-23. It's the Trust

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Third Person

It's already the second half of their class as they are taking a normal subject which is everyone is taking. Everything seems fine until the almost end of the discussion.

"As someone who has power, you have to know what is your power. Your weakness and the strength."

"Miss, how can we stop this weakness?" Jieun asked.

The others looked at her. As expected, she always brings an interesting question that leads to an interesting topic.

"You cannot really stop these but you can avoid it. I mean, there is a reason why there is a weakness. If there's not, then everything is full of chaos. Everything will be unstoppable. Well destroyed and completely damaged."

"Imagine a person having a super strength and doesn't have any weaknesses, it will be probably the end of us." Ms. Choi said.

"Wow, I wonder what Y/N's weakness?" Nayeon said as she looks back at Y/N.

"Just basic maths," Jieun added.

The others laugh at the joke but Y/N seems not to have it.

"Guys chill out, remember if Y/N freaked out, the first one to be busted is me," Dahyun said since she's sitting next to Y/N.

"Back to the topic, the thing you should have is trust with your power."-Ms. Choi.

"Miss... does trust to your power is different from trusting to the people around you?" Mina asked.

"Good question."

"Both relate with Trust But the approach is different. It's like Trusting in your power is having a hundred percent sure of return of investment while trusting people around you is less than hundred or worst, none."

"That's why I hate people," Chaeyoung mumbled.

"If you can't trust the people around you, can you trust yourself in handling that power?" Jihyo asked.

"That is the question that you need to ask yourself."-Ms. Choi.

"You know, trusting people is hard. You don't know which is which. Some untrusted people are the expected people that you are trusting. Some trusted people are the ones who are calling you out from behind."

"Eh? Why would you trust someone who is speaking behind you!?" Nayeon whined.

"Ms. Im... sometimes, people talk behind us not because they hate us, but because we are not facing them. How can they talk straight to us if we, ourselves are always turning our backs into them."

"So I am the one who should adjust?" Nayeon scoffs.

"As a royalty, Yes. Well anyways, our topic is becoming off. Let's go back to managing our powers." Ms. Choi said.

The discussion continued as Nayeon left in silence after the last conversation. After spending hours, the bell rings, indicating that the time is already done.

"Gosh! My brain hurts, but I didn't learn anything! It's must be given and take!" Dahyun whined as they went off the room.

"Uh Dahyun, can you help me out here?" Jihyo yelled.

"Ugh! Go head first, Y/N. Turn on the AC immediately." Dahyun said as she walks into the room again.

As the others went to their dorm, Jihyo and Dahyun were left in the classroom to clean up the mess.

"You know Ms. President of this class... not being peevish. But, can you assign another person next time to clean our room? Or if you want I will assign them. I'll take the Friday duty." Dahyun said.

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