-35. First Task

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Jihyo's PoV

It's been three days after that weird and undefined experience. Everything went back like nothing just happened, the school didn't announce it but they made sure that everyone is safe and sounds. It's like they are protecting us by restricting us.


I run out of the room as I heard Tzuyu yelled from our leisure place.

"What!? What happened?!"

"It's back! My power is back!?" She said and blast the room with ice.

I ducked as some ice particles are about to hit me.

"Hey! You nearly hit me!"

"But I'm not." She laughs as she jumped off the couch.

"Let's go, We need to get into school. Hah! Nayeon will pay off her three days bullying me." Tzuyu said and went out of the room.

While Tzuyu was powerless, Nayeon was confident to tease and mock Tzuyu. Now, her day has come.

"Hey, it's been three days... Jieun and Y/N are still out cold," Jeongyeon whispered as she came out of her room.

"Really? What happened? I've been wanting to ask that since that day." I said.

I mean, no one really can't remember it clearly. Jieun says they didn't know either how we got on that place, but what weird is when we came back, Y/N and Jieun didn't talk. Y/N didn't even attend classes with Mrs. Lee.

"She's here," Jeongyeon whispered as the door of Dahyun's and Y/N's room opened and we saw Y/N.

"Thank me, guys! I asked Y/N to come to school because I know you guys miss her."

"Not me," Nayeon said and passed through us.

"Ugh! I can sense a bad atmosphere in here, should leave first." Nayeon said as she walks ahead.

"Good morning girls," Chaeyoung said as she went out with Mina.

Of all, I think these two got the most peaceful and room. They don't have complaints with each other.

I always hear Jeongyeon complaining over Momo's mess. Dahyun's complaint on Y/N's quietness. Sana's complaining over Jieun the same thing as Dahyun's. And here I am, complaining over a so cold room... now that Tzuyu's power is back, I'll be counting on it.

"I wonder how Nayeon's room is working." I hissed.

"Good morning everyone, I'm sure you miss the fun of taking our subjects. Now that Mrs. Lee is done on subbing me, I'll be back along with our held subjects."

"Yes! Finally! What are we going to do now? Practice match?!" Momo asked excitingly.

"Chill out Hirai. What are you doing to do now is a team effort? Since you got a chance to rest for three days, I hope you made out the last of it. So I'll be grouping you...Give me a minute."

"Okay so what we are going to do is I'll be giving you a task and you need to work out on it together with your group mates"

"Wow, I didn't expect that coming. You turned down my hope, Ms. Choi." Momo said.

"Let me tell you your groups first." Ms. Choi said.

"The two leaders are Nayeon and Jihyo. Nayeon will be having, Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, Y/N, and Tzuyu on her team. Obviously, Jihyo will have the rest."

"Are we making our own study?" I asked.

"It's simple to research that you need to work on. One is about the living of the Intellectuals and one is taking the history of the Creator. Your choice what study you want to have. I want you to interact and at least avoid the help of the internet."

"Great, so whoever will get the creator as their topic needs to interview the creator?" Dahyun asked.

"Uh... Dahyun we have a library." I said and look at her frowning.

"Okay, we'll manage the Intellectual program students," Nayeon said.

"Guess we have no choice." I sighed.

Nayeon's PoV

Leader, ugh! Of all the responsibilities, this is what I really don't like. I hate to admit it but... I suck when it comes to leading!

But ok, I am Im Nayeon. My confidence is the key to our successful task.

I breathed deeply and faced them confidently.

If they saw that I am confident, then they will trust me.

"You guys should just move if I say so. Talk if I say so and help if I say so." I said as we are now having a meeting.

"Not because you are the leader means you should always tell us what to do. Things can be easily be done if you'll let us talk too, you know?" Y/N said.

"Uhuh, I expected this already Shin. But to say, we can finish before the given time if you'll follow me."

"Is that what your potential tells you? Well, we are not interested."-Tzuyu.

"Guys listen up, this is for us. Except on Y/N and Chaeyoung, we need to catch up. Remember we lost in the first practice?" Jeongyeon said.

"Don't worry, you got me," Chaeyoung said.

"Cool, let's do it later, at lunch," I said.

"Uhm...guys? You sure we are welcome here?" Tzuyu asked as we got to the boundary of the intellectual program.

It's already lunchtime and just like what we plan, we made it here. But we didn't expect that their welcome is more... weirder than the other students from our program.

"I told you, we should have changed our uniform first. I have some in my closet." Chaeyoung whispers.

I just sighed and looked around but I immediately stopped as I saw Y/N talking to some students casually.

"What the fuck-"

The students who she's talking to looked at us. Not so long they shake their hands and Y/N walks back to us.

"They don't want us here," Y/N said.

"What? Excuse me, this place is literally made my fath-"

"Unless we accept their challenge."


"Are you crazy!? We might kill them!" Chaeyoung said.

"Or they might kill us...." Jeongyeon said as her eyes are fixed on the group that Y/N talked to.

They are with their weapons... modified weapons.

"I do believe that you guys already know the bloodless fight. We want to use them in our task, might as well follow their rules." Y/N said.

I was a bit shocked as she mentioned the 'bloodless' thing. Only royalties know that. So when I looked at Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, they are also surprised.

Seriously... what's with you, Shin Y/N?

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