-43. Dark Side

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Third Person

While everyone except Jeongyeon and Y/N are in a talk with Mrs. Lee, Jeongyeon who is in the dorm decided to give Y/N a talk.

She knocked and wait till the latter opens up the door. After few knocks, Jeongyeon gave up as she can't hear anything inside either. She concluded that maybe the latter is not in the room.

She's about to go back to her room when she remembered that everyone is out for something. So, she decided to go out to look for anyone who she could see but to her surprise, silence greeted her.

She looks around and neither students nor teachers are in the place. It's just cold silence and a heavy atmosphere that she is familiar with.

She walks even if she wanted just to go back to her room. At the latter end of the school, she saw the person she never knew she would see.


"Y/N!" Jeongyeon shouted as she saw a black hole went open in front of Y/N but the latter seems not to bother with it.

"Y/N!" Jeongyeon yelled once again as she runs to the latter and grabbed her on the wrist.

"What the fuck?!" Y/N cussed as she didn't expect Jeongyeon to show up.

"What are you doing!?" Jeongyeon asked frowning.

The black hole disappeared as the atmosphere went back to its normal run.

"You, what are you doing?!" Y/N asked back.

"Me? Stopping you from getting in that freaking thing. Are you crazy!?" Jeongyeon yelled.

Y/N shoved her hands away as she scoffs and faced Jeongyeon fearlessly.

"You better not run on my way, Jeongyeon."

"But-" Jeongyeon was cut as the atmosphere changed again. Same atmosphere like a while ago.

Jeongyeon looked at Y/N confusedly while Y/N came alert.

"You didn't open any portal, did you?" Jeongyeon asked.

Y/N shook her head and looked around. Her gaze stopped not so far from them. There, she saw a portal as a group of armed ladies went out from that space.

As Jeongyeon followed where Y/N is looking and gasped as she saw the group. Luckily, Y/N immediately stopped Jeongyeon from making a noise and drag her into a hidden place near them.

As Y/N peaks, she saw that the group seems to look for someone.

"Stay here, Don't follow me," Y/N said as she's about to go but Jeongyeon stopped her again.

"You're not going anywhere, Y/N."

"I am, you can't tell me what to do. But I can." Y/N said.

As Jeongyeon frowned, Y/N looked at Jeongyeon straightly.

"Stay here, leave as we leave," Y/N said.

Jeongyeon's eyes went dark as if a spell cast on her. She was left frozen standing on her spot while Y/N left.

"Creator's child! Woohoo! Where are you!?" One of the ladies called out.

"Creator's child named Y/N, wher-" the girl was cut as Y/N shoot ice crystals on their place.

"What are you- are you stupid!?"

"Not as stupid as you," Y/N said.

"Ash, she's the one we are looking for." One said to the girl in front.

"Oh-... what a pleasant surprise, honey. Never thought you'll be welcoming us like this." The girl named Ash said.

"Your father is looking for you, might as well come with us to have fun?" She added as a smile grew on her lips.

Meanwhile, Y/N is not enjoying what she's seeing. There are literally seven people and they are all armed.

"I can go there on my own," Y/N said as she opened another black hole. She's about to walk in but a ray of light beam stopped her. As it laid on her shoulder, she felt a sting enough for her to stop and flinched.

"Sorry, it was an accident... believe me," Ash said as she shrugged.

"Come with us, that won't harm you..." Ash said as she raised her brow.

Y/N scoffs as the portal she opened disappears.

"Fine, but first..." Y/N said as she points her finger at Ash.

They were confused not until a blazing fire was shoot by Y/N.


"Sorry, that's an accident... believe me," Y/N said as she walks first into the portal.

"She's crazy like her father." Ash winced in pain.

"We are here," Ash said still enduring the burnt on her shoulder.

"This is the new place huh?" Y/N mumbled.

"The Ninth Kingdom, east village." She added.

"You know, that's surprising," Ash said.

Y/an just shrugged and keeps on walking. Her eyes are wandering as if she's scanning the whole place.

"You put a barrier, some sort of cowardly acts." Y/N mocks.

"Uhuh, like your school."

They stopped at a big house. The girls opened the door for Y/N.

"We'll be waiting here. Master wants to talk to you privately." One girl said.

Y/N walked in without any hesitation. The house is fine. if you are going to say, it looks like a house of a normal rich person.

"It's nice to see the next creator."

Y/N snapped her head as she heard the voice of her father. She saw him walking down the stairs with a big smile.

"I know why you are here. Not just because I want to because you also do."

"What happened, dad? You said you want to change the world by peace." Y/N asked without thinking twice.

"Isn't what I am doing?"

"The royalties are missing, are you up with that?" Y/N asked looking at her father straightly.

"What made you think that I need them? I can rule the world without those royalties... we can." Her father said as he walks towards Y/N.

"They killed your mother and your sister. Our tribes, your friends. Don't let yourself close with them, they will use you... just like how Jieun's parents did." He said as caressing Y/N's head.

"Come with me, let's change the world and be the most powerful, my daughter."

"I-... I will."

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