110. I Like You Since Then

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Third Person

The Royal party started. It is their free time before they real start of their school. It will be surely hectic. After Y/N take some food, she went out to get some air. She saw the footbridge on the balcony. She walks out while eating the bag of chips she got before she left on the room. She can't remember when she got time to relax like that.

Even if the battle is done, she didn't stop helping those people who need her help. Especially now that everyone knows that she's the creator.

"Y/N, wait."

Y/N looked back and saw Jeongyeon running to her.

"Uhm, Jeongyeon."

"Why are you here? Don't you want to stay inside?"

"Nah, I need more time to think." Y/N said.

"Think? You've been thinking all the time. Are you crazy?" Jeongyeon said and laughs.

Y/N continued to walk so do Jeongyeon.

"Want some?" Y/N said and offered the bag of chips.

"No, but thanks." Jeongyeon said.

They stopped it's kinda far from the room already. They leaned on the wall of the bridge and just look at the sky. The stars are visible.

"I can't believe i can still look at those star." Y/N said.

"Huh? Why? Haven't you done that for long?" Jeongyeon said.

Y/N smiled and shook her head.

"The last time is when I am... with Jieun." Y/N said.

"You miss her, don't you?"

"Of course. The day after we win the battle. I went to the place where we placed their bodies."

"You did?"

"Hmm, secretly." Y/N said and chuckled.

"I told her how I ended everything. How you and the other helped me." Y/N said.

"She must be so proud of you." Jeongyeon said staring at Y/N.

"Whenever I am with her, all she do is to scold me. She's actually more strict than my own sister. That night, when we sneaked out to watch these stars. She said many things."


"Uhuh. I can't remember those. But I think those are just some of her words scolding me again." Y/N said and chuckled.

"Is that the reason?" Jeongyeon said.


"Not just me... maybe everyone noticed it too. That you changed. You're not the Y/N who's always quiet anymore. Is that the reason? You talk just to hide how much you miss your love ones?" Jeongyeon said.

Y/N was stunned but gotten back. Jeongyeon is right. Shes happy on what she have now, but can't help to miss what she had before.

"Maybe Jieun cursed me. To have those twin with me so I would feel what's the stress I've done to her." Y/N said.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"But at least I am not alone, right?" Y/N asked.


"Jeongyeon... I have something to tell you."

Jeongyeon snaps and looked at Y/N.

"What is it?"

"Remember when Jiby is on her last breath?"

"Yeah." Jeongyeon said and remember the time when Y/N even leaned on her head on the bird's beak for last goodbye.

"She told me something."


"She's dad's pet. Back when dad is not yet a the creator. She told me how much she's so proud of me. And she said that my father would be too. If not just because of that other creator who passed the title to dad, my father won't be as bad as him."


"But it's okay. I know his proud of me... they proud of me, right." Y/N said.

A moment of silent happened until Jeongyeon talks.

"You know who's more proud of you?"


"Us. Everyone. For standing on what is right. I know that you lost them. Because sometimes, right thing has consequences. In able to get there, you need to decide. And you chose the right one. And look, everyone thank you for that."

"Are you serious?"

"I am!" Jeongyeon said and laughs.

"I never expected that I'll be meeting a person that is very brave, kind hearted and a good friend."

Y/N shakes her head and smiled.

"How come you are good at words huh?"

"I'm just being honest. That's what everyone thinks about you. I know that I can't feel what you are feeling. But the way you put everyone's safety first Before your own wants." Jeongyeon said.

"Do you get it?" Jeongyeon asked.

Y/N nodded and chuckled.


"Thank you... Jiby also told me about that day. Thanks for saving her. And helping me."

"That's nothing. It's an act of goodness. We are there as a team." Jeongyeon said.

They stared at the stars again with the same reaction, full of amazement.

"Y/N... do you ever felt amuse by a particular thing? Like, you think, that is the most amazing scene that could happen in your life?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Hmm... like what?"

"Those stars, what do you feel right now as you look to those?"

Y/N thinks and kept her eyes on the stars.

"Me? I think they are the best. Beautiful thing that could be seen by my eyes."

"Right, but have you felt it for a person?" Jeongyeon asked.

Y/N didn't reply as she didn't hear it.

"Y/N, is it possible, that you feel amuse with two things at the same time?"

"Probably... does it happened to you?" Y/N asked and faced the latter.

Jeongyeon who is look up to the stars looked back at Y/N. She smiled and nodded.

"They look the same. Beautiful and amazing."

Jeongyeon sighed and closed her eyes.

"Y/N, I have need to say something to you." Jeongyeon said.

Y/N didn't reply but wait for the latter. She's all eyes and ears waiting till Jeongyeon drops the tea.

"I like you since then." Jeongyeon said.

"I think you're amazing. I found you cool. And I know I like you since then. I just didn't want to tell because I know it's not a time for that. But at least now you know." Jeongyeon said.

Y/N left speechless as she does know what to say.


Y/N blinked and shakes her head.

"No... I just... didn't know what to say." Y/N said.

"No it's fine. I'm not expecting a response. I just realized have to say it. For you to know that more than appreciation is what I feel towards you."

Y/N smiled and nodded.

"Thank you... I don't know what the right thing to say, but... Thank You."

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