112. Guilt?

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Third Person

Jeongyeon left Nayeon after that talk. Nayeon just stood there as she process what Jeongyeon said.

She walks to their room and saw the other royalties, also Jeongyeon.

Nayeon just sat like nothing happened and not too long, the class started.

"Ms. Shin is not around?" The teacher asked.

Nayeon drops her look on the chair where Y/N is sitting to find out that it's empty.

"She's just probably late." Jeongyeon said.

"Well that's not good either. Ms. Park, be countable with your classmates. Tardiness is not what we practice."

"Yes, Miss. I'll tell her."

The class started as smooth as a normal class. Everyone is in their own focus of listening to the class. Until the first subject ended.

"Well... that's all for this subject. Wait for your next teacher. Ms. Park, tell Ms. Shin to come to my office if she comes. I'll be waiting on her later at lunch."

"Yes, miss."

The subject teacher left having them a free time to talk for a while. Jihyo sighed and walk to Dahyun's chair.

"Hey, didn't you and Y/N went home together?" Jihyo asked.

"Uh... yeah? But she's not in the house when I woke up."

"She slept in your house?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yeah, the boys are sleeping when we arrived so I offered them to stay. When I woke up the boys are not there, also Y/N. I assumed they left early... Y/N doesn't have clothes in our house." Dahyun shrugs.

The other girls just shrugged while Jeongyeon is bothered about it, she looks at Nayeon and found the same reaction.

"Girls, settle down. The class will start." The teacher said as he walks in.

Without any choice, they continued the class without Y/N. Second, third and last subject before the lunch time approached but Y/N is nowhere around.

"She's probably absent." Jeongyeon mumbled.

They all walk in the cafeteria to take their lunch and spent it there. Nayeon is still in silence which is new to everyone. She doesn't even had a single word as she came in the room.

"Nayeon, are you well?" Momo asked.

"Well this shows Nayeon is just loud when Y/N is around." Tzuyu blunts.

Nayeon glared and Tzuyu and just rolled her eyes.

"I wonder why Y/N didn't come to school today." Sana said.

"I can't blame her, she's not the kind of person who sleeps in the school so she decided to do it in their home." Chaeyoung said.

"Which is something you should also do." Mina said which made them laugh.

"Aigoo, I actually have a better plan now with Y/N. Why she have to be absent today." Dahyun whined.

Suddenly, Nayeon remember about the gift that her father asked her to give on Y/N.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom." Nayeon said and left them.

The others were left confused because of Nayeon. Meanwhile, Nayeon went to the bathroom and just stayed there until she wants to. Jeongyeon's word keeps on repeating as if it won't stop haunting her.


Nayeon snapped as someone called her outside the cubicle. She eventually realized who is it, It's Mina.

She sighed and walk out looking unbothered.


"Are you okay?" Mina asked.

"Of course. I'm just... not in the mood." Nayeon said and walked on the counter to wash her hands.

"Is this about what Jeongyeon told you?" Mina said which made Nayeon stops and look at Mina's reflection through the mirror.

"If that information came to Chaeyoung or Jihyo, don't believe them."

"I saw you and Jeongyeon a while ago outside the school. You don't know but, I actually asked Jeongyeon as she came in the room."

Nayeon sighed and nodded. She dried her hand and leaned on the counter.

"She also asked me if I could work on it."

"Tch, then do it. She's always right anyway." Nayeon said and about to go but,

"Is that fine for you?" Mina asked.

Nayeon stops and didn't reply right away.

"I know Jeongyeon is right. That Y/N deserves to be free on that love potion. She may not showing the same affection before, that feeling will still be there." Mina said.

"I'm asking you because I also want you to get ready. We all know you and Y/N don't go well even from the start. But when you used that, she became nice to you. I just don't want you to feel surprise if she'll treat back then how you treat her also."

Nayeon scoffs as she clenches her fist. Her mind definitely say she doesn't care but something is stopping her. And she knows that will pull her selfishness card.

"Fine, do whatever you want." Nayeon said and walked away.

Instead of going back to the cafeteria, she walks back to their classroom and get the gift that she kept on her bag. She walk out again and go to the locker room.

Shin Y/N

For someone who knows how math works, do some possibilities, and precise calculations, opening a lock by code is easy for Nayeon. She just put the right numbers and opened it successfully.

She put the box on the locker and locked it again.

The girls went back to their classes as soon as their lunch time ended.

"I see Y/N is not the only one who didn't come to school. I went to Gino and Gian but their teacher said they didn't come to school either." Jihyo said.

"Is there something going on? Maybe we should go to Y/N after class." Jeongyeon said and looked at the others as if waiting for their responses.

"I actually need to see Jennie and Irene later after class." Jihyo said.

"Uhm... actually Momo and I have some business too after this class." Sana said.

"Ah, it's fine. Y/N won't be happy to see us all in their house. Jeongyeon, let's go together." Dahyun said.

"Cool!" Jeongyeon said then looked at Mina.

"How about you, Mina? You have something to say to Y/N, right?" Jeongyeon asked then looked at Nayeon.

As Nayeon and Jeongyeon had an eyes contact, Nayeon immediately look away.

"Ah, yeah. I'll go with you."

"Oh? I'll go then too!" Chaeyoung butted in.

"That's good, just tell Y/N to have a proper excuse for tomorrow. I'm sure she'll be needing one." Jihyo said.

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