75. A Gift

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Jihyo's PoV

I just finished having a practice with Nayeon when I decided to go back inside the house. Since Nayeon is no where to find also. The others are in their rooms.

I'm on my way to the basement to talk to Jennie about our plans when I saw Y/N who's holding something. The way she holds it, I can tell it's important.

"Hey Y/N, sup?"

She stopped and looked at me with unaware look.

"Oh, Jihyo. Doing great... have you seen Jennie?" She asked.

I frowned and walk closer to her. Then, I get to see the thing she's holding.

It look at me and in my surprise It's a bird that have two different eye colors.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"Uhm, somewhere. Jeongyeon and I revived her."


"She looks like a girl."


I just nod as I found it weird. Well, it will be more weird if she'll name it. A creator's child named Y/N will do that? I doubt.

"Uh anyway, why are you looking for Jennie?"

"This bird can't fly. Jeongyeon suggest if we can ask it on Jennie. Maybe she knows about this."


"I'll go now." She said and turn back her attention on that bird.

I looked back as I decided to walk with her. Since I'll be going to Jennie to, so why not?

"Hey, wait." I said as I run to her.

"I'm looking for Jennie too. She's in the basement the last time I checked." I said.

"Oh, cool." She said and we continued to walk.

"Don't you think her eyes are pretty?" Y/N asked which made me snapped.

She's looking at the bird as she looks at me too.


"Those eyes, it's cool. Jeongyeon said the birds probably can't live here. She's been seeing dead birds on the yard. And then, she decided to give them a nice burial. Well, we need to take it back for some experiment. Then I have this one." She said as she lifts her hands lightly where the bird is.

"I see you got plans on taking care of it."

"Probably." She sighed.

We arrived at the basement and obviously we saw Jennie with her things. She seems busy.

"Jennie, can we have you for a moment?" I asked.

She looked at us and nodded.

"What is it?" She asked as she took off her gloves.

"Ah, Y/N, You'll go first." I said.

"This bird, she can't fly." Y/N said which set an awkward silence in the place.

"Uh what she mean is... she saw this bird and something rare with it. Jeongyeon maybe able to scanned this but didn't see any problem."

"Yeah, so I assume you know why." Y/N said.

Jennie looked at me and I know that look.

"Okay, first. I don't know. You better bring it back where you saw that. Jihyo just right time, I need you for a talk." Jennie said.


"Y/N, bring back where you get that." Jennie said as she cuts off Y/N.

Y/N sighed as she left the basement.

"You don't have to be that hard. She clearly want to keep it." I chuckled.

"Uhuh, birds or any living thing should have their own life. Well anyway, forget about it. I need your help."


"Actually, Irene and Granny went in the forest for her training. We are running out of supplies. We can just rely on the foods that we can see in here but those are limited. Also, Granny won't like that. I want you to get someone in the team."


"Go out to get some supplies. I can't leave this place because I need to wait on Irene and granny. Is that fine?"

"Of course. But, how?"

"Get someone then I'll tell what you need to bring. I'll send you with protections so don't worry." She said.

I nodded and left the basement first. As I walk upstairs, I saw Y/N leaning on the wall and still on that bird.

"You're still here."

"Yeah, I want to convince Jennie if I c-"

"Y/N, Jennie said it. Bring that back." I said.

I heard she hissed as her shoulder dropped down.

"Fine. What happened anyway?" She asked.

"Need to grab supplies outside this place. We are running out of it."

"Really? Can I come?"

I blinked and think of it. Well, Y/N has more chance to protect herself. If Jennie wants me to bring a mate, it would be good if I will bring just one. So we can move without the enemies knowing it.

"Yeah, well I guess you're a good choice."

"Today?" She asked.

"Tomorrow, Jennie wants to give something else first." I said.

"And please, take it back. Jennie said that it should live freely." I said as I point on the bird that stills in her palm.

"Uhm... okay?"

"Alright, gonna tell you the information. Bye."

Third Person

After Y/N had a talk with Jihyo. She decided to head in her room first. She saw Dahyun resting so she didn't bother to wake her up.

Y/N sat on her bed as she put the bird down.

"I guess I need to bring you back. But where?"

/knock knock/

Y/N looked at the door as she thinks who could it be. She gets the bird again and walks in the door to open it.

"Jeongyeon, what is it?" Y/N asked as she saw Jeongyeon.

She went out the room so she won't wake Dahyun.

"I went to Jennie and she said you left with the bird."

"Yeah, she wants me to bring this back." Y/N said.

"What? Why?"

Y/N shrugs as she played her finger with the bird.

"I'm thinking where I'm going to put her back. Also, she can't fly." Y/N said.

"Aw, that's sad. I even got you a cage so you could put that bird in here." Jeongyeon said and show up a small cage for the bird.

"Well, maybe I can still keep it until I know where to bring her back. Right?" Y/N asked.

Jeongyeon chuckled and handed the cage on Y/N.

"Yeah, I'll keep it as secret."

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