57. Phase One

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Dahyun's PoV

I woke up as I stretched my arms over my shoulders.

"Gosh! This bed is so comfortable! Good morning Y- OHH! What the fuck?!" I exclaimed as I saw Y/N on her bed, sitting lazily with her ruffled hair.

"Did you sleep?!" I asked as I can see visible circles on her eyes.

"Fuck, how could you sleep comfortably when I can't!" She almost cried as she rolled on her bed.

What the? Did she stay up all night?

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call some-"

"No, it's okay... I think I should just wash this off." She said and walk in the bathroom.

I sighed and shook my head.

If Jieun was here, maybe we could know what's her problem.

I kicked of my blanket and walk out of the room without minding anything but then, my ears flicked as I heard tiny noises from the other room... more like whispers. And in my curiosity, I walk in front of that room to check if everything is fine.

"There's no way I will miss it." I heard.

I frowned and moved my ear closer to door to hear it clearly but the door went open revealing Jennie.

I fell on the ground as she opened it widely.

"Oh my gosh! Dahyun, what are you doing?!"

"I-... good morning?"

I looked at her and noticed that she's holding a tube... like the tube you usually see in lab. Yeah like that...

"Are you- ugh whatever. Anyway, since you are here. I need you for something." She said and dragged me inside her room.

As I roamed my eyes, I can see different lab paraphernalia, modern techs... just like another version of Nayeon. But Nayeon is more on numbers.

"Woah." I uttered.

She cleared her throat which made me look at her.

"You are Y/N's roommate right?" She asked.

"Like, roommate here or roommate when we are still at the school?" I asked but she just gave me a done look.

"Yeah, hehe."

"Do you noticed anything yesterday?" She asked.

"Uhm? She's... strong?"

She sighed and shook her head.

"Not that, I mean... like the thing she usually don't do but she did yesterday?"

"Oh... well uhm, base on my observation, tho I rarely do that, I can say th-"

"Just go straight to the point!" She exclaimed which made me startle.

"Okay, okay... chill, girl. Well, uhm she's staring at Nayeon when we are in the dining room. But maybe because she's killing Nayeon in her head, you know, just so-"

"Shit." Jennie said.

"Yeah shit- what?"

"What else?!"

I am confused but still think of what I could tell to her before she will kill me if I won't give any.

"Uhm... that's all? Why?" I asked as I gave up.

"Yesterday, Nayeon gave Y/N Something. It's a love potion and Y/N drank it all."

"What!? I didn't know Nayeon has a crush on Y/N! She even went far and gave her a potion?!"

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