103. Love Tension

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Jeongyeon's PoV

"I want to protect her, that's all I want."

I stopped as I heard Y/N's answer. Of course I should have expected that coming. But she's under the spell, isn't she?

"Okay." I just able to say.

Suddenly our flight went of. Not so far from us, we saw Y/N's father attacking us.

"Y/N!!! Come with me! Don't make yourself hurt more!"

"It's dad."

"Shoot? He have his own Jiby!?"

This family is really ridiculous!

I immediately pulled out the modified gun that I sneaked from Jennie. Y/N needs more time for her energy to comeback and the pill to work. So I need to make her safe for a while.

"Don't you heard what she said? She's not coming!" I yelled and shoot him. The few shots didn't go well because of the tense up here. The fact that I need to balance myself while standing. Jiby doesn't fly well either because of the sounds coming from the gun that making her react.

"I see, you aren't scared?"

"Not at all." I said and continued to shoot him but he's avoiding it effortlessly. It's like he's just surfing in the air.

Then he bumped into Jiby making our surface shake. I almost fell but good thing I set things up immediately.

"I don't have time to play now, I need my daughter!" He said and just by that, Y/N started to stand up as if she was getting controlled.

When I looked at her father, it's staring sharp on Y/N. Y/N started to walk forcefully. I immediately shoot him to divert his attention but that only last for some second. The next thing I knew is I am on the same state as Y/N. But in different, I am stepping back.

I tried to stop myself because I know that just more steps will be dead of mine.

The gun that I am holding fell also and on that point, I started to feel anxious.


I look back and realized that I am in the edge now. Now I am afraid to look forward, I'm sure it will be the last strike. My breathing stops and I am waiting for my own feet to move by itself.

But then nothing happened... when I looked forward, I saw Y/N's dad on the same situation as mine a while ago.

Then I realized that it's Y/N. She copied her dad's power.

"How dare you to use my power against me?"

I thought I was freed but I felt the force again, pushing me.

"Y/N what's happening!?" I looked at Y/N's dad and he's looking at me again with the same glare a while ago. Even his feet is pulling him on the edge because of Y/N, he still manage to get on me.

"You w-want your friend to fall?" I heard his father asked. I can he the struggle in him. He barely move, just his feet is working.

"You're ready to fall?" Y/N suddenly asked.

I wasn't able to react since I thought I heard it wrong.

"Huh?" Before i get it, I saw Y/N, pushed his dad as if there's a strong force between them that kept him to repel on Y/N.

It happened in just a blink of eye. And then the next thing I knew is I am falling out now.

I can't scream! I just felt my body went cold because of scares and when I thought I'll be slamming on the ground, I was caught by the flying bird where Y/N is! And the bird that Y/N's father is using is nowhere to find.

"How's the fall?" She asked and laughs lightly.

This bitch!

"H-how you did that?"

"Did what? Jiby caught you."

"Where's you're dad?"

She didn't reply but we land down.

"Its not yet done. I'm good now, thanks for the heal."

Third Person

After Y/N and Jihyo landed, they saw the dead body that probably caused by Dahyun, Nayeon and Mina. But those are not even half of the clan of his father. Y/N immediately look for her father as she knows a fall won't kill him.

"Y/N! There's the others!" Jeongyeon points.

She then saw the others went out of the car and didn't even take some break and immediately get their hands on blood.

"They are too ready." Y/N huffed.

"Are we late!?" Jihyo yelled and as she used some weapon too and made her way to the two.

"Y/N, you're fine! Where's the others?"

Y/N and Jeongyeon searched them and saw Nayeon with Mina. While Dahyun's clone is fighting alone. Well with clones.

"Let's chat later on, the black hole is sending enemies continuously!

"Guys! Mind helping me!?" Dahyun yelled.

Y/N hopped back on Jiby and when Jeongyeon is about to, she stop it.

"Fight with them, I have a father to face." Y/N said and flew up to search for his father.

The other royals gathered first, excluding Mina and Nayeon who's brainwashing their parents back.

"You think we can finish them?"

"Don't worry girls, they are coming."


"Irene, I saw them in the vision."

Your PoV

I search while I am with Jiby. Just the sight up here, I can see the numbers of the enemies. But I didn't see Irene, are they coming?

"Mina watch out!" I snapped as I heard Nayeon down there. They are facing the royals. Although some of the are down. What are they doing?

"Jiby, let's go down, first." I said.

We safely landed and just in time, I saw the King of the 5th Kingdom was about to attack Nayeon. And nayeon there was busy protecting Mina as Mina is doing something with the royals who passed out.

"Watch your back!" I yelled and run up to her to block the upcoming attack on her back.

I kicked the side of the king making him flinch and fall from the ground.

"Y/N! Why are you here?"

"Saving you? What else?" I locked the King of the 5th's Kingdom using the ice and look back at Nayeon.

"What is she doing?"

"Trying to get them back. Mina's specialty, you know?"

"What can I help then?" I asked.

"The other royals. Do what you did to the 5th king."

I nodded and saw the other 2 royals from different Kingdom. I locked them both beside the other royals.

"Done, now go with me."


"Just go me, Mina can that." I said and drag her on Jiby.

The black hole keeps on going, that means dad is still around. I roamed my eyes and saw the help that we are waiting.

"Y/N I need to help them too."

"No need, Irene is here now. Now hold on, you need to make a plan for me."

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