105. Face Off

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Third Person

The moment Y/N came out the black hole, she knew that she will be facing his dad. And she was right. She found out herself at their old place, seventh kingdom, south border.

Not so far, she saw the wild bird that she cloned being tamed by her father.

She safely landed and went off on Jiby. Then she realized her father was wounded. Maybe the time when she's with Jeongyeon and they were being chased. But that's not the point, she has to end this.

"I knew you're coming." Her father said and smiled on the latter.

He suddenly strangled the bird that he was taming using his force power that Y/N didn't expect. It's a way of showing his power on his daughter.

"I'm not here to come with you." Y/N said.

"But you're still here. Since I appreciate that, I prepared a present for you and your pet!" He said and suddenly, they were attack by big floating trees. Y/N able to get up of her place but Jiby was stuck on it.

"Y/N, you still don't get it. You have to. I'm your only family. You don't need to worry if you don't want to be with your step mom, just go with me."

"What are you saying?" Y/N said. It is really unnecessary but she has to build up a gap between them so that she could study her dad's movements and make up a plan.

"I can kill her for you."

"You're crazy, I do hate her. But how about your sons?" Y/N asked.

"They will grow up, with you. You and them, will be the most powerful next to me. We'll build a perfect world where everyone will kneel before us."

Y/N scoffed as she cannot believe what she's hearing. The father that she looks up on before when her mother is still alive is gone. It's like the day when her mother and sister died, her father also did.

"You're unbelievable. You think you can rule the world with just you being on top? Even the royalties can't handle their own kingdoms!" Y/N exclaimed.

"You're the one who's being unbelievable, kid. You act like knew everything-"

"Because I do! My classmates just told me everything! All of the kingdoms having their imperfections! You can't have a perfect world! Each of them can't even solve their problems!" Y/N yelled which made his father fume up.

A strong force attracts Y/N to her dad and the next thing is she was on her father's arm. The strength of his hand grasping on Y/N's neck and lifting her up on the ground.

"DON'T EVER COMPARE ME TO THOSE ROYALTIES!" Her father growled and threw her on the side.

"What happened to you, my daughter? You just live with them and you act now like you're one them. Have you forgotten? You're the next creator. I'm the creator! We are a head of them!"

"They have their problems because they don't know how to give solutions to it. They don't care! But if we! We rule this world! Everything will fall in place!" Her father added.

"Now, if you want them to stay still... go with me."

"I won't!" Y/N emphasizes as she stands.

"Why? Y/N, why? Don't you want to do this to your mom? To your sister? You know why they died. It's because of the royalties. Without them, this won't happen."

"No, dad! They died because you are not there to save us!"


"Where are you!? You're not around when they died! You're not around when unnie saved me! All you did is to start this mess! You kill more than people and used them more than the royalties did in the past!"

"You're not there when we need you. But you're there when my second family died." Y/N said.

"So what? You're disobeying me? You don't love your father anymore?"

A tear escaped from Y/N's eyes as she heard the word love from her father.

"Right, I do love my father. But my father died the same day my mother and sister does!" Y/N exclaimed as she dashed to her father and attack her with a fire ball on her hand.

"YOU BRAT!" Her father immediately dodged and grabbed Y/N's wrist only to throw her away again.

She slammed on the ground but get up immediately for another attack. This time, she's dedicated. She cloned herself and jumped on the air while her clones are attacking her dad.

She'll be attacking from the above but her father used the repelling force to throw them all.

"You will never win over me, Y/N."

"Too early to say that!" Y/N said and did another try. But just the first one, she was just got repelled.

"You're too stubborn to understand what I am saying. You can never win against me, because you are my child." Her father said as it walks closer to the younger.

He knelt down and grabs the younger jaw.

"You're power is useless if you don't know how it works, my daughter." He said as he stared straight to his daughter's sharp eyes.

Y/N grins and shove her father's hands. A chuckles slipped on her mouth which made her father confused.

"I get it. You... you're not around before not because you are busy being an evil creator." Y/N said without breaking the glare on her father.

"You're not around because you know I can see how your power works and use it to you. You're threatened, aren't you? Too bad because of that, you didn't know what I am capable!" Y/N said and in just a snapped, her father is the one who repulsed to Y/N.

Y/N stood up and wiped the blood stain on her face due to the excessive impact of getting thrown a while ago.

In just some minutes she able to grasp the information of her dad's power. Although not exactly like that, as it is her power's limitation.

"My power will only be useless if it will be use by you."

Her father laughs as he gets up and dusted himself like nothing just happened.

"You shouldn't have treated me like that, Y/N."

Her father runs towards her. He was just a kilometer away and not even getting close to Y/N, but Y/N was repulsed from him.

Y/N slammed on a tree after that. She was just trying to get up again when she gets push by a strong force making her pinned down on the tree.

As her father getting closer, the force is getting strong and stronger. The tree where Y/N was getting pinned is starting to give up.

"Come on, Y/N. The only thing I need is your cooperation. Don't make this thing long." Her father said as it's already in front of her.

Cracks starting to get visible on the tree. It will give up anytime sooner because of the force that is pushing her.

"T-the only thing you need is my power. Don't fool m-me."

Her father smirks and nodded.

"You're kinda right. What I need is your power. You know, having a child that is a natural creator is not really what I expected. And being a creator is not what I expected either. If not because of the former creator who passed the title to me. I am not sure why, not until I remember that I have a special child. A child that brings my own blood."

As her father said that, everything becomes clear. Her father is truly dead since the day it became the creator. It's like a new person was born. A person that would see her as a material and nothing more.

Y/N chuckles despite of her situation.

"My dad never see me as someone special." Y/N said and look at his eyes.

"Not until now... Thank you, but I can't turn my back to those person. You will never have my power. Never, father." Y/N sincerely said.

As a thought of her father would be glad, she's wrong. His veined hand wrapped on the latter's neck.

"You're really testing me. If that's what you want then I have to get it on my own." As he said that, the tree breaks and Y/N was beat back hardly.

"This is the end of you!"

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