-36. Intellect's Help

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Your PoV

"I'm Joy. Your leader said that you want to interview us for your task?"

"Excuse me, first thing first, I am the leader. Second, yes, and third, we won't accept your challenge." Nayeon said.

I just rolled my eyes and remained silent.

She's really ruining my plan. This task is literally the best way to sneak into their program. What if there are other students here who are part of the creator's clan?

My father's clan.

"Haha! Sorry, she didn't know what she's saying. Maybe we could adequately talk to this?" Tzuyu said as she pushes Nayeon behind.

"What they get out!"-Nayeon.

"I am the daughter of the first kingdom... THIS KINGDOM." Nayeon informed.

How many times should they brag that they are the daughter of blah blah blah when the person who they are talking to doesn't even care?

"Oh, I'm Yeri, from ninth Kingdom."

A moment of silence occurred as Joy's friend introduces herself.

"What I'm trying to say is... I am the next... literally the next hei-"

"We don't care. That is what we mean. We don't care whether you are or you are not royalty." A voice from behind said.

As they take away, a person showed up.

"I am Irene, the school president of this program. I make the rules, you follow."

"Oh shit."

"It's weird to hear that royalties want a nice way. I'll let you pass... but not her." Irene girl said and points to Nayeon.

"Me? Ah, n-"

"Sure, but we want to start the interview right away. You can have our leader." I said.

"Cool, girls. Bring them to the safe unit. I'll handle this one." Irene said.

"H-hey, wait. You should try Y/N instead, not me!"


We just ignored Nayeon as we walk away from them. We are guided by Joy and her other team as we head to a dark place.

"Don't worry, your leader won't die... unless she won't follow."-Joy.

"I'm hundred percent sure that Nayeon is hundred percent ready on this," Tzuyu said.

"Or not."

"Aigoo, this is so bad. This is really bad."

"I know, but this place is pretty ni-"

We all snapped as we heard a loud noise. The dark place turned into a place full of books and weapons. A total gear.


"Is this a hidden place or the admin know this?" I asked.

"Neither the admin nor the principal. This is our secret base. Only officers of intellectual programs know this."

"Like how many members do you have? We literally have two officers, the President and Vice." Tzuyu asked.

"We have 8."

"Ok, maybe we should introduce ourselves first." Joy said.

"I am Joy, this one is Yeri from 9th kingdom. Irene and Wendy are from the 5th Kingdom." Joy said.

"I'm Jennie, from sixth kingdom same with Jisoo."

"I'm Lisa from the third kingdom."

"I'm from eight, Rosé."

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