63. Enchanted Forest

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Third PoV

While everyone are having their rest already, after a very long fight. Jeongyeon, Jieun, granny and Dahyun who are in Y/N's room are still up.

"She's fine now... she lost too much blood but I don't see any bad reaction in her body tho."

"That is one of characteristics of a creator." Granny said.

"That's pretty cool."-Dahyun.

"How about her power, can you bring it back." Jieun asked.

"I can... but she has to do something."

Jeongyeon and Jieun looked at each other as they don't have a clue.

"Anyway, about what you said a while ago. Those are you people?" Jieun remembered.

"Yeah... they are my people living in my Kingdom. If they got my people, probably they got the people living in other kingdoms." Jeongyeon said.

"I think Jennie can track the remaining people-"

"For what?" Dahyun asked.

"I mean... even if she can. So what?" Dahyun asked.

"We can't face the creator and knowing he got his people?"

"We got Y/N. No offense but, we are, I don't know? 12 in this house? But we can't make up one decision." Dahyun said.

"Oh, you realized it... finally."-Jeongyeon said.

"You should sleep now ladies. Tomorrow is another day. Another challenging day." Granny said as she disappeared.

The three was astonished as they didn't expect it.

"The next time it will happen, I'm gonna faint." Dahyun said.

Jieun shook her head and checked Y/N before leaving the room.

"You? What are you doing here?" Dahyun asked to Jeongyeon.


"This is our room."

"Oh yeah. Of course." Jeongyeon said and left.

It's already morning and everyone woke up having a positive vibe welcoming them.

"I think this morning is a trouble-free morning!" Dahyun exclaimed as she stretched her hands over her head.

Since she yelled too much, Y/N woke up and sat on her bed.

"Oh hey, feeling good?" Dahyun asked.

"Uhm... I feel... strange? What happened?" Y/N asked.

"Oh basically we got into fight and your father remo- wait... you can't remember?" Dahyun asked.

"Ohh! Right, I forgot. You automatically forgot what happened yesterday." Dahyun said.

"Uhm. Where's Nayeon?" Y/N asked which made Dahyun gasped.

"Omg bestie! You forgot to tell me what happened yesterday! Did you confess?! Tell me you didn't." Dahyun said.

"I told you, I can't remember." Y/N whined as she kicked her blanket and stood out of her bed.

Dahyun did the same as she followed Y/N.

"So how can we know?"

"I don't know." Y/N said as she opened the door.

As soon as she opened the door, the room across to them opened up revealing Nayeon with Sana.

Nayeon and Y/N had an eye contact for a minute not until Y/N spoke up.

"N-nayeon.. are you-" Y/N wasn't able to finish her sentence as Nayeon walked away with Sana as if she didn't hear anything.

"-Okay..." Y/N mumbled.

"Damn, that's pretty cold." Dahyun mumbled.

Another room went open next to Nayeon's and Sana which is Jihyo's and Mina.

"Hey, you fine now?" Jihyo asked as she saw Y/N standing on their doorway.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Mind if we'll talk to you later. Just the three of us."

"Excuse me, but I assume you mean...four. Four of us." Dahyun said.

Jihyo raised her brows and looked back at Y/N.

"Three of us." She said as she points on Mina,herself and Y/N, then walked away.

"What's wrong with the people? I really think that this is a good morning. But they are ruining the vibe." Dahyun hissed.

After having breakfast, everyone gathered outside the house as Irene said so.

Dahyun immediately dragged Y/N close to Nayeon but before they could go near, Jieun blocked them and dragged Y/N away.

"Come on! Why are you guys being so mean!?"

"Dahyun!" Irene yelled to get her attention.

"You are not here to play. I called you all here as granny gave this task. This requires to all of you especially to Y/N. If you able to finish this, granny can bring back your power."

"Why not just give it? We are wasting time here." Nayeon said irritatingly.

"Yeah, Nayeon is right... she's probably concerned about Y/N's power." Dahyun said and whispered to Chaeyoung.

"I'm not, I'm saying we are wasting time. Instead of looking for our parents, we are here doing this... I don't know what is this." Nayeon hissed as she heard Dahyun.

"Chill out, pretty sure this will help." Jihyo said.

"Jihyo is right. Granny is the one who asked us to do this. So we must trust her... So everyone, follow me." Irene said.

"So when are we going to do the thing?" Jihyo whispered to Mina as they are walking.

"Well, not now. Let me handl-" Mina replies but Jihyo stops her from walking.

"You're not going to initiate ANY actions without my permission... Mina." Jihyo said authoritatively.

"O-okay... I just think that it's easier if I'll do it on my own... you don't have to be so serious." Mina said.

"Mina! Jihyo! What are you doing!? Let's go!" Jeongyeon yelled.

The two continued to walk again and not so long, they arrived on the place.

"Okay? We're not going to enter in that place... right?" Sana asked.

"Sadly, you have to. You may go-"

"What!? No orientation? Like what we are going to encounter inside!?" Momo exclaimed.


"Great! I think I better go." Momo said and walked inside. As she steps into the forest, Momo disappears completely which made them gasped.

"Oh my god!?"

"Don't worry, that's pretty normal." Jennie said.

"Pretty norm- You even said that you don't know what's inside!" Nayeon complained.

"Trust the process." Y/N mumbled.

She walked in and just like Momo, she disappeared.

"You heard it, trust process." Chaeyoung shrugs.

As Chaeyoung walked in, the others also followed. The last person that is still with Irene and Jennie is Nayeon and Jihyo.

"I hope this is something helpful." Jihyo sighed.

"Nayeon, what are you waiting for?" Jennie asked.

"Ugh! Fine! As if I got a choice!" Nayeon whined and walked in line.

As all of them except Irene and Jennie, granny showed up.

"Granny... what is this forest all about?" Irene asked.

"They should learn to work on themselves with a help of a friend."

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