-4:First Detention

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Third Person

"What did you just say?" Nayeon asked as her brows flicked and crossed her arms.

"Nayeon, let's go. Let's just wait for the next serve." Jeongyeon said as she pulled Nayeon but Nayeon shoved her hand and ready to throw her rant on the student who just spoke inanely.

"Yah, who do you think you are? This school provides everything you need. Such an ungrateful bitch." Nayeon hissed making the students around them gasped.

"Everything? Well, it's just the beginning but everything is such a mess. What is this Royalty program? Royalties got different treatment from us?"

"What are you ranting of? They already announced the change of rules right? Are you deaf or stupid to understand that?" Nayeon said.

"Nayeon, stop," Jihyo said.

"Tch, such a mess... like this kingdom." The girl said making Nayeon fume.

She huffed and throw the empty tray on the girl only for the girl to dodge it.

Everything went wild, the students started to make up some scenes and even standing on the tables.

The place started to get into a big mess until a long whistle was heard.

They all stopped and eyed the old lady standing in the doorway.

"Who started this?"

Nayeon fixed her hair and uniform glaring at the girl who just attacked her also.

"She! She started it! I can't believe royalty can do this. What an unmannered bitch!" The girl said.

Nayeon was about to throw her hand again but Jeongyeon stopped her.

"I want all students in this cafeteria to go to the detention room."

"A-all if us?!" Nayeon asked.

"When I said all, I meant all!"


At the detention hall, each student was asked what they are doing in the cafeteria. The students lessen as the principal asks each of them.

The only left is the group of the girl and Nayeon, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon.

"What are you doing in the cafeteria that time?" The principal asked Nayeon.

"What else, I was there to eat. But the staff said that we need to wait for 5 minutes for new serving and then this bitch showed up and talked to me inanely." Nayeon said trying to keep her down but failed.

The principal nodded as she can tells that Nayeon is telling the truth.

"Excuse me, you attacked me! I have proof!" The girl said.

"Fuck your proof."

"Ms. Im, watch your language."

Nayeon rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Girls, you may leave. But first of all, we are trying our best to give a nice and organized facilities. Sorry for not meeting those expectations. You may leave."

Nayeon went shocked as she heard the principal. The girls walked out of the room with smiles on their lips and looking at Nayeon in victory.

"What the hell was that!?"

"I am the principal. I'm not just an ordinary person. I am not royalty but I have a special ability like them. I asked questions and the answers on those were being judged by my special ability. Weighing it, you are the one who started it."

"Excuse me, I am not part of this. I just stopped them." Jihyo butted in.

"But you know this will happen. You should have stopped her."

Jihyo was surprised as the principal knew about it.

"I tried to! I told her even before the break!"

The door went open causing the meeting to get interrupted as two girls with a teacher walk in.

"What is this?" The principal asked.

"The first day, first violation... from the royalties." The teacher said.

The principal looked at the two girls. One had ice on her left arm and one has burnt on her right arm.

The principal shook her head and sighed.

Meanwhile, while the others are in their own businesses, Dahyun and Y/N are in the school field with the tray that they got in the cafeteria.

"Watch this Y/N. You will like this." Dahyun said and sat on a bleacher.

Y/N just sighed and did what Dahyun said.

Dahyun put down the tray and concentrates. In just a span of minutes, the single-serving became two, enough to kill the hungry in them.

"Woah," Y/N uttered.

Dahyun giggled and gave the other tray to Y/N.

"My power is all about duplication. I can make multiply things as long as I will focus. But that doesn't mean I like math. I just love multiplying. If two are better than one, so does in food." Dahyun said and laughed.

"Since you are living in my Kingdom, then we can be friends. I assume you don't mind at all." Dahyun said.

Y/N nodded still amazed at Dahyun's powers when a deafening whistle was heard. They both looked back and saw a teacher looking at them.

"Excuse me? What class are you in?"

"Uhm, we are from the first section," Y/N answered.

"Aren't you informed that students are not allowed to eat here? Also if you don't have classes here, you can't just roam around here. There are places where students can stay for leisure and this is not that place."

"Y/N." Dahyun whispers.

Y/N leaned over to hear Dahyun clearly.

"On the count of three."

"Excuse me? Did you hear me?" The teacher said.


"Please come to the office."


"Hey, don't you heard me?!"

"Run!" Dahyun yelled and grabbed Y/N's wrist as they run and left their food littered.

"Stop!" The teacher yelled as she chases Y/N and Dahyun.

"Yah, you said on three!" Y/N yelled still being dragged

"Oh my gosh, my father will kill me if he finds out I got into trouble!" Dahyun muttered.

"Stop! I said stop!"

Y/N and Dahyun continue to run until they got into a dead end.

"Shoot," Y/N uttered.

They saw a door on the said and decided to enter there... as they thought they able to ran away from the teacher, they were wrong as they saw their other classmates.

"What are you doing here?" The principal asked.

"Guess they wanted to join us. Welcome to the detention room." Jihyo said.

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