97. Mad Mad Mad

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Third Person

The whole place filled with different strong atmosphere after the encounter happened. It's now Jihyo,Irene,Eunbi's group and Soyeon with the other students having some tension up.

"Soyeon, It's been a while." Jihyo said.

The girl wandered her eyes and saw some familiar faces but got amaze with the number of group Jihyo has.

"I see now why you guys disappeared." Soyeon said.

"You do?"

"Yeah. After all, we are in special program. There's nothing we can't find out. So what's the plan?" Soyeon asked which made Jihyo in shock.

"Wait- is this mean?"

"Why so shock? Aren't you supposed seeing this? We know your goal. And you are leading them. If the nomination for school president didn't happen, I won't trust you guys. But I can't forget how you step out on that day before."

Jihyo smiled ear to ear and went to Soyeon and hug her.

"Oh gosh! Thank you!"

"Anything, we need help too. We can't let ourselves die without doing anything. So what's the plan?"

Jihyo looked at Eunbi, and Irene.

"We are going on that. But I'd like you to meet, Eunbi and Irene. Irene is the president of intellectual program. Eunbi is a tribe leader of this place." Jihyo said.

"I'm Soyeon. We managed to survive the chaos in the school. But before that, we found something." Soyeon said.

"What is it? It may help us to track the creator." Eunbi said.

"Before the actual destruction. Me and the other officers overheard the faculty members."

"Faculty members? You mean the teachers?" Nayeon asked

"Including the principal. The bombing of school is planned. They planned to have a student conference where all students, whether you are in intellectual or special program are in that conference."

"And that's the time they set the bomb,right?" Irene asked.


"Do you happen to meet the creator?" Jennie asked.

"No. There's no creator showed up. We thought he's the prime suspect on the bombing but no. It's the royalties." Soyeon said

"What!? Are you crazy!? Guys, she's lying!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"I know, we saw them. They are in front of us when the conference started." Soyeon said.

"No! No, you saw it wrong! Or maybe- maybe you're the one who really in lined with the creator!" Nayeon argued.

"Nayeon, stop it!" Jihyo said as she tries to hold back the latter.

"Get off of me! Listen guys! Come think of it. Isn't it suspicious that they just wanted to join us without letting us out any single sweat? If they knew it's our parents, then why bother to join their daughters? What if they are under the creator?!"

"Nayeon, stop acting stupid will you!?"-Jeongyeon butted in.

"Uhuh? Stupid? I'm just saying our parents won't do that."

"They attacked us."-Chaeyoung

"Well at least on that point! I mean, that school bombing? Why would they hurt so much students!?"

Nayeon keeps on firing while Soyeon and her team just watches them.

"I'm really sorry, she's just too down when she saw her parents." Sana told to Soyeon.

"We understand." Soyeon said and wandered her eyes for checking.

"Nayeon, listen up. Let's just accept it for the mean time. You can't just make assumptions." Jihyo said.

"Excuse me? I don't need to. It's obvious!"

"Nayeon!" All shut up when Y/N growled the latter's name.

"Can't you stop? You're being pathetic! Look, you got your brain on you. Your gift is to make a precise statement and plan yet you're not doing it just because of your family issues! How can you sure it's not the royals? They saw them. And you're just bluffing them just to empathize but not even using your power!"

"Y/N is right, you've been out of yourself lately. Calm yourself down, girl." Momo added.

"Tch- whatever! I'm out of this!" Nayeon huffed and walked away.

Jeongyeon was about to follow her but Y/N stop her.

"I'll talk to her."

"Wha- Are you sure?" Jeongyeon asked as she knows Nayeon wonderful listen to Y/N.

"Yeah. We'll be back after." Y/N assured and followed the girl.

While Y/N and Nayeon is out of the picture. The attention came back to the new comers.

"Jihyo, there's possibility that it's really our parents they saw. And we can assume that they are already under the creator's spell. Maybe the creator doesn't want to show up on them." Mina said.

"Yeah, that make sense."-Jennie.

"Soyeon, what else do you find out?" Jihyo asked.

"Nothing more. When me and the officers found out about that, we said it to some people that we know can help. But sadly we can't tell it to everyone. It would be very suspicious. We had no choice but to leave some lives behind." Soyeon said.

"We understand. Now we just need to get on the plan."- Eunbi

"What plan?"

"Empowering each other and getting into the creator's hideout. We need to end what it has to be ended."

Meanwhile, Y/N followed Nayeon. She doesn't know where the latter will be going until they arrived at the place where their car is. Also where Nayeon's mother is.

"Nayeon, wait!" Y/N chased and tried to hold on Nayeon's arm to stop her.

"Shut up! Go back there!" Nayeon exclaimed and shoved her hand.

Before she could know, she's already crying and Y/N noticed it.


"G-go back there! You're just like the others. You don't believe me!"

"I do! Nayeon, I do believe you." Y/N said.

"You don't! You just made me feel like a fool when we are there! I hate it, Y/N! I am a daughter of the first kingdom. The king who leads the entire royals. I can't be small by others!"

Y/N halted back in surprise. She didn't expect the pressure that Nayeon has been carrying.

"I- I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm sorry."

"Oh sure you do? You just messed me up!"

"Look, I didn't mean that. But it has to be said. Nayeon, we can't just let our emotion drive us."

"You're saying that because you  have nothing to lose!"

On that point, Y/N's feeling crushed and it made more hurtful because of her feelings to the latter.

The silence ate them and Nayeon could tell where she went out.

"I know... I know I have nothing to lose now. My mom, sister, Jieun and the family that accepted me. They all gone. My dad... he needs to be gone. That's why I want this all to be in touch. Because I don't want to lose anyone again. Not in our team, not in our group. Can't you appreciate that, huh Nayeon?"

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