74. "Why not, she's good"

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Your PoV

The training is done as we all decided to have our own time. Some continued to work at the training hall while I am here outside the house and working with the notes that I wrote.

So far, the girls' powers are the only ones I already recorded. This is really a great plan of Jeongyeon.

"Sup, everything's fine?"

Well speaking of.

"Yeah. Just sorting these." I said.

"Wow, you already got ours... but I can't still understand it." Jeongyeon said and sat beside me.

"Uhm, maybe I wrote it on the way I could understand it easily." I said and shrugged.

"Don't you want to go with them?" She asked and looked at Jieun who's having a practice match with Sana and others.

"You know, when we are in the forest... Jieun said that the girl who talked to her said that you don't trust anyone."

My ears flicked as I got interested on what she's saying. I put back my notes and look at her.

"You mean?"

"Well, I don't want this to come from me. But you know that there are some strange things happened on that forest right? Jieun encountered a weird lady... well that lady tells truth. And the truth is, Jieun never got your trust. No one can."

"You know, trusting a person is not something that you could ask for. Yes we do ask people to trust us. But it feels different if that person gave the trust without you asking for it."


"Nothing. It just, try to open up with her. She won't stay beside you for long just to break your trust."

We are still in the yard since we have nothing to do inside the house. Jeongyeon told me that she able to modified her power.

"Sometimes, I can revive them. But that is so hard for me on this stage." Jeongyeon said as she's holding a deceased bird.

My eyes widened as the wings of the bird suddenly moves. And not so long, it flew.

I snapped as I heard Jeongyeon laughing.

"You're reaction is so cute, Y/N." She said.

"It's amazing. Can I write it down too?" I asked.

She nodded as a response so I get my notebook and wrote it down.

"I can only heal human. But if it's animals, I think I can work on some of them. Animal's body system like birds are less complicated compared to humans." She said.


"You wanna give it a try?" She asked.


She stood up and started to dig. It's not that deep and after a while she took out a box. It's a wooden box, just a small size.

"What is that?"

"I don't know but I think birds don't live here. They can't stay longer in here. I've been seeing birds the past days. And I decided to have them a small space." She said.

"Can it still be revive?" I asked.

"Let's try." She said and gave me a pair of gloves.

I know that I can do it since I've been watching her doing it a while ago. But is it fine?

"Why?" She asked which made me snapped.

"Is it fine? I mean, to copy your power?" I asked.


I sighed and shook my head.

"My potential is to copy and modify someone's power. In our village some kids think I am stealing their powers. When in fact, I have no controls with it. What I see will automatically pin on my mind for a day." I said.

"Oh... well glad that you opened up about that. And nope, I won't think that you will steal my power." She said and smiled.

She handed me the bird that is completely dead as careful as she can.

I look at it as It's now lying on my hand. It's really dead and no chance of gaining back.

I tried to recall the process on how Jeongyeon did it a while ago. It's like every small details on how to revive just flash in my head.

"First tried to pul-"

"It works!" I exclaimed as the bird that I am holding flaps it wings.

"Wow, that was fast! You did great!"

I looked at the bird and noticed something. It's not flying tho it flaps its wings.

"Jeongyeon, its eyes." I said and showed the eyes of the bird. It's like Jihyo's. One is blue and one is green.

"I've never seen something like that before." Jeongyeon said in amazement.

Third Person

Y/N and Jeongyeon remind in the place as they study on the bird that Y/N just revived. Compared to the other birds, that bird didn't die after it was healed by Y/N.

"Guess you wanted to keep it huh?" Jeongyeon said looking at Y/N adoringly since they started the practice.

She just found it cute how Y/N seems so interested with it. Especially when she saw the bird's live gained back.

"She can't fly. Can you see the problem?" Y/N asked still looking at the small creature. They like having staring contest which Jeongyeon found more adorable.

"I can't see any problem. Maybe it can't really fly?"

"Is that possible?" Y/N asked and looked at Jeongyeon.

"Maybe? Let's ask Jennie about that." Jeongyeon said.

They both agree and about to leave the place but someone stops them.

"Hey! Jeongyeon! Need you right here!" Nayeon shouted.

"Y/N go head first. I'll go there after." Jeongyeon said.

Y/N nodded and walked inside the house. Jeongyeon can't help but to giggle as she saw how Y/N took a hold on the bird like a fragile being.

"You've been staying up with her the whole day. Did I miss something?" Nayeon asked.

"Huh? Nothing. Just helped Y/N with her stuff." Jeongyeon said.

"Uhuh? You should have stay with me rather than that creator's child."


"Why? Her father took our parents. Also, just in case you forgot, she almost erase your face without even having a reason." Nayeon said.

Jeongyeon shrugs and look inside the house.

"Well, I think she's nice. So why not? She's good, Nayeon."

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