73. Train Hard

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Your PoV

I woke up up as I heard someone humming on my side. When I look around, I am in my room and on my bed.

"Yow! You're awake!" Dahyun said.

"What happened?"

"You slept for a day. Well... uhm, do you feel something new?" She asked seems wanting know something.

"I'm hungry." I said and took out the blanket on me.

Sleeping makes my whole body numb for real. I should ask Jeongyeon if it's normal.

I walked out of the room and as soon as I opened it, the other door in front of us.

"Y/N, you're good now?" Sana asked.

"Why not?"

"Hey, be nice." Dahyun whispered who's standing behind me.

"Hi, Nayeon! Y/N here is fine now." Dahyun said.

"So?" Nayeon said who's standing behind Sana.

"See you at the practice hall, Y/N." Sana said as they walk away.

I just ignored it and walk in the kitchen. Dahyun went to the others which is good for me to have time alone.

I sat on the counter while having a breakfast. It's not yet time for this, but I want it.

While eating the sandwich I got, I felt something heavy on my side. I look at it and saw a pen and notebook being hung on my side pocket.

"What is this?"

I opened it and recognize my hand writing.

'Jeongyeon's potential.'

I read and and it say how it works. All in detail.

"This is a great idea."

"I know."

I looked up and saw Jeongyeon leaning on the door.

"I told you to have it yesterday. Guess you forgot it." She said.

"Well, that's kinda sucks for me. But thanks." I said and put back the pen and notebook. It will be a big help.

"Feel so fine?"

"I am, i just can't understand why you guys keeps asking it."

"You passed out yesterday. Jieun said you just need rest." Jeongyeon said.

"About that, I've been feeling something weird in my body. Mind if you'll check what's wrong? I guess I need to take medicine or what." I said.

She looks at me and shook her head.

"Nah, you're fine. You just sleep too much. Try to do some warm ups." She said.

Well, I guess I should.

"Something new with you huh, you talk a lot." She said.

What's big about that?

"Anyway, see you want a lonely moment. See you at the practice hall." She said and walks out.

I went back on my food and look on the notebook again. I was checking it when I saw something written outside the cover.

'Owner of the Creator.'

I turned all the pages and saw something written at the last page. It's my hand writing and I can tell it.

'A group that has one goal can be also a Family.'

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