them." Dad said.

"But dad-"

"No one can go unless you'll beat us... if you will." Seulgi said.

In just a snap, she's in front of me. I was able to dodge her punch before she could lay her hands on me, which made her surprise.

"Wow, is that your potential?" She asked.

I looked at mom and dad and they are started to fight with the three.

I kept my eyes on Seulgi but even if I wanna focus, I cannot since she's moving way faster than a second.

"Shit! If only Y/N is here." I hissed.

I run away from the place but I know Seulgi is following me.

"Wanna play a running game?" She laughs.

"Fine, I'll give you 60 seconds. One.," She started counting as she closed her eyes.

I snapped and run away from her. I know it's impossible to get away from her. But I got my ways.

As I knew that I am far away from her and the others, I went up to a tree and hide.

In just a blink, I saw Seulgi not so far from me and looking for me.

"Jieun! Are you still here?" She asked playfully.

I smirked and thought of an idea.

'Don't underestimate me, dear.' I said.

I saw she snapped as she looks around but didn't see me. One of the advantages of my potential of talking to someone's mind is sounding like I am near to them.

'What now? Aren't you going back to your group? Bet they are down already.'

I saw she started to fume as she can't find me. I still meter away from her but since I am talking like I'm nearby.

"You shit!"

'Jieun, I'll handle this. Go back to the first Kingdom!'

Dad suddenly went to the place where Seulgi is. Mom also followed. As I made sure that they can handle her, I left the place.

I saw Eunha, Miyeon, and Elkie already down. As I went closer to check them, they are still breathing. To make sure, I manipulated their memories.

I run to the place where Y/N dropped me and started to call her.

'Y/N! Pick me up, I need to go back now!'


'Just get me out of here!'

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