90. Seen

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Third Person

Jihyo continued to dig into the past of Y/N. Till she found something that can answer all her questions.

"Mom! Mom wake up! Please!" Y/N begs as she cries on her mother's body that is bathed in her own blood.

The chaos is unstable.The battleground is completely mess and dead bodies can be found everywhere.

"Mom! Please!"

"Y/N! Y/N you need to go!" Her sister yelled as she rush into the younger.

"Unnie! Mom is not dead, right?"

Her sister caressed her cheeks to make her look at her sister.

"Y/N listen. This has to stop. I've read the prophecy, someone who is naturally born creator has to stop the chosen one... if the time has come, you need to follow what has been written."

"I-I can't understand. Unnie, let's go! Let's get mom out of here!"

"No, kid. You have to leave. Unnie needs to fight. There will be chances to stop this for a while. You have to be brave, okay?"


"Jieun will come. She'll find you, okay? Tell her I love her."

"But unnie."

"Y/N! You have to follow me! Just do th-"

The conversation were cut as Y/N's sister throw up a blood. Y/N was confused not until she saw a bow straightly stab on her sister's.


"Go. Just go, unnie can fight them." Her sister insists.

"Give me that kid!" A voice from her sister's back said.

Everything suddenly became clear and horror to Jihyo. She recognized that voice. She'll never forget that voice.

Y/N's sister removed that stab on her using it as a weapon.

"Never, unless I die." Her sister said while Y/N is hiding behind her sister with her mom.

"Sorry, but that kid's life will save the future. Have to stop that shit."

"Y/N, go!"

"Unnie, no! I need to come with you." The younger begs.

Her sister have nothing to do. She remain her guard on Y/N.

"Who are you? What do you need?" Y/N sister asked.

The figure of the guy came clearer. His dark eyes can prove that he is under control of someone.

"The king... They want that kid."

"Jihyo, Jihyo, Jihyo wake up!"

Jihyo opened her tired eyes. Felt like it's swelling hard.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked worryingly. The others are also giving the same concern. As they saw Jihyo started to cry.

"I saw it."

"Saw? Saw what?"

"I-it was completely mess. Everything is fighting."

"Is that about the future?" Irene asked.

"No... it's in the past. Everything started by the royalties. Our family started it. The late creator got mad and created a fume towards our families. Then royalties realizing it... they decided to make a revolution towards the creator." Jihyo stated.

The other left unspoken after Jihyo's revelation. No one talk until Jihyo continues.

"It was written... Y/N, the natural born creator... will be facing the chosen. Which is her father."

Your PoV

"We are here." I said as we landed. As we get off, Jiby went back on it's original form.

'Y/N, this is Mina. Are you already in the place?'

'We are here.' I simply said.

"So where are we going?" Dahyun asked.

"We arrived half hour before the set time. We should inform them." Nayeon said.

I look at her and nodded. Since Jihyo and I been here already, the way is not a problem anymore.

"Okay, follow me." I said.

As we continue to walk, Dahyun asked something.

"This is very familiar. Just hope not a random bear showed up and chase us."


"Nothing." She said. I saw Nayeon elbowed her as they exchanged looks at each other.

"Hey, Shin. What's your plan? How can we convince them? I mean... they will totally bombard us questions. And Jihyo said that they hate us." Nayeon asked.

"Well... I don't have idea. Do you have?"

"Well I have." Dahyun said.

"What?" Nayeon and I asked in unison.

"Tell them what need to be said."

"And if they attack us?" Nayeon asked.

"Chill guys, got me. I have my clones here." Dahyun said as she leans her arm on my shoulder.

"They aren't just ordinaries. They are in the same level as the student council of the intellectual program." I said.

"Ohh... That's scary." Dahyun said sarcastically.

"I could say that we can have 50 percent chance that we can get them in our side." Nayeon said.

"50? Not a hundred? It didn't even get to 75!" Dahyun whine.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

Nayeon looked at her watch and looked around.

"We'll wait for the attack of your father's clan."


"If we're going to wait for the set battle, we can help them. That way, we can get their trust. There will be 75 percent chance we could make it happen."

"You mean we are going to wait? Instead of warning them. Are you that selfish wanting other people to die first?" I asked that made her chuckled.

"Shin... are you getting worried by now? You're not even thinking well. Like what I said, if you're going to tell them the upcoming attack, they will just hit us with multiple questions. They won't trust us because we are royalties and you are the next creator. What I am saying is give them a reason to side us. They have to owe something on us."

"Uhm... are you guys... fighting?" Dahyun said as the silence took over.

"You asked what's my plan. Then trust me with this." Nayeon said and started to walk first.

"Hey friend, chill. Seems like your mood got switched up with each other huh?"


"Okay, I'll shut my mouth." She said then raised her both hands.

"I didn't expect my ship will say this way but still glad to witness this."

"Shut up Dahyun! I can hear you!"

I just sighed and shook my head. I can't even understand what they are up to. I looked at Nayeon and saw her climbing up the tree.

"We can wait here. This is the safest place." Nayeon said.

"Hide yourselves. We're going to have a bloody battle."

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