113. Last Mission

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Third Person

It's already dismissal and everyone is getting ready for it. Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Mina and Chaeyoung stayed together as they planned to visit Y/N.

"Bye guys!" Dahyun said to the other royalties.

"Take care guys!"

They went to their car and about to go when someone knocked in the window.

"Oh, Nayeon-ah." Dahyun said as she saw Nayeon.

"Can I also come?"

Dahyun and Chaeyoung who are clueless are confused while Jeongyeon and Mina both exchanged looks.

"Okay, just sit beside Jeongyeon." Dahyun said.

Nayeon nodded and get inside the car.

"What gotten to you?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Don't start me, Jeongyeon."

"Ohhh kay? Shall we go?" Dahyun asked.

"We better be, Mina and I have some business after." Chaeyoung.

"Aish, you two are always together! Don't you get sick of each other?" Dahyun hissed.

Mina just laughs while Chaeyoung mocks Dahyun. They started to drive to Y/N's house as they decided.

"But seriously, why?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I just have something to give her, dad's order." Nayeon said who's looking outside the window.

"Really? What is it? You can just give it to me and I'll do it instead." Jeongyeon said.

Nayeon didn't reply after, since she really don't have the gift that her father asked her to give on Y/N.

"Nayeon-ah. Don't you miss Y/N? That's why you are coming too?" Dahyun teased.

"Don't you heard what I said?" Nayeon said.

"There's no way Nayeon would miss Y/N." Jeongyeon said.

"But Y/N could miss Nayeon. That's what the potion said." Chaeyoung said.

"Oh right! I almost forgot about that. Is it still working?" Dahyun asked.

"Yup, but not sooner. That's why I go with you guys." Mina said.

"Ohh, that's why.... but why does it took so long? I almost forgot about it." Dahyun said.

"HAHA! Let's drop those questions, shall we? The main reason why we are going there is to ask Y/N and give her a visit." Jeongyeon said.

Nayeon scoffs and nodded.

"Thanks for another save." Nayeon mumbled.

Not so long they arrived at their destination.

"Nayeon, we are in Y/N's house. Let's be kind to her, shall we." Jeongyeon said.


"Y/N? Y/N-ah?" Dahyun yelled.

"Yah, there's a doorbell. Are you really going on that way?" Chaeyoung said and pressed it.

They waited but no one is even answering.

"Are you sure she lives here?"

While everyone is busy, Nayeon decided to go around and check if there's another way where they can get in.

"Strange... seems like no one is here." Nayeon mumbled. She go back to inform the others. As she goes back. She saw the others still knocking on the door.

"Yah, Nayeon-ah! Help us here." Dahyun said.

"No need, no one is in there. I checked the back door and everything is quiet." Nayeon said.


"No one is in that house. Maybe they left." Nayeon said and shrugs.

Suddenly a car stopped also in front of the house. Jihyo came out with Irene and Jennie. Jihyo hurried and run to the door as if she's looking for someone. But the door is lock.

"Jihyo, why are you here? You should have told us you're coming too." Dahyun said.

"Where's Y/N?"

"She's not here. Well Nayeon said so. We've be-"

"Jihyo i told you. We're not joking." Jennie said.

"Joking? About what?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Y/N has to leave, as the new creator she have to like the former creator who can't be seen.Y/N is not coming back." Irene said which made the others surprised.

"W-what? No, she didn't mention anything about that." Dahyun sais.

"We just told her yesterday, at the party. By now, she's probably with granny and heading to the place where she should be going."

"No, that's impossible."

"If you think it is, then you should see this. She told me to tell you guys after they left. And that's why we told it to Jihyo, just a while ago." Irene explained.

Jennie gave a pen that has a recording of Jennie, Irene and Y/N's talk last night.

"Granny gave the signal. She told me to tell you to meet her on that place."- Irene

"Signal? For what?"

"You do know you can't stay here for longer. That's the last mission of the creator." -Irene

"Sadly, you need to leave them."-Jennie


"Because that is the role of the creator. We may have peculiar traits and intelligence, but you are ahead on us..." Jennie said.

"In short, you think I don't belong here?" Y/N asked and chuckled.

"Tomorrow is your leave." Irene said.

"And if I didn't go?"

"What do you think is the reason why that battle happened? You father tried to stay in this world, which causes many lives." Irene said.

"We're sorry to tell you." Jennie said.

The recorded ended and Jennie took the pen again.

"She can't stay here, or else, same disaster will happen." Irene said.

"Y-you should have told us... I mean- earlier." Jeongyeon said.

"We don't know... we were just given a signal yesterday. And after that, Y/N asked it we could keep it until today." Irene said.

"Jihyo? You didn't see this coming?" Jeongyeon asked but Jihyo didn't reply as she was ashamed that she really didn't see it.

Instead of staying, Nayeon leaves the place using the car of Dahyun. Everyone was clueless and surprised.


Driving Dahyun's car, Nayeon suddenly got a hint where to go. It's like a map containing their coordinates were written in her head. Every single mile per second were computed in her head.

When Nayeon arrived at her destination. She went out and look around to feel if there's any presence of black holes. And she is right. She saw the person she's looking for.

She run as fast as she can but a voice just called her out in her mind.

'Stop, don't try to run. You might hurt yourself.'

Nayeon froze as she knows who owned that voice. She saw the latter went in the black hole and faced her. Before it disappears with the black hole, she just smiled leaving Nayeon frozen in her place.


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