-45. Caught Up

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Jihyo's PoV

"Everyone's ready?" Mrs. Lee asked as we are now in front of the barrier.

Nayeon looked at her watch as she signals us to wait.

"Three, two, one." Nayeon counted.

"The power is down, just like what I knew." She said excitingly. As she walks inside the mark that she spotted, nothing happened, no alarms or something.

"Woah- this is something illegal that I wanted," Chaeyoung said as she follows.

As we were all able to get to the other side of the boundary, Nayeon immediately leads us the way where Irene brought her before.

We went to a dark tunnel leading by Sana's fire and at the end, we saw two-person waiting for us.

"They are your friends?" One asked Nayeon.

"Yes, and this is Mrs. Lee... a teacher of our program. She will help us to get our friend back." Nayeon said.

Friend huh

"The creator is probably on one Kingdom that they haven't still occupied. As of now, his clan is making a move on to the second kingdom. Check the rest to find Y/N. That all we know."

"I guess it wouldn't be a waste of time if you will introduce them to us huh?" Sana said.

"Ah, This is Irene and this one is Jennie," Nayeon said.

"Ninth kingdom, do you think they are there?" I asked.

"Possible, I mean that is way too far but also the most crowded. They can easily hide there." Irene said.

"I know a way to get back to my kingdom easily," Tzuyu spoke.

"Wait, are you all sure you want to leave? I mean... you wouldn't know what is outside." Irene asked.

"Not her," Dahyun said and points to me.

"You can't rely on your abilities as always, especially you don't use it often. I'm telling you, you should brace yourselves on the things you will witness outside. It's not full of colors like we used to. The time we walked in here, everything went change outside."

"That's right, take down your expectations kids." Mrs. Lee said.

"Oh god, I'm expecting more fights, is that included?" We heard Momo asked.

"That silent girl, she's the creator's child?" Jennie asked.

"Is that even important? Just let us go now, we have time to catch up." Jieun said.

"I'll take it as a yes," Jennie said as she opened the gate and Irene helped her.

As we were able to take a snap on the situation outside, my eyes went wide as It cannot take what it's seeing.

The beautiful late night that everyone is seeking seems like a dark nightmare now.

"They succeeded in destroying the first kingdom. No one knows where are the people living here, probably taken by that clan to widen their people." Irene said.

"This is so sick," Nayeon said as tears are warning to stream down.

"We will inform you what is happening at this school. But please do the same too. Save the rest of the kingdom. That would be a better payoff." Irene said.

We all nodded after a few talks. Irene and Jennie closed the gate as we walk out of the school and just wander our eyes at the doomed kingdom.

"This is like a ghost town," Momo said while we are walking and seeing the destroyed buildings, stores, houses.

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